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Scientific American
Could Dragons from Game of Thrones Actually Fly? Aeronautical Engineering and Math Says They Could
Omicron-Specific Booster Shots: 5 Questions Answered
Spiky 'Sleep Spindles' Linked to Acts of Learning
Quanta Magazine
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New Scientist
Blasting plastic with powerful lasers turns it into tiny diamonds
UK energy crisis sparks rush for firewood despite air pollution fears
JWST has spotted sandy clouds on a distant alien world
What we know about the mysterious pneumonia in Argentina
Physicists want the next Large Hadron Collider to be climate-friendly
Bears in your back yard – an excerpt from Mary Roach’s book ‘Fuzz’
Black bears have made a comeback – and now they're in the backyard
UK toilets and showers will need water efficiency labels by 2025
Scientists find cold spells in the tropics increase heart attack risk
COVID-19: U.S. life expectancy continued to decrease in 2021, study finds
Making nanodiamonds out of bottle plastic
Artificial intelligence can be used to better monitor Maine's forests
New study confirms 'rippled sheet' protein structure predicted in 1953
How historical precedents impeded recognition of airborne COVID-19 transmission
Motion of DNA linked to its damage response, ability to repair itself
Transgender parents bring child-centered perspective to parenthood, research finds
From wound healing to regeneration
Low testosterone may increase risk of COVID-19 hospitalization for men
Study raises red flags about corporatization of health care, researcher says
Research unlocks secrets of rodents' rat race to new lands
Quantum materials: Entanglement of many atoms discovered
How artificial intelligence can explain its decisions
Did primitive cetaceans feed like marine reptiles?
New treatment could result in more donor lungs
Resolving the evolutionary history of the closest algal relatives of land plants
COVID rekindled an appreciation of nature for many
Dragons and brain evolution
New method to systematically find optimal quantum operation sequences for quantum computers developed
Arterial stiffness raises blood pressure in adolescents via insulin resistance
Untangled blinking: Fluorescence patterns aid medical diagnostics
New omicron BA.2.75 is as susceptible to antibodies as the currently dominant variant, findings suggest
Establishing a novel strategy to tackle Huntington's disease
Serendipitous backyard experiment shines light on producing polymers
Toxins in old toys an obstacle for circular economy
Making stable molecules reactive with light
Conflictive home-host country relations have a strong, negative effect on policy risk
Dead fish are piling up on San Francisco Bay Area shores: A toxic algae bloom is the likely cause
Investigating magnetic excitation-induced spin current in chromium trihalides
'Diamond rain' on giant icy planets could be more common than previously thought
New report on impact of pandemic on learning experiences of young people with disabilities
African countries to stand by 1.5C target at climate talkstalks
What's the future of work from home?
Improving the detection of African swine fever virus antibodies in serum
Researcher says job licensing doesn't keep people from moving—community plays a bigger role
The scent that could save California's avocados
EP-WXT pathfinder catches first wide-field snapshots of X-ray universe
Development of a new end-functionalization technique in polymer synthesis
Climate anxiety an important driver for climate action, according to new study
New study confirms 'rippled sheet' protein structure predicted in 1953
Did primitive cetaceans feed like marine reptiles?
Dual-polarization two-dimensional valley photonic crystals
Boy's discovery reveals highly complex plant-insect interaction
EU guidelines for procurement during the COVID-19 crisis may lead to increased corruption
Largest database on mammals in Portugal now available
Uptick in East Coast shark sightings has lifeguards on alert and experts searching for answers
Researchers study how urban trees affect environment
Biochemists reveal how complex molecule moves iron through body
Motion of DNA linked to its damage response, ability to repair itself
Putting the food system in context
New data dashboard reporting street-level flooding in NYC gives real-time information on rising waters
Hidden acid-base clusters drive rapid formation of atmospheric ultrafine particles
Physicists develop a linear response theory for open systems having exceptional points
Resolving the evolutionary history of the closest algal relatives of land plants
Survey: Israelis have a more positive view of Germany than Germans do of Israel
Study reveals starring role for shape-shifting mitochondria in stem cell function
Research unlocks secrets of native rodents' rat race to new lands
A new catalyst to slow down global warming
Using game theory mathematics to resolve human conflicts
'Plug-and-play' plasmonic metafibers for ultrafast fiber lasers
From wound healing to regeneration
Study finds students self-sort in active learning spaces, with potential to push women out
NASA aims for Saturday launch of new moon rocket after fixes
Less is more: Dimensionality reduction as a general strategy for more precise luminescence thermometry
More than 90% of identifiable trash in North Pacific Garbage Patch comes from just six countries
Who would win in a fight between a great white shark and a blue whale?
Serendipitous backyard experiment shines light on producing polymers
How election monitors and foreign interference in election processes can affect the public's perception of elections
Gendered views on drinking: A tale of two prime ministers
Making stable molecules reactive with light
Exploring the relationship between attosecond optical interference and attosecond quantum interference
High brightness attosecond X-ray free electron lasers based on wavefront control
Seahorse fathers give birth in a unique way, new research shows
A new way to produce pheromones as a crop pest repellent
Turning a blind eye to image-based abuse
COVID rekindled an appreciation of nature for many
Criticisms of academic freedom miss the mark and risk the integrity of scholarship
Using a bowl-structured active site design to break the scaling relations for nitrogen to ammonia conversion
Much-loved dog breeds are just as likely to bite as banned ones. Here's how to stop them
It's not just rocket science: Hidden chemistry powers moon launches and sustains life in space
New method to systematically find optimal quantum operation sequences for quantum computers
Designing a way to make oxygen injectable
A bitter mystery: Scientists sequence world's oldest plant genome from 6,000-year-old watermelon seeds
New fur for the quantum cat: Entanglement of many atoms discovered for the first time
Molecular atlas of an Australian dragon's brain sheds new light on more than 300 million years of brain evolution
The first spatiotemporal map of brain regeneration in the axolotl
New theory for detection of terahertz electromagnetic waves gives hope for advances in IT and medicine
Greenpeace drops boulders on UK seabed to curb bottom-trawling fishing
NASA readies for Saturday Moon rocket launch attempt
China's Shenzhou-14 astronauts carry out spacewalk
Gone in 30 years? The Welsh village in crosshairs of climate change
New Zealand winter warmest, wettest on record
Once in the doldrums, Florida coast hums with space launches
Variation matters: Genetic effects in interacting species jointly determine ecological outcomes
Toxins in old toys an obstacle for circular economy
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