The Brutalist Report - science
- No new articles in the last 24 hours.
- Scientists think an old rocket just hit the Moon going 5,800 mph [1104d]
- Using data and surveys of Atlantic Coast, scientists identify areas of high marine mammal diversity [1104d]
- Researchers design a flexible system that sidesteps copper-protein binding [1104d]
- Event horizons are tunable factories of quantum entanglement [1104d]
- NASA rocket mission to study the origin of slow solar winds [1104d]
- NASA finds each state has its own climatic threshold for flu outbreaks [1104d]
- Covert and overt political signaling online [1104d]
- A decade of deep-reef exploration in the Greater Caribbean [1104d]
- Atom by atom: Building precise smaller nanoparticles with templates [1104d]
- Scientists help recover gases from moon rock time capsule [1104d]
- Giant leap toward quantum internet realized with Bell state analyzer [1104d]
- Neutrons help researchers observe real-time stress reduction in 3D printed parts [1104d]
- Making diversity, equity, inclusion integral parts of physics education [1104d]
- Airbnb's commercial listings linked to local crime: How self-regulation can help [1104d]
- Researchers map magnetic fields in 3D, findings could improve device storage capacity [1104d]
- Vacuum fluctuations break topological protection [1104d]
- 'We need to do all we can': Five key takeaways from the UN climate report [1104d]
- The oldest dinosaur precursor from South America is discovered in Brazil [1104d]
- Evidence bolsters classification of a major spawning ground for Atlantic bluefin tuna off the northeast U.S. [1104d]
- Urgent climate dispatches from the Arctic [1104d]
- Amazon joins with nine Florida colleges and universities for free tuition [1104d]
- Tracing the diffusion of carbon isotopes using atomic-scale vibrational spectroscopy [1104d]
- This gene regulates positive and negative immune responses in plants [1104d]
- Online tutoring study shows cause for optimism [1104d]
- New details on the formation of 'metal soaps' in oil paint that hinder the conservation of artworks [1104d]
- Innovative new magnet could facilitate development of fusion and medical devices [1104d]
- Last-minute defense against an asteroid that could obliterate it before impact [1104d]
- Henipavirus glycoprotein structure guides therapy, vaccine [1104d]
- Scientists identify a shuttle protein for the nuclear import of proteins essential for organ growth and development [1104d]
- New micro-protein helps yeast cells cope with nutrient scarcity [1104d]
- Rapid evolution fuels transcriptional plasticity in fish species to cope with ocean acidification [1104d]
- How plants make aerial roots [1104d]
- NASA's robotic OSAM-1 mission completes critical design review [1104d]
- Fact-checking can harm trust in media [1104d]
- What you didn't learn in school about sexual health [1104d]
- Controlling how fast graphene cools down [1104d]
- Microorganisms could be 'gamechangers' in ecosystem restoration [1104d]
- Tale of the century: 100 new species for Myanmar [1104d]
- Genetic sequence allows photosynthetic organisms to stably produce ethylene [1104d]
- Rainfall strongly affects infectious Vibrio bacteria in Ala Wai Canal [1104d]
- Field cage study highlights safety of classic biological control agent against devastating invasive fruit fly [1104d]
- Producing ethylene from food waste without greenhouse gas emissions [1104d]
- Machine learning could help scientists design better viral diagnostics [1104d]
- Cannabinoids from amoebae: New process for the production of active compounds [1104d]
- A peptide hydrogel for efficient production of cell spheroids [1104d]
- The Electron-Ion Collider: A precision tool for studying the 'glue' that binds visible matter [1105d]
- The far infrared emission of galaxies with active supermassive black holes [1105d]
- Did the pandemic drive a desire for more generous welfare? New research suggests not [1105d]
- Physics race pits Usain Bolt Against Jurassic Park dinosaur [1105d]
- Nanotechnology helps soybean growers and the environment [1105d]
- Chimpanzees consider intent when judging wrongdoing in others [1105d]
- New geoscientific modeling tool gives more holistic results in predictions [1105d]
- Large mammals can help climate change mitigation and adaptation [1105d]
- Tomatoes of equal quality with less irrigation water [1105d]
- Tiny marine larvae survive by turning carnivorous [1105d]
- Risk of social media creating ambiguity in acute crises [1105d]
- Study shows chondrite-analog materials can undergo chemical alteration processes at sub-zero temperatures [1105d]
- Getting urgent medicines in a flood zone can be a life or death challenge [1105d]
- Image: Aerial antenna for Venus mission test [1105d]
- Climate change identified as contributor to 2017 Oroville Dam spillway incident [1105d]
- New Zealand farmers and growers are already adapting to changing climate conditions, just not enough [1105d]
- Five key points in the IPCC report on climate change impacts and adaptation [1105d]
- Military action in radioactive Chernobyl could be dangerous for people and the environment [1105d]
- Dog walking creates social bonds within communities, research finds [1105d]
- 'Fingerprint' machine learning technique identifies different bacteria in seconds [1105d]
- IPCC reports still exclude Indigenous voices. Join us at our sacred fires to find answers to climate change [1105d]
- Flood preparation could have been better if the impacts of weather forecasts were clearly communicated [1105d]
- An evolutionary tale: The first true millipede [1105d]
- Study uncovers mystery of the invasive common reed [1105d]
- The International Space Station may become a casualty of the Russian war in Ukraine [1105d]
- How fracking could cushion oil price shocks [1105d]
- Detecting plant leaf disease using deep learning on a mobile device [1105d]
- The seasonality of oceanic carbon cycling [1105d]
- Physicists discover method for emulating nonlinear quantum electrodynamics in a laboratory setting [1105d]
- Climatologists: Drought to worsen in Oregon, Idaho this year [1105d]
- New species of stegosaur is oldest discovered in Asia, and possibly the world [1105d]
- DNA barcoding identifies endangered shark species secretly added to pet food [1105d]
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