The Brutalist Report - science
- Do pets have a positive effect on your brain health? [1114d]
- Touch sensitive brain cells controlled by micromagnets [1114d]
- Low-meat and meat-free diets associated with lower overall cancer risk [1114d]
- Automation is fueling increasing mortality among U.S. adults, study finds [1115d]
- Brazilian babies born with Zika virus syndrome at greater risk of death in first three years of life than those born without [1115d]
- Factors that shaped the massive Cauca River Canyon in the tropical Andes [1115d]
- New 'cocktail' drug could benefit up to 45 per cent of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy [1115d]
- Having a poor score on a simple memory test may be linked to Alzheimer’s biomarkers [1115d]
- Navigation tools could be pointing drivers to the shortest route — but not the safest [1115d]
- High CAC, high cholesterol increase heart attack/stroke risk, cardiologists find [1115d]
- A cellular stress state predicts a poor chemotherapy response in ovarian cancer patients [1115d]
- Older Japanese dog owners may face lower risk of disability than non-dog owners, study finds [1115d]
- Water filtration membranes morph like cells [1115d]
- Cosmic flashes pinpointed to a surprising location in space [1115d]
- Blood pressure rose during the pandemic, study finds [1115d]
- Colossal black holes locked in dance at heart of galaxy [1115d]
- Researchers feed worms a natural plant extract; watch them fatten, live 40% longer [1115d]
- New artificial intelligence tool detects often overlooked heart diseases [1115d]
- How well do boosters work? Depends on your genes [1115d]
- Pioneering simulations focus on HIV-1 virus [1115d]
- New power sources [1115d]
- Discovery of a new ALS and dementia disease mechanism raises treatment hopes [1115d]
- Extreme heat linked to increase in mental health emergency care [1115d]
- Smelly ocelot habitats may scare off seed-dispersing rodents [1115d]
- Upcycling plastic waste into more valuable materials could make recycling pay for itself [1115d]
- Predicting the chaos in Tourette syndrome tics [1115d]
- Researchers identify a promising drug for treating serious COVID-19 complication in children [1115d]
- A Minecraft build can be used to teach almost any subject [1115d]
- How some gut microbes awaken 'zombie' viruses in their neighbors [1115d]
- Risks of using AI to grow our food are substantial and must not be ignored, warn researchers [1115d]
- Sensor breakthrough paves way for groundbreaking map of world under Earth surface [1115d]
- The last day of the dinosaurs [1115d]
- Fate of the dinosaurs sealed in spring [1115d]
- Global warming is amplifying our water cycle – and it’s happening much faster than we expected [1115d]
- Physicists observe an exotic 'multiferroic' state in an atomically thin material [1115d]
- Patients with rare skin cancer face 40% recurrence rate [1115d]
- Ancient DNA reveals surprises about how early Africans lived, traveled and interacted [1115d]
- Mouse study may help doctors choose treatments for leukemia patients [1115d]
- Being near pollinator habitat linked to larger soybean size [1115d]
- ‘Super pest’ Colorado potato beetle has the genetic resources to sidestep our attacks [1115d]
- Likelihood of extreme autumn fire weather has increased 40 percent, modeling shows [1115d]
- Bringing out the best in wild birds on farms [1115d]
- Diet, malaria and substance use linked to Pacific preterm births [1115d]
- Basis for next-gen bioprocesses [1115d]
- Agriculture: Global cropland could be almost halved [1115d]
- Astronomers map mysterious element in space [1115d]
- Eating disorders linked to diabetic eye issues [1115d]
- Gene allowing humans to feel touch may play a role in sense of smell [1115d]
- Possible driver of Parkinson’s disease [1115d]
- More adults are falling every year, despite prevention efforts [1115d]
- 'E-nose' could someday diagnose Parkinson's disease by 'smelling' skin [1115d]
- Galaxy collision creates 'space triangle' in new Hubble image [1115d]
- 'Tatooine-like' exoplanet spotted by ground-based telescope [1115d]
- Smoking before and after conception is linked to delayed embryonic development [1115d]
- Scientists develop long lasting anti-fogging coating for plastic surfaces that 'self-cleans' [1115d]
- Monitoring breast milk for PFAS [1115d]
- Neural disruptions underlying feeding, swallowing disorders in children identified [1115d]
- RNA molecules control repair of human DNA in cancer cells [1115d]
- From the streets to the stratosphere: Clean driving technology enables cleaner rocket fuel [1115d]
- Detecting stressed-out polymer films, gels before they break [1115d]
- Tiny probes could sail to outer planets with the help of low-power lasers [1115d]
- Scientists greatly expand the frequencies generated by a miniature optical ruler [1115d]
- Carbon payments play a pivotal role in forest protection program [1115d]
- Scientists visualize electron crystals in a quantum superposition [1115d]
- The algebra of neurons: Study deciphers how a single nerve cell can multiply [1115d]
- COVID-19 sparked huge slump in number of research jobs [1115d]
- Upcycling plastic waste into more valuable materials could make recycling pay for itself [1115d]
- Researchers explore the factors that shaped the massive Cauca River canyon in the Tropical Andes [1115d]
- Bringing out the best in wild birds on farms [1115d]
- Eye in the sky helps scientists 'see' underground [1115d]
- How sectoral employment training can advance economic mobility for workers who face barriers to employment [1115d]
- Study explores how India and Pakistan communicate their nuclear strategies [1115d]
- New framework and online tool can promote understanding of the role of soil biota [1115d]
- Study recommends excluding and moving offshore wind farms away from the protected areas in the Mediterranean [1115d]
- Sexual harassment is reported to be common in Scottish secondary schools [1115d]
- Understanding neighborhood dynamics associated with gun violence during COVID-19 [1115d]
- Study sheds light on axion dark matter [1115d]
- Water filtration membranes morph like cells [1115d]
- 290 million new city dwellers benefit China's climate balance [1115d]
- Melting glaciers, fast-disappering gauge of climate change [1115d]
- Microscopic view on asteroid collisions could help us understand planet formation [1115d]
- Insect wingbeats will help quantify biodiversity [1115d]
- Monitoring US streams for impacts of land development and climate change [1115d]
- Ambitious conservation action sees a brighter future for mangroves and seagrass [1115d]
- Researchers discover abnormally strong light absorption in graphene [1115d]
- Like human children, great apes are inclined to learn from teaching [1115d]
- Using marine bacterium as biocatalyst in biotechnology applications [1115d]
- Avian influenza confirmed in several Florida wild bird species, state says [1115d]
- Colossal black holes locked in dance at heart of galaxy [1115d]
- Pioneering simulations focus on HIV-1 virus [1115d]
- New NOAA report finds sea level is rising fast [1115d]
- Manta rays establish shadowy presence in South Florida, as global population threatened [1115d]
- BirdLife Cyprus sees 'worrying' spike in migratory bird killings [1115d]
- Earliest evidence of ear surgery 5,300 years ago [1115d]
- Rsearchers verify relationship between rate of a nonequilibrium process and the rate at which it creates entropy [1115d]
- Researchers gain insights into Rio Tinto microbial community [1115d]
- Nearly two-thirds of Georgians support immediate action on climate, survey shows [1115d]
- Ultra-high magneto-mechanical damping in Fe-Ga single crystals [1115d]
- Fog maintains water balance of epiphytes during dry season [1115d]
- Exploring the mysterious source of fast radio bursts [1115d]
- Global warming suppresses shrub recruitment in Arctic and Tibet [1115d]
- Researchers develop large-field-of-view and high-resolution two-photon microscope [1115d]
- Dead duck divides dates for fossil finds [1115d]
- Each Antarctic tourist effectively melts 83 metric tons of snow [1115d]
- Predatory phytoplankton key to understanding ocean ecosystem [1115d]
- Doing well by doing good: How food banks help supermarkets make money [1115d]
- Being near pollinator habitat linked to larger soybean size [1115d]
- (Bio)sensing protein interactions [1115d]
- Accounting firms deliver fairer value for M&A than investment banks, study finds [1115d]
- Sensor breakthrough paves way for groundbreaking map of world under Earth surface [1115d]
- Ancient DNA reveals surprises about how early Africans lived, traveled and interacted [1115d]
- The reign of the dinosaurs ended in spring [1115d]
- Global warming is amplifying our water cycle—and it's happening much faster than we expected [1115d]
- Physicists observe an exotic 'multiferroic' state in an atomically thin material [1115d]
- What does the future of the global supply chain look like? [1115d]
- Why the cost of mitigating climate change can't be boiled down to one right number [1115d]
- Modification of tomato traits and plant hormone signaling using Target-AID for efficient nucleotide substitution [1115d]
- Observations shed more light on the properties and evolution of a recently discovered young magnetar [1115d]
- Researchers map New York State methane emissions with a mobile laboratory [1115d]
- Public engagement benefits scientists: Lessons from the initiative to bring science programs to the incarcerated [1115d]
- Opinion polls can undermine democratic elections [1115d]
- Medical breakthrough could help produce more beef [1115d]
- Optimal soil phosphorus reduces fertilizer-derived nitrous oxide emissions [1115d]
- Gas stoves might pose risks to both our planet and health [1115d]
- Nanocarrier spray: Better crops without genetic modification [1115d]
- Study redefines what information is important in quantum measurements [1115d]
- Insulated hives could protect bees from next summer's heat waves [1115d]
- Tiny probes could sail to outer planets with the help of low-power lasers [1115d]
- Probing the mysteries of deep, dense Antarctic seawater [1115d]
- Calls to share genetic data fairly and promote conservation [1115d]
- Millions of lives could be improved by tackling global tax abuse [1115d]
- How to capture satellite images in your backyard, and contribute to a snapshot of the climate crisis [1115d]
- Detailed images of a shock wave that extends for 6.5 million light years [1115d]
- Researchers find genetic 'fingerprints' of ancient migrations in modern-day United Arab Emirates [1115d]
- Astronomers map mysterious element in space [1115d]
- Guppies found to be susceptible to optical illusions [1115d]
- Colorfully detecting stressed-out polymer films, gels before they break [1115d]
- New climate risk report will help businesses assess impact of global warming [1115d]
- New book 'Origin' details peopling of the Americas via latest genetic and archaeological evidence [1115d]
- Taming the sun with computer simulations [1115d]
- Bone-degrading enzymes found in the free-living bacteria on the seabed [1115d]
- Energy poverty in the climate crisis: What Australia and the European Union can learn from each other [1115d]
- A krill aquarium, climate research and geopolitics: How Australia's $800 million Antarctic funding will be spent [1115d]
- How sport can help young people become better citizens [1115d]
- Forest bioeconomy is an essential part of mitigating and adapting to climate change [1115d]
- Stark warning from councils of rising homelessness levels in England [1115d]
- Microparticles show ability to turn in reverse, paving the way for microfluidic devices [1115d]
- Likelihood of extreme autumn fire weather has increased 40% [1115d]
- Impact of the first wave of COVID-19, nationwide lockdown and unlock on the Indian stock market [1115d]
- Effects of logging on the trade-off between seed and sprout regeneration in secondary forests [1115d]
- From the streets to the stratosphere: Clean driving technology enables cleaner rocket fuel [1115d]
- One dead, 10 feared missing in Australia floods [1115d]
- Energy sector methane emissions underreported: report [1115d]
- World must brace for more extreme wildfires: UN [1115d]
- Cyclone Emnati lashes Madagascar [1115d]
- 'Tatooine-like' exoplanet spotted by ground-based telescope [1115d]
- Study shows impact of school closures on preschool children during COVID-19 [1115d]
- Sharp drop in flower abundance caused by climate crisis will leave pollinators searching further for food [1115d]
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