The Brutalist Report - science
- No new articles in the last 24 hours.
- Chile museum to return Easter Island 'head' [1116d]
- A study uncovers the 'grammar' behind human gene regulation [1116d]
- Researchers use magnetic systems to artificially reproduce the learning and forgetting functions of the brain [1116d]
- Beetles in climate change [1116d]
- Would micro-ecology be damaged by a plastic film that kills a harmful soil insect? [1116d]
- Study shows journalists tend to temper—not exaggerate—scientific claims [1116d]
- Government guidelines insufficient to protect freshwater ecosystem from salt pollution [1117d]
- Accelerating melt rate makes Greenland Ice Sheet world's largest 'dam' [1117d]
- Sequencing puts carnivore chromosomes in context [1117d]
- Molecule snapshot by explosion [1117d]
- Balkanatolia: The forgotten continent that sheds light on the evolution of mammals [1117d]
- Gaza construction workers find 31 Roman-era tombs [1117d]
- Mount Etna roars again, sends up towering volcanic ash cloud [1117d]
- Rare hammerhead sharks found in Australian waters [1117d]
- Physicists harness electrons to make 'synthetic dimensions' [1117d]
- Paper shows regional public universities make local economies more resilient [1117d]
- Pine needles tell the story of PFAS in North Carolina [1117d]
- Examining the deterrence effect of whistleblowing [1117d]
- Face masks found to impair nonverbal communication between individuals [1117d]
- The formation of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet was very different than previously believed [1117d]
- Using 4-D X-ray computer microtomography to observe high-temperature electrochemistry [1117d]
- Common scaling of strange-metal scattering in unconventional superconductors [1117d]
- COP27 will turn attention to climate justice for poor nations [1117d]
- A "hot Jupiter's" dark side is revealed in detail for first time [1117d]
- Lake Michigan ice coverage may be nearing its peak as lake levels continue to drop [1117d]
- Bacteria upcycle carbon waste into valuable chemicals [1117d]
- New material offers remarkable combo of toughness and stretchiness [1117d]
- Newly developed radio-labeled molecule enables real-time imaging of innate immune activity [1117d]
- 'Light of a million suns' key to unlocking secrets of healthier and safer rice [1117d]
- How to look thousands of kilometers deep into the Earth [1117d]
- New species of spinosaurid dinosaur discovered in Portugal [1117d]
- Scientists discover quantum phase transition in pressurized cuprate superconductors [1117d]
- Trade-offs exist in hydraulic and mechanical traits of plants in Chinese savanna [1117d]
- Snow depth trends revealed from CMIP6 models conflict with observations [1117d]
- Satellite laser altimetry helps monitor global lake water changes in early 21st century [1117d]
- High sensitive detector developed for nitrogen dioxide detection [1117d]
- Analysis of social media and attitudes to eco-friendly consumer choices in India [1117d]
- Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune: Why our next visit to the giant planets will be so important, and just as difficult [1117d]
- A colossal flare erupted from the far side of the sun [1117d]
- DNA clues to long-term recovery of mining site vegetation [1117d]
- SpaceX set to launch another batch of Starlink satellites [1117d]
- Fossil fuels, renewable energy, and electric vehicles [1117d]
- Drilling of oldest ice on Earth underway [1117d]
- Study reveals how sulfate-reducing bacteria respond to biocides [1117d]
- Persian-Swedish bilingual students read and write better in Swedish [1117d]
- Why natural killer cells react to COVID-19 [1117d]
- Moths and bats have been in an evolutionary battle for millions of years, and we're still uncovering their tricks [1117d]
- The secret ultraviolet colors of sunflowers attract pollinators and preserve water [1117d]
- Sex chromosomes of birds as reservoir for jumping genes [1117d]
- Birch trees remove microplastics from the soil [1117d]
- Consistent guidance needed during euthanasia of stranded cetaceans [1117d]
- Metal mix and match: An unexpected discovery could improve the crystallinity of coordination nanosheets [1117d]
- Mechanical metamaterials: Toughness and design criteria [1117d]
- Digging into the finer details of retired cranberry bog restorations [1117d]
- One-third of Canadian seniors who rent or pay a mortgage are struggling to pay their bills [1117d]
- New giant radio galaxy detected [1117d]
- China denies making space junk set to crash into Moon [1117d]
- Spatial organization of transcribed eukaryotic genes [1117d]
- Webb Telescope might be able to detect other civilizations by their air pollution [1117d]
- Determining outcomes of on-farm best practices [1117d]
- Blueprint for proteins: How mRNA gets its final shape [1117d]
- Research suggests male birds have stronger immune system than females [1117d]
- Improving the robustness of engineered bacteria to nutrient stress [1117d]
- Image: Getting I-HAB ready for lunar orbit [1117d]
- African wild dogs have a feeding queue. Why it makes sense [1117d]
- More accurately capturing data on crime using surveys [1117d]
- Low-input, drought-tolerant guar crop could improve wheat production [1117d]
- Early trauma affects an elephant's ability to assess threat from lions [1117d]
- How young Nigerians' distrust of political leaders fuels COVID misinformation [1117d]
- Calling the coronavirus the 'Chinese virus' matters. Research connects the label with racist bias [1117d]
- The story of how Swahili became Africa's most spoken language [1117d]
- Remaking history: Hand-making 400-year-old corset designs leads to understanding of how they impacted women [1117d]
- 350-year-old remains found in a Stone Age site in Portugal [1117d]
- Camera trap surveys provide new insights into two threatened Annamite endemics in Viet Nam and Laos [1117d]
- 'We get the raw deal out of almost everything': A quarter of young Australians are pessimistic about having kids [1117d]
- Domestic visitors to Hawai'i want to engage, pay more for sustainable experiences [1117d]
- New photos show a black hole blasting out powerful winds [1117d]
- Treating intractable diarrhea in calves and improving intestinal microflora [1117d]
- Researchers take closer look at stimulated Brillouin scattering [1117d]
- Why Storm Eunice was so severe, and will violent wind storms become more common? [1117d]
- Image: The galactic center in radio from MeerKAT [1117d]
- Charge separation imaging on the surfaces of titanium dioxide photoelectrocatalytic nanotubes [1117d]
- Viagra promising as treatment for dogs with often fatal eating disorder [1117d]
- Peace has led to more deforestation in Colombia [1117d]
- Fluidic device finds novel way to make oil and water attract [1117d]
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