The Brutalist Report - science
- No new articles in the last 24 hours.
- Heavy snow hits southern California [735d]
- Workers moving products in the US food supply chain at high risk of injury [735d]
- The coexistence of race and anti-racism in Geoffrey Morant's anti-Nazi anthropology [735d]
- Clues about the northeast's past and future climate from plant fossils [735d]
- Researchers find several oceanic bottom circulation collapses in the past 4.7 million years [736d]
- Generation of blastocyst-like structures from spliceosomes represses mouse totipotent blastomere-like cells [736d]
- A new neutrino laboratory at the bottom of the Mediterranean for probing sea and sky [736d]
- Robotic bees and roots offer hope of healthier environment and sufficient food [736d]
- A year since Russia invaded Ukraine, new research shows global financial impact [736d]
- Breakthrough in tin-vacancy centers for quantum network applications [736d]
- PanGu drug model: Learn a molecule like a human [736d]
- Conflicts of interest need to be avoided in publishing publicly available crop information, says study [736d]
- Unusual atom helps in search for universe's building blocks [736d]
- Study explores conversion therapy practices in Ireland [736d]
- One size doesn't fit all: CEO education is no guarantee of stock market success [736d]
- Sharing electricity in a crisis situation? Researchers investigate motivation for sharing [736d]
- Cultural burns can help protect koalas [736d]
- Genomic analyses provide important insights for conservation management [736d]
- Worst-ever February rainforest data for Brazilian Amazon [736d]
- Starting a business can liberate LGBT people to be themselves [736d]
- Hubble observes gravitational lens of a massive galaxy cluster [736d]
- Algorithms were supposed to reduce bias in criminal justice, but do they? [736d]
- NASA to launch Israel's first space telescope [736d]
- MAVEN status update [736d]
- Powering up: Research team develops strategy for better solid-state batteries [736d]
- Plans to reintroduce lynx and wolves to England could be put on hold [736d]
- Researchers reveal multifaceted regulation of crassulacean acid metabolism in epiphytic orchid [736d]
- Misogyny in policing: How some male officers abuse their power over female victims and colleagues [736d]
- The fungus zombies in 'The Last of Us' are fictional, but real fungi are becoming more resistant [736d]
- Theoretical support for reality of pressure mode pulsations on a white dwarf [736d]
- Family history knowledge can help American adolescents develop healthy sense of identity [736d]
- New way to check if turtles are 'fat and happy' [736d]
- The animals and plants that only exist in captivity—and why time is running out to restore them to the wild [736d]
- How linguistic diversity in English-language fiction reveals resistance and tension [736d]
- Tolerance to strong winds and storm avoidance strategy found to differ among seabird species [736d]
- Eyes on Hera: Asteroid mission's cameras ready [736d]
- Prospecting for copper with machine learning and zircons [736d]
- Why UK supermarkets are rationing food and how to prevent future shortages [736d]
- Why the UK has only had one named storm so far this winter—an expert explains [736d]
- Water buybacks are back on the table in the Murray-Darling Basin. Here's a refresher on how they work [736d]
- Study sheds light on electrocatalysts for acidic oxygen evolution reaction [736d]
- Novel bio-index helps indicate future Arctic climate change through microzooplankton [736d]
- The history of teaching black history [736d]
- Is Starbucks' olive oil infused coffee a healthy combination? Food expert breaks down the company's latest concoction [736d]
- Dynamic NASA-built weather sensors enlisted to track tropical cyclones [736d]
- Finding the right approach to socializing cats [736d]
- What kind of workspace suits you best? It may depend on your personality [736d]
- New insights into coral symbiosis after bleaching [736d]
- Measurement of bacteria levels shows high amounts of dog feces on New York City sidewalks [736d]
- Developing countries pay the highest price for living with large carnivores, finds study [736d]
- Technique captures and separates benzene air pollution [736d]
- Deadly waves: Researchers document the evolution of plague over hundreds of years in medieval Denmark [736d]
- New study reveals biodiversity loss drove ecological collapse after the 'Great Dying' [736d]
- Using the power of AI, new open-source tool simplifies animal behavior analysis [736d]
- Study of Yellow River flooding over past 1,000 years shows human activities made flooding worse [736d]
- Human height remained unchanged for 2,000 years in Milan, finds study [736d]
- Locking and unlocking molecular structures on demand [736d]
- Ayahuasca, 'source of knowledge' in the heart of the Amazon [736d]
- Six tips for keeping children safe online [736d]
- Is the middle Cambrian Brooksella a hexactinellid sponge, trace fossil or pseudofossil? [736d]
- The war in Ukraine could trigger a land investment rush as happened during the 2008 financial crisis [736d]
- Could a naturally occurring amino acid lead us to a cure for COVID-19? [736d]
- How birds got their wings [736d]
- Optimizing nitrogen application for sustainable rice production in China [736d]
- Social inequities reflected in wait times: The poor wait longer [736d]
- Absence of the predicted 2022 October outburst of galaxy OJ 287 and its implications [736d]
- When material goes quantum, electrons slow down and form a crystal [736d]
- Scientists unlock key to drought-resistant wheat plants with longer roots [736d]
- Marine heatwaves decimate sea urchins, mollusks and more at Rottnest [736d]
- Making engineered cells dance to ultrasound [736d]
- Image: Sun releases strong solar flare [736d]
- Russia launches rescue ship to space station after leaks [736d]
- Flotsam found off New York may be from famous SS Savannah [736d]
- New discovery sheds light on very early supermassive black holes [736d]
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