The Brutalist Report - science
- Stonehenge served as an ancient solar calendar: New analysis [1108d]
- Scientists make rare discovery of a protein function universal to bacteria and humans [1108d]
- Roman Empire's emerald mines may have fallen into the hands of nomads as early as the 4th century [1108d]
- THz–fingerprint vibrational spectroscopy at an ultrafast spectral rate [1108d]
- Genome sequence of COVID in a cat nearly identical to viral sequences found in people [1108d]
- Sustainable groundwater use could be answer to Africa's water issues [1108d]
- Chemists find the surprisingly simple way mammals keep their bloodstream in balance [1108d]
- Despite workplace successes, female employment is increasingly at risk due to COVID-19, research shows [1108d]
- Researcher probes how to convert carbon dioxide into the building blocks for fuel [1108d]
- Understanding hot spot conditions reached in implosion experiments [1108d]
- Research reveals how experience with climate-related disasters affects willingness to take and accept protective actions [1108d]
- Data-driven study digs into the state of U.S. farm livelihoods [1108d]
- How one marine chemistry lab slashed their carbon footprint [1108d]
- Consuming small fish instead of farmed salmon could make seafood production more sustainable [1108d]
- NASA's NuSTAR makes illuminating discoveries with 'nuisance' light [1108d]
- Heat wave a glimpse of climate change's impact in N. America [1108d]
- New astrobiology research predicts life 'as we don't know it' [1108d]
- A not-so-solid lake ice season [1108d]
- Hyperspectral sensing and AI pave new path for monitoring soil carbon [1108d]
- Small cyberphysical watermarks could prevent huge headaches caused by fake meds [1108d]
- AI-designed protein awakens silenced genes, one by one [1108d]
- What's happening in the depths of distant worlds? [1108d]
- How small water samples can find really big animals [1108d]
- 4 ways Florida's climate change struggle informs new UN report [1108d]
- Blame game over Orange County oil spill heats up as pipeline company sues shipping firms [1108d]
- Three critical factors in the end-Permian mass extinction [1108d]
- State of the inland waters according to an author in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report [1108d]
- ICON principles underused as a natural hazards research tool [1108d]
- A simple model predicts household lead exposure risk [1108d]
- New procedure for characterizing immune cells in the lungs during clinical trials [1108d]
- Harmless or deadly? Examining the evolution of E. coli [1108d]
- Double locked: Polymer hydrogels secure confidential information [1108d]
- A rocket is going to crash into the moon: Accidental experiment on the physics of impacts in space [1108d]
- Is sustainable seabed trawling possible? A look at the evidence [1108d]
- Archeologists to scan the Great Pyramid of Giza with cosmic rays [1108d]
- NASA's plans to prevent a potential asteroid impact catastrophe explained [1108d]
- Scientists map Arctic aerosols to better understand regional warming [1108d]
- Scientists discover genetic markers for predicting seed oil quality [1108d]
- Benefits of cover crops extend to dry areas [1108d]
- Climate change is triggering global humanitarian crises [1108d]
- US climate risks are rising: A scientist looks at the dangers future generations will have to adapt to [1108d]
- Earthworms have the potential to replace use of synthetic fertilisers [1108d]
- Study could help to defend humans and crops from yeast infection [1108d]
- Tomato domestication involved agricultural societies from Peru to Mexico [1108d]
- Gene triggers male sterility in tomato plants [1108d]
- Report reveals global impact of climate change in Antarctica [1108d]
- Canberra well placed to play a role in global asteroid detection [1108d]
- Review highlights poor responses to climate adaptation and invasive species management in four countries [1108d]
- Cloth masks inferior for protection against airborne viral spread [1108d]
- Bacteria genes gave ancient plants traits to colonize land [1108d]
- Seeing below the surface of bimetallic nanoparticles [1108d]
- Crescent-shaped crater in Northeast China breaks record as largest impact crater that formed in last 100,000 years [1108d]
- The nine steps to bringing back Australia's extinct thylacine [1108d]
- No time to nap in nature [1108d]
- Ocean and extreme events: Better forecasting for a better prepared society [1108d]
- Attitudes toward genetics across 100 years of film and television [1108d]
- High-resolution satellite datasets show doubling of gross tropical forest carbon loss worldwide over past two decades [1108d]
- Discarded disposable face masks pose a threat to marine life [1108d]
- Surprising semiconductor properties revealed with innovative new method [1108d]
- Transforming our climate strategy [1108d]
- Poorer nations need $60 bn a year to protect nature: NGOs [1108d]
- How politics, not climate change, is responsible for disasters and conflict [1108d]
- Study inspects the nature of soft X-ray transient MAXI J0637−430 [1108d]
- How the Wallops Command and Data Acquisition Station prepares for GOES-T satellite launch [1108d]
- Coastal cities are sentinels for climate change. It's where our focus should be as we prepare for inevitable impacts [1108d]
- Rapidly increasing climate change poses a rising threat to mental health, says IPCC [1108d]
- How brands can tackle trolling by taking away the enabling audience [1108d]
- Did a tough environment shape the evolution of human creativity? [1108d]
- Flies, maggots and methamphetamine: How insects can reveal drugs and poisons at crime scenes [1108d]
- Tonga volcano to have smaller cooling impact on climate change than first thought [1108d]
- Green jobs and the transition to an environmentally sustainable economy [1108d]
- Half the world is facing water scarcity, floods and dirty water. Large investments are needed for effective solutions [1108d]
- Experiment on reservoir in India fails to find evidence of cosmic dawn [1108d]
- Black youth yearn for Black teachers to disrupt the daily silencing of their experiences [1108d]
- IPCC report says climate change is causing dangerous disruption to nature [1108d]
- New technique unlocks ancient history of Earth from grains of sand [1108d]
- Tiny tire particles inhibit growth of organisms in freshwater, coastal estuaries [1108d]
- New procedure to interpret X-ray emission spectra of liquid water [1108d]
- Scientists map underwater topography of more than 1.4 million lakes and reservoirs worldwide [1108d]
- Noble False Widow Spider captures bats in the attic [1108d]
- Australia tells tens of thousands to flee floods [1108d]
- Tycoons bound for ISS aren't tourists, insists space company [1108d]
- China backpedals on climate promises as economy slows [1108d]
- Climate change brings extreme, early impact to South America [1108d]
- New screening system may point the way to clean, renewable hydrogen power [1108d]
- Tyrannosaurus remains hint at two possible species distinct from T. rex [1108d]
- Digital finance doesn't reduce inequality; it perpetuates it [1108d]
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