The Brutalist Report - science
- Electric car sales drive toward cleaner air, longer lives [819d]
- Computational system streamlines the design of fluidic devices [819d]
- Even early forms of liver disease affect heart health [819d]
- New way to produce important molecular entity [819d]
- Immune system of modern Papuans shaped by DNA from ancient Denisovans, study finds [819d]
- Arsenic-contaminated water associated with antibiotic resistance in children, study finds [819d]
- How intensive agriculture turned a wild plant into a pervasive weed [819d]
- Molecules have an orientation, and scientists have a new way to measure it [819d]
- Findings for invasive insect's life cycle could aid management in southeast [819d]
- How selfish genes succeed [819d]
- Research links common sweetener with anxiety in mouse study [819d]
- Warming seas' negative impact on giant kelp starts in early life [819d]
- Climate whiplash increased wildfires on California's west coast about 8,000 years ago [819d]
- How AI found the words to kill cancer cells [819d]
- Argentine ants will do anything for sugar, but they won't do this [819d]
- Estrogen may offer protection against delirium [819d]
- Long-term hearing loss treatment [819d]
- Finding simplicity within complexity [819d]
- P53 could be key to therapies for salivary gland cancer [819d]
- Solving the puzzle: Cubic silicon carbide wafer demonstrates high thermal conductivity, second only to diamond [819d]
- Researchers gain a better understanding of how the most commonly used ADHD medication works [819d]
- New findings on how to avert excessive weight loss from COVID-19 [819d]
- How a cell's mitochondria make their own protein factories [819d]
- World's simplest animals get their place in the tree of life [819d]
- Scientists modify yeast cell and turn it into a cannabis tracker [819d]
- An important step toward strong and durable biobased plastics [819d]
- Economical eco-friendly fabrication of high efficiency chalcopyrite solar cells [819d]
- Finding faults deeply stressful [819d]
- Fjords, small in size and number, are significant carbon reservoirs [819d]
- Improving the accuracy of markerless gait analysis [819d]
- Volatile pay for gig workers linked to health problems [819d]
- How does a cell move? 'Pull the plug' on the electrical charge on the inner side of its membrane [819d]
- Florida mints radiated as peninsula sank and resurfaced during ice ages [819d]
- Clues found regarding tumor suppressor gene's breast cancer activity [819d]
- Say hello to the toughest material on Earth [819d]
- Rheumatoid arthritis drugs lower risk of heart disease, study shows [819d]
- Smilodon's sabre teeth [819d]
- Gut microbiomes of mouse pups are permanently altered when moms are fed a low-fiber diet while nursing [819d]
- Your dog's behavior is a product of their genes [819d]
- Adjuvant Chemotherapy Improves Overall Survival for Pancreatic Cancer Patients [819d]
- Embryonic origins of adult pluripotent stem cells discovered [819d]
- One-minute bursts of activity during daily tasks could prolong your life [819d]
- Researchers discover how a nano-chamber in the cell directs protein folding [819d]
- Genetic vulnerability to ADHD signals risk of Alzheimer's disease in old age [819d]
- Americans flocking to fire: National migration study [819d]
- Adding yoga to regular exercise improves cardiovascular health and wellbeing [819d]
- Scientists shine a light on what comes up when you flush [819d]
- Antibodies to common antibiotic possible new risk factor for type 1 diabetes [819d]
- Low nutritional quality in many vegetarian meat substitutes [819d]
- Convictions remain rare for police accused of sexual assault [819d]
- Findings for invasive insect's life cycle could aid management in southeastern US [819d]
- A new computational system streamlines the design of fluidic devices [819d]
- Warming seas' negative impact on giant kelp starts in early life, says study [819d]
- Industry lobbies against biodiversity goals: research [819d]
- How to build a resilient brand [819d]
- To resolve youth violence, Canada must move beyond policing and prison [819d]
- Mauna Loa lava no longer imminent threat to Hawaii highway [819d]
- Rare Apollo mission moon rock back in Cyprus after 50 years [819d]
- Study shows new way for simple production of vicinal diamines [819d]
- Florida mints radiated as peninsula sank and resurfaced during ice ages, finds study [819d]
- NASA's Orion lunar spacecraft heads home with splashdown set for Sunday [819d]
- Predicting the future landscape of a river [819d]
- Hubble detects ghostly glow surrounding our solar system [819d]
- New electrochemical measurement output uses data science to reveal microbial electricity generation mechanisms [819d]
- These freeze-drying algae can awaken from cryostasis, and could help spaceflights go farther [819d]
- How the selfish genes of yeast succeed [819d]
- Supreme Court admissions case could upend environmental justice laws [819d]
- Measuring the physiological responses of adults during soil-mixing activities [819d]
- Mechanical harvesting of hard cider apples shown to be more economical than hand harvesting [819d]
- Co-working spaces limit creativity in the long run, finds new study [819d]
- Researcher aims to uncover details of plant invasions in tropics [819d]
- Space research: Is it feasible to reuse high salinity wastewater as a plant nutrient medium for plant hydroponics? [819d]
- A new measurement technique for 3D orientation imaging of polymer chains [819d]
- Finding faults and examining stresses following Japan's giant 2011 earthquake [819d]
- 'Phantoms' from beyond the moon could provide valuable data on cosmic radiation doses [819d]
- Build-to-rent is seen as affordable, but it's unlikely to help those most in need [819d]
- Team undertakes study of lithium deposition behavior in hard carbon hosts [819d]
- A 2D superatomic-molecule theory to unify the aromaticity rule of π-conjugated systems [819d]
- Female artists earn less than men—coming from a diverse cultural background incurs even more of a penalty [819d]
- Lack of wheat exports due to war in Ukraine: In the long term, wheat production must increase worldwide [819d]
- Why farmers in northern Ghana go to bed hungry [819d]
- Traditional Buddhist teachings exclude LGBTQ people from monastic life, but change is coming slowly [819d]
- How AI found the words to kill cancer cells [819d]
- New method of reducing carbon dioxide could be a golden solution to pollution [819d]
- Novel mathematical technique enables better modeling of 'multiphase' fluids [819d]
- Climate change is not what South Africans see as their main problem: A survey breaks it down [819d]
- New research shows 'empowering' advertisements fall short in cognitive tests [819d]
- Whispers from the deep sea: The subtle sounds of hydrothermal vents [819d]
- Study reveals strong uplift of northeastern Tibet Plateau in late Miocene [819d]
- How intensive agriculture turned a wild plant into a pervasive weed [819d]
- Discovery of a cellular uptake pathway for larger drug molecules [819d]
- The oldest DNA ever found reveals a snapshot of a vanished world [819d]
- Insider trades on behalf of family are more lucrative than other trades, study finds [819d]
- White Americans who believe White people are poor may be more likely to support welfare policies [819d]
- People respond more intuitively to spoken language and more analytically when reading, study finds [819d]
- Study explores crowdfunding and entrepreneurial failure [819d]
- White teachers often talk about Black students in racially coded ways [819d]
- We live in a time of 'late capitalism,' but what does that mean? And what's so late about it? [819d]
- Research explains basics of aerosol formation at the vocal folds [819d]
- Survey: Australians care more about cinema sound over screen size [819d]
- Three fears that make people reluctant to act as leaders [819d]
- Stricter enforcement of licensed premises is more effective than blanket 'lock-out' laws, finds Australian study [819d]
- 'Early dark energy' could explain the crisis in cosmology [819d]
- How artificial intelligence can find the source of gamma-ray bursts [819d]
- Repairing gullies: The quickest way to improve Great Barrier Reef water quality [819d]
- China's Belt and Road infrastructure projects could help or hurt oceans and coasts worldwide [819d]
- Internet search results could be increasing your carbon emissions [819d]
- Implications of the latest wave of mega-fires for the European Green Deal [819d]
- World Cup's 'middle income trap'—why breaking into soccer's elite is so hard to do (as Morocco might soon find out) [819d]
- Colombia, a global biodiversity hotspot, faces rising threats to bird species from expanding human footprint [819d]
- Lessons from Cianjur: Earthquake-prone Indonesia does not have seismic mitigation plan [819d]
- As homelessness grows, its stark impact on health is becoming clearer across Europe [819d]
- Researchers assess danger that marine heat waves pose to young sea snails [819d]
- Extreme heat in the midst of the Big Wet for northern Australia—what's going on with the weather? [819d]
- Solving the puzzle: Cubic silicon carbide wafer demonstrates high thermal conductivity, second only to diamond [819d]
- Research has long shown institutional misogyny and racism within the UK's fire services [819d]
- Vanishing sands: How sand mining is stripping away earth's beaches [819d]
- Zebra-striped structures to twist neutrons and extend researchers' vision [819d]
- How TFIIH uses XPG to located damaged DNA [819d]
- World's simplest animals get their place in the tree of life [819d]
- The science of happy holidays [819d]
- Toxic chemicals found in virtually every South Carolina river tested. Action needed, critics say [819d]
- Are outspoken social media users more polarized in their views on racial equality? [819d]
- How Australian services can better respond to domestic, family and sexual violence [819d]
- New study documents first male jaguar coalitions, challenging idea of species as strictly solitary [819d]
- An important step toward strong, durable bio-based plastics [819d]
- Lyrebirds are losing their voices due to continued habitat loss [819d]
- Study shows 'steep, cheap and deep' roots help corn plants deal with drought [819d]
- Naturally derived materials fit for 3D printing: Impact of biomass ash content on biocomposite properties [819d]
- Study finds low nutritional quality in vegetarian meat [819d]
- Microplastics in human tissue samples: International study warns against drawing premature conclusions [819d]
- How does a cell move? 'Pull the plug' on the electrical charge on the inner side of its membrane, say scientists [819d]
- Scientists pit AI algorithms against each other to optimize graphene nanotube synthesis [819d]
- Examining Smilodon's saber teeth [819d]
- NASA scientists map global salt marsh losses and their carbon impact [819d]
- Hubble captures globular cluster NGC 2031 [819d]
- Human fetal lung cell atlas uncovers 144 cell states [819d]
- 11,000-year-old carving may be earliest narrative scene [819d]
- Early churches found in ancient African kingdom [819d]
- Physicists discover new transfermium isotope lawrencium-251 [819d]
- How a cell's mitochondria make their own protein factories [819d]
- The messy death of a star, as observed by Webb [819d]
- Paleontology: No supersonic boom for dinosaur tails [819d]
- Climate whiplash increased wildfires on California's west coast about 8,000 years ago, finds mineral deposits study [819d]
- Domestic dog lineages reveal genetic drivers of behavioral diversification [819d]
- Gut microbiomes of mouse pups are permanently altered when moms are fed a low-fiber diet while nursing [819d]
- Near-infrared polarized light observations of three known interacting twin-disk systems [819d]
- Researchers discover embryonic origins of adult pluripotent stem cells [819d]
- How the 'hell planet' got so hot: New measurements reveal the orbital path of planet 55 Cnc e [819d]
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