The Brutalist Report
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Climate change could bring more severe bacterial infections, including in corals
DNA engineered to mimic biological catch bonds
Insect fossil find 'extremely rare'
Unveiling a century of stress and deformation: Insights from Kilauea Volcano's 1975 earthquake
Pregnancy enhances natural immunity to block severe flu
Deep-sea marvels: How anglerfish defy evolutionary expectations
Trials and tribulations of cell therapy for heart failure, an update on ongoing trials
Accelerating climate modeling with generative AI
Even low levels of arsenic in drinking water raise kidney cancer risk
How a middle schooler found a new compound in a piece of goose poop
Feeding grazing cattle seaweed cuts methane emissions by almost 40%
Animal products improve child nutrition in Africa
Dynamics of structural transformation for liquid crystalline blue phases
Hidden fat predicts Alzheimer's 20 years ahead of symptoms
Cosmetic dermatology in the digital age
New laser technique achieves atomic-scale precision on diamond surfaces
New 3D printing approach means better biomedical, energy, robotics devices
Innovative robot navigation inspired by brain function boosts efficiency and accuracy
Bendable electronic parts heat up by themselves like 'heat pack' and lower the manufacturing temperature barrier
Artificial photosynthesis learned from nature: Successfully developed new solar hydrogen production technology
Warming temperatures may shrink wetland carbon sinks
Deadly diets driving digestive diseases
Higher ratio of plant protein to animal protein may improve heart health
In 'world's bonobo stronghold' rangers and pristine forest sustain a stable population
Digital Twins of the Earth is a misleading term as computer models are always a simplified representation of reality
Cooperative motion by atoms protects glass from fracturing
Unlocking the potential of nickel: New study reveals how to use single atoms to turn CO2 into valuable chemical resources
Clay minerals: Researchers observe for the first time how sediment particles align during deposition
Study may reverse century-old understanding of the shape of 'arms' on mammals' brain cells
To build better fiber optic cables, ask a clam
How artificial intelligence could automate genomics research
Researchers demonstrate self-assembling electronics
Evidence of primordial black holes may be hiding in planets, or even everyday objects here on Earth
Newfound mechanism may explain why some cancer treatments boost risk of heart disease
'Spooky action' at a very short distance: Scientists map out quantum entanglement in protons
All people are unique -- also in the gut
Critical relationship between stem cells and mechanical signals unveiled
Ultrafast dissociation of molecules studied at BESSY II
Revisiting vitamin D guidelines
Temporary tattoo printed directly on the scalp offers easy, hair-friendly solution for measuring brainwaves
Ketone bodies: More than energy, they are powerful signaling metabolites that clean up damaged proteins
Common heart drug may slow progression of Huntington's disease
Researchers deal a blow to theory that Venus once had liquid water on its surface
Mouse study captures aging process at the cellular level
Enterococcus helps E. coli 'armor up' in dog, poultry co-infections
Physics experiment proves patterns in chaos in peculiar quantum realm
Photonic processor could enable ultrafast AI computations with extreme energy efficiency
Smallest walking robot makes microscale measurements
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