The Brutalist Report - phys
- First robot leg with 'artificial muscles' jumps nimbly: Study [178d]
- Researcher examines model to foster just and equitable youth engagement in residential facilities [178d]
- How a failed switch won the Nobel Prize [178d]
- Pausing biological clock could give boost to lab-produced blood stem cells [178d]
- Social media negatively impacting teens' life satisfaction, finds Australian survey [178d]
- It's not just hot air: Improved air quality model aids forecasters in the field [178d]
- Strolling around a Singapore town: What makes a neighborhood ideal for walking? [178d]
- Sweeping global study charts a path forward for climate-resilient agriculture [178d]
- Australian research examines money laundering and harm from organized crime [178d]
- With the right plants, wetlands can recover, says researcher [178d]
- Chemical chameleon reveals novel pathway for separating rare-earth metals [178d]
- AI boosts indoor food production's energy sustainability [178d]
- Archaeologists challenge theory of violent Steppe invasion in Iberia Peninsula [178d]
- Formation of super-Earths proven limited near metal-poor stars [178d]
- With AI, extreme microbe reveals how life's building blocks adapt to high pressure [178d]
- U.S. lakes in communities of color are monitored less for water quality [178d]
- Wildfires tear through western US during heat wave [178d]
- Genetic analysis reveals new giant fanged frog species in Philippines that is nearly identical to even larger species [178d]
- Unraveling the fundamental principles of eutectic solidification with real-time, nanoscale imaging [178d]
- Charcoal, ashes and coprolites: Latest findings shed light on the Neanderthals at Prado Vargas [178d]
- Open-source software helps streamline 2D materials research with scanning tunneling microscope automation [178d]
- Mathematical modeling explores the statistical mysteries of successfully scheduling a meeting [178d]
- Social media interviews uncover New Yorkers' frustrations with high energy costs and reliability [178d]
- Belief in academic ability key factor in academic success for low-income students [178d]
- Fluctuating hydrodynamics theory could describe chaotic many-body systems, study suggests [178d]
- Study sheds light on CO₂ absorption mechanism of cement-based materials [178d]
- Most detailed study yet of seismic activity links fault strength to likelihood of large earthquakes [178d]
- Pluto mission: South African astronomers join forces with NASA to learn more about the dwarf planet [178d]
- During the pandemic, employers who fostered 'collective engagement' had less employee turnover [178d]
- Sexual violence in South Africa: Women share their stories about the dangers of commuting on minibus taxis [178d]
- Evaluating own-price dynamics in taxing environmental externalities [178d]
- Air pollution exposure in infancy may limit economic mobility in adulthood [178d]
- Global study shows that most cities receive more rainfall than surrounding rural areas [178d]
- Iron was life's 'primeval' metal, say scientists [178d]
- Psychology study offers messaging roadmap for changing attitudes on environmental issues and policies [178d]
- Cattle grazing by Maasai not harmful to national park, research argues [178d]
- Rating agencies and Africa: The absence of people on the ground contributes to bias against the continent [178d]
- US statewide bans on plastic bags reduced beach pollution: Analysis [178d]
- Separating viruses from saliva with sound waves for therapeutic studies [178d]
- Green hydrogen: MXenes show talent as catalyst for oxygen evolution reaction [178d]
- Large theropod dinosaurs thrived near South Pole, Australian tracks show [178d]
- Silver nanoparticles and a new sensing method can fight back against antibiotic-resistant biofilms [178d]
- Researchers reveal performance boost mechanism in single-atom catalyst for oxygen evolution reaction [178d]
- AI system identifies elephant trumpeting calls to improve safety for villagers [178d]
- Legislation to protect fish in Brazil could have opposite effect [178d]
- The case for adding iron to the ocean for carbon dioxide removal [178d]
- Like a diamond in the sky: How to spot NASA's solar sail demo in orbit [178d]
- New research sinks old theory for the doldrums, a low-wind equatorial region that stranded sailors for centuries [178d]
- Farming at the edges of nature reserves is helping exotic species invade New Zealand, finds study [178d]
- Zeolite catalyst method use microwaves to convert waste cooking oil into useful chemicals [178d]
- New fusion reactions could lead to long-lasting superheavy nuclei with unique properties [178d]
- Could alternative meat meet a growing demand? [178d]
- Could comets have delivered the building blocks of life to ocean worlds like Europa, Enceladus and Titan? [178d]
- Artemis III landing sites identified using mapping and algorithm techniques [178d]
- How much do vegan diets improve the health of dogs? [178d]
- The challenge of LGBTQI+ inclusion at Big Four firms [178d]
- Diet change for more sustainable finfish aquaculture [178d]
- Growing key biomethane crop on peat emits three times more CO₂ than using natural gas, finds study [178d]
- Three new ancestors added to Tasmanian tiger's storyline [178d]
- Effort to improve wintertime air quality in Fairbanks, Alaska, may not be as effective as intended [178d]
- Pesticides in combination can have unexpected effects on the development of honeybees [178d]
- Digitally cataloging archived plant specimens can transform conservation efforts [178d]
- X-rays from atomic systems could reveal new clues about rival quantum theories [178d]
- Volunteers track Parisian pollution with the help of tree bark [178d]
- Crown-of-thorns starfish thrive in degraded coral habitats [178d]
- Video: Cluster reentry explained—world's first targeted reentry [178d]
- ATLAS probes Higgs interaction with the heaviest quarks [178d]
- Electrically modulated light antenna points the way to faster computer chips [178d]
- New mass spectrometry technology could transform tiny sample analysis [178d]
- Biomolecules inside living cells can now be seen with infrared light thanks to new method [178d]
- Scientists prove long-standing wave amplification theory [178d]
- NASA scientific balloon takes flight with student-built payloads [178d]
- How Front Range cow waste and car exhaust are hurting Rocky Mountain National Park's ecosystem [178d]
- From challenge to champion: How Black and Asian women overcome barriers to career success [178d]
- Found dead in the snow: How microbes can help pinpoint time of death for forensic investigations in frigid conditions [178d]
- Neutral news sources could exploit today's polarized mediascape to boost revenue—why they may choose not to [178d]
- Opinion: Planning smart and sustainable cities should not result in exclusive garden utopias for the rich [178d]
- Viewpoint: The hobbling of the B.C. forestry policing service sets a troubling precedent [178d]
- How well are NZ companies reporting their climate impacts? A new tracker shows very mixed results [178d]
- Murdoch to Musk: How global media power has shifted from the moguls to the big tech bros [178d]
- The amazing flowers growing in pavement cracks and why you shouldn't pass them by [178d]
- Surf therapy connects people to water—ocean health depends on this 'blue attunement' [178d]
- Hubble and Chandra find supermassive black hole duo [178d]
- Theoretical model for multisite alloy catalyst design quantifies active site contributions [178d]
- Uncovering the unique roles of Exportin-5 in RNA export within Drosophila cells [178d]
- Greenpeace sounds alarm on microplastics ingested by Hong Kong wildlife [178d]
- Scientists learn how to drug wily class of disease-causing enzymes [178d]
- Extreme weather to strengthen rapidly over next two decades, research suggests [178d]
- Video evidence: Japanese eels escape from their predator's stomach [178d]
- This year's $890,000 Balzan Prizes awarded for research on aging, restorative justice, climate crisis [178d]
- Researchers examine protein arrangement in cell membrane that triggers programmed cell death [178d]
- References to ancient Britain linked to hostility online [178d]
- Did dwarf planet Ceres originate in the asteroid belt? [178d]
- Why do materials get stronger when they are deformed? Research sheds light on universal mechanisms of work hardening [178d]
- Glitch in protein synthesis could affect tumor growth [178d]
- Sharks are abandoning stressed coral reefs in warming oceans, study finds [178d]
- Research team achieves high-resolution 2D imaging for graphene devices under high pressure [178d]
- If Colorado voters ban mountain lion hunting, would the feline's population explode or stabilize on its own? [178d]
- Pay-by-weight airfares are an ethical minefield; we asked travelers what they actually think [178d]
- Archaeologists discover a likely place for Neanderthal and Homo sapiens interbreeding [178d]
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