The Brutalist Report - science
- 'Anti-social' damselfish are scaring off cleaner fish customers, which could contribute to coral reef breakdown [739d]
- Prioritize tackling toxic emissions from tires, urge experts [739d]
- 'Electronic nose' built with sustainably sourced microbial nanowires could revolutionize health monitoring [739d]
- Crowds improve home court advantage in the NBA, study finds [739d]
- A new model offers an explanation for the huge variety of sizes of DNA in nature [739d]
- Meteorite crater discovered in French winery [739d]
- Power plasma with gigajoule energy turnover generated for eight minutes [739d]
- Economic crises can accelerate decarbonization [739d]
- How scientists hauling logs on their heads may have solved a Chaco Canyon mystery [739d]
- Researchers make a new type of quantum material with a dramatic distortion pattern [739d]
- Collapsing bubbles show new ejecta production mechanism can occur under multiple-shock conditions [739d]
- Natural seed banks are detrimental to biodiversity, according to new study [739d]
- Webb Telescope observes a globular cluster sparkling with separate stars [739d]
- Be careful with polar solvents when restoring historical paintings, warn scientists [739d]
- Detecting the impact of drought on plants with user-friendly and inexpensive techniques [739d]
- Deepfreeze electronics for supercomputers—technology prepares quantum computing for industrial use [739d]
- On the track of the Big Bang: The most sensitive detector for measuring radioactivity is now in Dresden [739d]
- A fifth of California's Sierra Nevada conifer forests are stranded in habitats that have grown too warm for them [739d]
- How asylum seeker credibility is assessed by authorities [739d]
- As sea ice declines in the Arctic, bowhead whales are adjusting their migration patterns [739d]
- Boosting superconductivity in graphene bilayers [739d]
- This new sensor can detect mercury ions with just a tap [739d]
- In a world-first, chemists print complex structurally colored 3D objects [739d]
- Charity begins at home as far as international aid is concerned, says study [739d]
- At work, bosses express religion more than subordinates, study says [739d]
- Antibiotics in livestock dung 'harming soil quality' [739d]
- Animals' 'sixth sense' is more widespread than previously thought [739d]
- Bioluminescence may shine light on roundworm secrets [739d]
- The myths around consumer financial vulnerability, and how it affects most consumers at different points in their lives [739d]
- AI conjures proteins that speed up chemical reactions [739d]
- Hidden from the Romans: 200 tons of silver on the shores of the river Lahn [739d]
- Color-coding aids evaluation of new solar tech materials [739d]
- UK survey shows 8% average drop in employee engagement since the pandemic [739d]
- Chiral detection of biomolecules based on reinforcement learning [739d]
- Changes of Tibetan religious activities during the past millennium revealed from lake sediments [739d]
- A new vegetation mapping of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau based on terrain-climate-remote sensing [739d]
- How Iceland could have a starring role as a sustainable alternative protein exporter to Northern Europe [739d]
- Coordination exists between tree allometrics and functional traits, finds study [739d]
- Physicists give the first law of thermodynamics a makeover [739d]
- Early Cretaceous shift in the global carbon cycle affected both land and sea, shows analysis [739d]
- Researchers put plant protein mechanism into bacteria to help move forward 50 years of effort [739d]
- Flooded city: A slow catastrophe in post-Harvey Houston [739d]
- Bow-and-arrow, technology of the first modern humans in Europe 54,000 years ago at Mandrin, France [739d]
- Climate change, urbanization drive major declines in L.A.'s birds [739d]
- Twin-bioengine self-adaptive micro/nanorobots developed for gastrointestinal inflammation therapy [739d]
- How a TikToker used her platform to promote citizen science efforts in Ohio [739d]
- Giant proteins in a giant cell: Molecular basis behind fastest biological movement in single-celled eukaryotes [739d]
- Archaeologists uncover early evidence of brain surgery in Ancient Near East [739d]
- How robots can help in the fight against toxic algae [739d]
- How thick is Antarctic ice, and what is underneath? [739d]
- With all this rain and snow, can California really still be in a drought? Look deeper [739d]
- Meat shaming tags shown to reduce likelihood of buying meat [739d]
- How lake ice formation influences transformation of dissolved organic matter [739d]
- Multifunctional hydrogel electrode helps to collect high-quality electroencephalography signals [739d]
- Urban friction could strengthen landfalling tropical cyclone precipitation [739d]
- Treating lunar soil to create fertilizer for growing plants on the moon [739d]
- The long and satisfying 28,000-year history of the dildo [739d]
- How economic hardship fuels support for the far right [739d]
- Study: Sunflower sea stars could help bring back kelp forests [739d]
- Multiple mutations may help omicron variant escape antibodies [739d]
- Scientists discover new form of oscillations in single filament driven by two-sided-loop jet [739d]
- Fungal enzymes developed with microfluidics may be new organic tool in fight against crop-killers [739d]
- In Borneo's rainforests, people and wild pigs are fundamentally linked [739d]
- Early rise times found to lead to lower grades, poorer attendance [739d]
- Massive gathering of fin whales observed by cruise ship passengers in Antarctica [739d]
- South Africa's power crisis: Going off the grid works for the wealthy—but could deepen injustice for the poor [739d]
- ChatGPT could be an effective and affordable tutor [739d]
- How fitness influencers game the algorithms to pump up their engagement [739d]
- What if urban plans gave natural systems the space to recover from the cities built over them? [739d]
- Many Indonesians still misunderstand climate change—so how can this be changed? [739d]
- As livestock theft becomes a growing problem in rural Australia, new technologies offer hope [739d]
- In defense of vultures, nature's early-warning systems that are holy to many people [739d]
- Russia announces its suspension from last nuclear arms agreement with the US, escalating nuclear tension [739d]
- 104 shark and ray species now receive new protections, but are they enough? [739d]
- New Zealand planted pine in response to Cyclone Bola—with devastating consequences [739d]
- 'Compassionate listening' is a Buddhist tenet: What it is and why it matters [739d]
- 'Forbidden' planet orbiting small star challenges gas giant formation theories [739d]
- New methodology for anti-Markovnikow products [739d]
- Passerine bird takes advantage of human settlements [739d]
- Climate 'spiral' threatens land carbon stores, finds study [739d]
- Hydrophobic molecular sieve developed for humidity-resistant hydrogen sulfide sensor [739d]
- Anti-dust tech paves way for self-cleaning surfaces [739d]
- Turkey tragedy jolts quake-prone Central Asia [739d]
- NASA's Chandra discovers giant black holes on a collision course [739d]
- Weakened Cyclone Freddy batters Madagascar, killing 4 [739d]
- In search of Planet 9: An unconventional detection approach [739d]
- Observations shed more light on the morphology and environment of a very distant galaxy [739d]
- Volunteering for cranial surgery in medieval Italy [739d]
- Study uses 560-kilometer-deep earthquake to make elusive measurements of the Earth's layers [739d]
- Rising river temperatures hold important clues about climate and other human impacts [739d]
- Discovery of massive early galaxies defies prior understanding of the universe [739d]
- Leveraging aquatic foods can help policymakers address multiple global challenges, new analysis shows [739d]
- Nanomaterial boosts potency of coronavirus disinfectants [739d]
- Medical-legal partnerships are valued by immigrant, migrant populations: Study [739d]
- Nanofluidic devices offer solutions for studying single molecule chemical reactions [739d]
- Exploring the polysaccharide composition of plant cell walls in succulent aloes [739d]
- Entrepreneurship starts in the cradle: How does a sense of security in early childhood give rise to entrepreneurs? [739d]
- Iron treatment boosts rice immune system, shows study [739d]
- New angle on theory explaining species diversity in rainforest trees [739d]
- Study offers details on using electric fields to tune thermal properties of ferroelectric materials [739d]
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