The Brutalist Report - science
- No new articles in the last 24 hours.
- Fecal microbial transplants show lack of predictability when no prior antibiotic treatment is given to recipient [853d]
- Words matter in food freshness, safety messaging [853d]
- Light-driven molecular motors light up [853d]
- The early bird may just get the worm [853d]
- Extreme temperatures take deadly toll on people in Texas prisons, study finds [853d]
- Potential secret to viral resistance unearthed [853d]
- Plant fibers for sustainable devices [853d]
- A new weapon against antibiotic-resistant bacteria [853d]
- Psychological First Aid training could help improve care workers' wellbeing [853d]
- Surface melting of glass [853d]
- Astronomers discover closest black hole to earth [853d]
- 'Click' chemistry may help treat dogs with bone cancer [853d]
- Magnetized dead star likely has solid surface [853d]
- Remote support program helps decrease blood pressure, study finds [853d]
- Floppy or not: AI predicts properties of complex metamaterials [853d]
- Human expansion 1,000 years ago linked to Madagascar's loss of large vertebrates [853d]
- COVID-19 lockdown did not lead to quieter offshore ocean, research shows [853d]
- New technology to reduce potholes [853d]
- Searching for the unique genes of a unique hare [853d]
- Researchers find treatment options for patients whose blood cancer relapses after CAR-T [853d]
- Researchers offer roadmap for identifying new neuroprotective treatments by leveraging sex differences [853d]
- Monkeypox mutations cause virus to spread rapidly, evade drugs and vaccines, study finds [853d]
- One in five patients with rheumatoid arthritis in England were undiagnosed during the pandemic, study finds [853d]
- Cutting the risk of stomach bleeding, occasionally caused by regular aspirin use [853d]
- Mars's crust more complex, evolved than previously thought [853d]
- Water cutoff countermeasures using disaster emergency wells [853d]
- New study introduces the best graphite films [853d]
- New study of comets provides insight into chemical composition of early solar system [853d]
- Team adds powerful new dimension to phenotyping next-gen bioenergy crop [853d]
- Endangered Devils Hole pupfish is one of the most inbred animals known [853d]
- Puerto Rico's Hurricane Fiona recovery efforts may be repeating same failures from Hurricane Maria [853d]
- Fluorescence achieved in light-driven molecular motors [853d]
- Eco-activist attacks on museum artwork ask us to figure out what we value [853d]
- Australia's borders are open, so where are all the backpackers? [853d]
- New book confronts the intersection between mobility and the climate crisis [853d]
- Understanding marine heatwaves using the Southern Hemisphere's longest running daily ocean temperature records [853d]
- Biodiversity of Europe's mammals as rich as it was 8,000 years ago, according to new research [853d]
- Examining why parties in conflict cease fighting [853d]
- Parallel alignment of dressing fibers accelerates wound healing [853d]
- Europe is warming at twice the rate of the rest of the world [853d]
- Socially responsible companies laid off more workers than their peers during the COVID-19 pandemic [853d]
- Fire in the Amazon is associated more with agricultural burning and deforestation than with drought [853d]
- 'Click' chemistry may help treat dogs with bone cancer, study finds [853d]
- Limiting antibiotics for cows may create new dairy market [853d]
- Liquid crystal metasurface could enable multi-dimensional light field sensing [853d]
- Spin photonics to move forward with new anapole probe [853d]
- Semi-nonlinear etchless lithium niobate waveguide with bound states in the continuum [853d]
- Report examines how agroforestry can deliver for nature and the climate [853d]
- Common path principle improves shape metrology of complex precision optics [853d]
- Zero deforestation in the Amazon is now possible—here's what needs to happen [853d]
- Why a chain of tiny Pacific islands wants an international court opinion on responsibility for the climate crisis [853d]
- Gaining structural insight into the influenza virus [853d]
- Investment, power and protein in sub-Saharan africa [853d]
- Molecular tug-of-war gives cells their shape [853d]
- Efforts to adapt to climate change are not keeping pace with the growing risks [853d]
- Climate Questions: Is it too late to stop climate change? [853d]
- How do you keep a solar sail stable? [853d]
- Bones of contention: The West Coast whale fossil and the ethics of private collecting [853d]
- Why some like it hot: The science of spiciness [853d]
- NASA's moon rocket returns to pad for next launch attempt [853d]
- Neanderthals: How a carnivore diet may have led to their demise [853d]
- DNA research shows ancient Britain was more diverse than we imagined [853d]
- COP27 explained by experts: What is it and why should I care? [853d]
- An algorithm to detect gerrymandering [853d]
- Proportion of headteachers highly anxious about work more than doubled at pandemic peak [853d]
- Quantum materials enable next-generation photonics and mobile networks in the terahertz regime [853d]
- Seven draft genomes published for Nordic hare species [853d]
- Research team reconstructs gravity to find a more robust way of understanding the cosmos [853d]
- Parking ticket reminders work, but not for all [853d]
- Video: Testing Galileo for space [853d]
- Using molecular isomerization in polymer gels to hide passcodes [853d]
- Sea turtles are returning, but what are the effects on coastal ecosystems? [853d]
- Simulation software for studying accumulation mechanisms of radiation damage in nanocrystalline materials [853d]
- Examining COVID's impact on home-court advantages [853d]
- Hazardous chemicals knowledge graph, an improved model for risk assessment [853d]
- What to do if your pet is bitten by a snake [853d]
- Wheat prices up amid war, expanding drought [853d]
- Human expansion 1,000 years ago linked to Madagascar's loss of large vertebrates [853d]
- Riparian areas could act as climatic refugia for plant diversity [853d]
- Researchers explore the role of congregations in racial justice [853d]
- Bringing back bushfoods: Australia's landscape mapped to boost 'bush tucker' plants [853d]
- Astronomers discover closest black hole to Earth [853d]
- New model found for microsphere-enhanced interferometry [853d]
- Water cutoff countermeasures using disaster emergency wells [853d]
- Exploring the surface melting of colloidal glass [853d]
- Egg whites can be transformed into a material capable of filtering microplastics from seawater [853d]
- The future of space food: Using bioengineered yeast to feed humans off-Earth [853d]
- Come rain or shine, viruses live on in soil [853d]
- Antibiotics boosted with new targeted delivery system [853d]
- A new weapon against antibiotic-resistant bacteria [853d]
- The direct measurement of a proton's generalized polarizabilities in the strong quantum chromodynamics regime [853d]
- The surprising thermal properties of cellulose nanofibers [853d]
- Creating high-quality, thick graphite films [853d]
- Dutch to shoot paintball pellets at wolf to scare it away [853d]
- Kenya drought kills more than 200 elephants [853d]
- Schools clash with parents over bans on student cellphones [853d]
- India's capital to shut schools as toxic smog chokes city [853d]
- First manned flight of Boeing Starliner delayed until April [853d]
- Mars's crust is more complex and evolved than previously thought [854d]
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