The Brutalist Report
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Scientific American
The Best New Year's Resolution Might Be to Just Let Go of an Unfulfilled Life Goal
ChatGPT Explains Why AIs like ChatGPT Should Be Regulated
Quanta Magazine
No new articles in the last 24 hours.
New Scientist
The world's ultimate X-ray machine will start up in 2023
Will 2023 be the year we finally understand consciousness?
In 2023, we have many opportunities to build a better future
2023 could mark a turning point for the Amazon rainforest
The best popular science books out in 2023
Achieving nuclear fusion would be building on the shoulders of giants
When did hominins start cooking? It might be earlier than we thought
Why we probably won't get new covid-19 vaccines in 2023
A factory will soon start making green food from air and electricity
Telling the story of Antarctica through 100 objects
The best science fiction books out in 2023
EU's Artificial Intelligence Act will lead the world on regulating AI
Bird flu vaccination may be the only way to have free-range chickens
The best science fiction television to watch out for in 2023
How to make honeycomb at home
How sounds from space are revealing otherwise hidden cosmic phenomena
Spacecraft are heading to a metal asteroid and Jupiter's moons in 2023
Multi-institutional collaboration unveiling the mysteries of senescent cells and their effect on aging and human health
Modelling the collective movement of bacteria
A glimpse of a cell's sense of touch
Tissue-specific immunity may be the future, if we can first learn its rules
Alveolar macrophages help CD8+ T cells go (anti-)viral
When our vertical perception gets distorted: Body pitch and translational body motion
Good and bad feelings for brain stem serotonin
Enzyme that protects against viruses could fuel cancer evolution
Brain area necessary for fluid intelligence identified
New biomarker test can detect Alzheimer's neurodegeneration in blood
Skiing over Christmas holidays no longer guaranteed -- even with snow guns
Ailing manatees in Florida's Brevard County appear to have outlasted Christmas freeze
Climate change won't make winter storms and blizzards go away: Scientists explain why
App allows global community to explore Indigenous culture
Travel misery grinds on as US digs out from superstorm
Climate change is coming for the Jersey Shore, retiring coastal expert warns
Chemists create framework for the oxidation of hydrocarbons
2022 set to be UK's hottest year on record
Musicians found to listen to and enjoy louder music than non-musicians
High-visibility quantum interference between two independent semiconductor quantum dots achieved
A glimpse of cells' sense of touch as they build tissues during embryogenesis
Mirror test of wild penguins suggests they may possess self-awareness
Modeling the collective movement of bacteria to better understand the formation of troublesome biofilms
Why aren't children allowed to vote? An expert debunks the arguments against
Scientists uncover a novel cellular mechanism that regulates aging and fertility
Exotic clasts in Chang'e-5 samples indicate unexplored terrane on moon
Skiing over Christmas holidays no longer guaranteed—even with snow guns
Drivers of political violence in the United States
Study shows climate impact labels on food sold in fast food restaurants can change buying habits
Four facts about seagulls that will make you love these relentless chip thieves
India's switch to GM food crops hinges on court verdict
New fossil species of moonseed family found in Yunnan
Indian astronomers detect dozens of variable stars in the NGC 381 region
US digs out from monster storm as death toll passes 50
'It just dies': Yellow-band disease ravages Thailand's coral reefs
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