The Brutalist Report - science
- Discovery of new microscopic species expands the tree of life [839d]
- NASA eyes November for launch attempt of Moon rocket [839d]
- What reptile's bones can teach us about Earth's perilous past [839d]
- Most Twitter users don't follow political elites, researchers suggest [840d]
- Bioeconomy and carbon neutrality: 'Without further investments we will miss the target' [840d]
- Study shows behavioral, physiological changes in ants disturbed by development, urban sprawl [840d]
- Research reveals quantitative and high-resolution pressure functions of pressure-sensitive material [840d]
- Enhanced mantle cooling during late-neoproterozoic records onset of modern plate tectonics [840d]
- Researchers unveil mystery inside lithium oxygen batteries [840d]
- Machine learning may enable bioengineering of the most abundant enzyme on the planet [840d]
- In Ian's wake, worried families crowdsource rescue efforts [840d]
- Capturing extracellular vesicles: A new technology for isolating disease markers [840d]
- 'Extinct' wood-eating cockroach rediscovered after 80 years [840d]
- Delayed slow ocean response to carbon dioxide removal causes asymmetric tropical rainfall change [840d]
- What caused the holes in SUE the T. rex's jaw? Probably not an infection [840d]
- Achieving stable K-storage performance of carbon sphere-confined antimony via electrolyte regulation [840d]
- Targeted reimbursement: A just price for carbon dioxide [840d]
- Drawing data at the nanometer scale [840d]
- Disease outcomes differ by new host species in virus spillover experiments [840d]
- Horrible bosses cause 'race to the bottom,' study finds [840d]
- Study reports first evidence of social relationships between chimpanzees and gorillas [840d]
- Single-cell tools give insight into active antibiotic resistome in soils [840d]
- The surprising Swiss-army-knife-like functions of a powerful enzyme [840d]
- Scientists sequence the world's largest pangenome to help unlock genetic mysteries behind finer silk [840d]
- Southern resident orca pod falls to lowest number in 46 years [840d]
- Surface microstructures of lunar soil reveal an intermediate stage in space weathering process [840d]
- Layer Hall effect and hidden Berry curvature in antiferromagnetic insulators [840d]
- Shoppers more likely to buy on Pi Day and other 'special' day-themed promotions [840d]
- Metastable states of floating crystals [840d]
- Researchers reveal new strategy to prevent blood clots without increasing the risk of bleeding [840d]
- Understanding social dilemmas through games—the development of moral norms encourages selfless behavior [840d]
- Researchers propose and demonstrate an optical black hole cavity based on transformation optics [840d]
- Lab-grown pigments and food by-products: The future of natural textile dyes [840d]
- How hair dye is helping conservation of Australian sea lion population [840d]
- New data reveals severe impact of European contact with Pacific islands [840d]
- Young Australians face lifetime of labor change [840d]
- Pacific Ocean set to make way for world's next supercontinent [840d]
- Our cities are warming and urban greenery could help [840d]
- Not just a joke: We scoured TikTok for anti-Asian humor during the pandemic, and found too many disappointing memes [840d]
- Automated carbohydrate synthesizer produces polysaccharides of record-breaking length [840d]
- Shifting ocean currents are pushing more and more heat into the Southern Hemisphere's cooler waters [840d]
- The night is full of animal life, but scientists know very little about it [840d]
- Venus: The trouble with sending people there [840d]
- Why are there so many dog breeds but only a few cat breeds? [840d]
- Ethanol helps plants better tolerate heat stress [840d]
- Scientists explore lamprey's ability to adapt and survive [840d]
- Rising daily surface temperatures of 160 lakes across Tibetan Plateau shown over 40 years [840d]
- Emissions of different states are generated in different regions in pulsar magnetosphere [840d]
- Video: New weather satellite on its way to launch [840d]
- Molecular chaperone interactions visualized through X-ray structure analysis [840d]
- The humble lillipilly forms the world's largest genus of trees, and should be an Australian icon [840d]
- Mental health in the UK is about to get worse, and inequality will have a lot to do with it [840d]
- Indoor high-precision visible light positioning system using non-line-of-sight method [840d]
- Inexpensive, reusable Mn catalysts make for efficient alkylation of ketones with alcohols [840d]
- Study of meteorites suggests Earth's composition was changed by collisional erosion [840d]
- Study identifies need to improve awareness and understanding of chemicals used in everyday consumer products [840d]
- As demand for EVs grows, social and ecological risks of lithium 'gold rush' assessed [840d]
- Phosphate's electrical signature helps detect important cellular events [840d]
- New property valuation technique delivers more accurate predictions using machine learning and big data [840d]
- Germany says mass fish deaths in Oder river a 'man-made disaster' [840d]
- Pyridine implicated in mass crustacean mortalities [840d]
- Ultra-processed foods are trashing our health and the planet [840d]
- Stone spheres could be from Ancient Greek board game [840d]
- Bright and photostable green fluorescent protein derived from Japanese jellyfish [840d]
- National survey reveals a quarter of Australians lack knowledge about the Holocaust [840d]
- Human 'blastoids' offer medical hope but also deep ethical challenges [840d]
- Researchers explore driving factors affecting sustainability of endorheic regions [840d]
- Exploring the plasma loading mechanism of radio jets launched from black holes [840d]
- Exploring Australians' climate change views, practices, and capabilities [840d]
- Winds of change drive 'alarming' rate of ocean warming [840d]
- New theory predicts Earth-like, watery planets exist around red dwarfs [840d]
- Researchers fabricate miniaturized bionic ocean-battery [840d]
- Deteriorating safety on frozen lakes in a warming world [840d]
- Marine ice sheets were decisive in acceleration of global warming during the last deglaciation [840d]
- Engineering surface atomic structures for next-generation electronics [840d]
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