The Brutalist Report - science
- Fishing for proteins: Scientists use new optical tweezer technology to study DNA repair [730d]
- Only 2 in 5 UK businesses have introduced support to help staff with rising cost of living as operating costs rise [730d]
- Hansel and Gretel's breadcrumb trick inspires robotic exploration system for caves on Mars and beyond [730d]
- Team publishes study of the brain of the Homo erectus fossil with the lowest cranial capacity [730d]
- New method can provide rapid detection of food adulteration [730d]
- Study shows promising results in using the sun's ultraviolet rays to decontaminate water at high altitudes [730d]
- On a warming planet, these Arctic geese rapidly found (and shared) a new migratory route [730d]
- Previously unknown mechanism in precision RNA cleaving by Dicer enzyme revealed [730d]
- Moose could play a big role in global warming [730d]
- Scientists synthesize cerium mineral that holds promise for biomedical research [730d]
- 'Swarmalators' better envision synchronized microbots [730d]
- Weird world of Aussie bees: How one species creates gender balance in the nest [730d]
- 'A nice sign': Big Rockies snowpack may boost Lake Mead [730d]
- SpaceX Dragon crew to blast off for ISS [730d]
- Long lost Madagascar songbird seen again in wild [730d]
- Report: New technology needed to remove greenhouse gases at scale and halt global warming impacts [730d]
- Rare quasar triplet forms one of the most massive objects in the universe [730d]
- 'Chunky dunk?' Cleveland's prehistoric sea monster may have been shorter, stouter than once believed [730d]
- P. aeruginosa bacteria produce a molecule that paralyzes immune system cells [730d]
- Mulching time of forest meadows influences insect diversity [730d]
- Wasps harness power of pitcher plants in first-ever observed defense strategy [730d]
- Guarding the genome: Researchers uncover full 3D structure of p53 protein [730d]
- Researchers find evolutionary selection for traits associated with immunity, metabolism in Tsimane and Moseten genomes [730d]
- Why seagrass needs space [730d]
- Scaling up clean cooking options in low- and middle-income countries to benefit health and climate [730d]
- Researchers create metasurface that enables multichannel terahertz transmission [730d]
- Modeling of European Neanderthal migration hints at hidden archaeological hot spots in Iran [730d]
- Seismic imaging provides insight into the Earth's subsurface [730d]
- Study forecasts tile drainage and crop rotation changes for nitrogen loss [730d]
- Changes in the environment influenced hominin dispersals across ancient Iran, reveals study [730d]
- Bronze Age well contents reveal the history of animal resources in Mycenae, Greece [730d]
- What distinguishes fans from celebrity stalkers? [730d]
- Pregnant shark birth tracking technology provides key data for species protection [730d]
- #StopAsianHate study sheds light on overlooked aspect of activism [730d]
- Glacier National Park could provide climate haven for Canada Lynx [730d]
- America on the move: How urban travel has changed over a decade [730d]
- Social workers experienced depression, PTSD, and anxiety at alarming rates during pandemic [730d]
- A history of Zambia's green policies shows why environment and development must go hand in hand [730d]
- Sex work in South Africa: Why both buying and selling should be legal [730d]
- How Lithuania is spearheading EU and NATO efforts facing Russia [730d]
- Viewpoint: Look to cities, but past their mayors, for new climate solutions [730d]
- Despite restrictions elsewhere, NZ still uses a wood preservative linked to arsenic pollution [730d]
- Political instability and damage to infrastructure: How climate change could undermine Australia's national security [730d]
- Migrant children in the UK are going missing from care—here's how to protect them [730d]
- Global warming could lead to increase in 'hot lightning' strikes causing more wildfires [730d]
- One easy way to fight antibiotic resistance? Good hand hygiene [730d]
- Joy can help us be better at work—here's how to find it [730d]
- Commentary: Why a temporary flood levy on higher earners would be the fairest way to help pay for Cyclone Gabrielle [730d]
- Most special advisers become lobbyists after leaving government, says new research [730d]
- Wolf restoration in Colorado shows how humans are rethinking their relationships with wild animals [730d]
- Which state you live in matters for how well environmental laws protect your health, says researcher [730d]
- 30 years later, Waco siege still resonates—especially among anti-government extremists [730d]
- Bird flu on chicken farm: Argentina suspends exports [730d]
- Report: Schools in England about 20 times more likely to give priority to local rather than disadvantaged pupils [730d]
- Supernova from the year 185: A rare view of the entirety of this supernova remnant [730d]
- Selective removal of undifferentiated iPS cells from mesenchymal stem cells [730d]
- Ratiometric fluorescence sensing system offers smarter and faster screening for carbendazim residues [730d]
- Ice-cold electron beams for ultra-compact X-ray lasers [730d]
- Oldest known pollen-carrying insect found in Russia [730d]
- Scientists find that bison are impacting streams in Yellowstone National Park [730d]
- AI draws highly accurate map of star birthplaces in the galaxy [730d]
- Lanpepsy is a novel protein that binds lanthanides with high specificity [730d]
- Toilet paper is an unexpected source of PFAS in wastewater, study says [730d]
- Studies yield a better understanding of how cyanobacteria take advantage of glucose [730d]
- New NASA DART data prove viability of asteroid deflection as planetary defense strategy [730d]
- Scientists present new application for nanophotonic sensor [730d]
- Hubble captures movie of DART asteroid impact debris [730d]
- Oldest human genome from southern Spain [730d]
- New method enables effective free-space optical communication regardless of weather [730d]
- The counting of 9.9 billion trees could help manage climate credits and nature restoration [730d]
- Coral-friendly sunscreen shown to provide better UV protection than existing options [730d]
- Social bird species may be less competitive [730d]
- Birth of Mexican volcano inspires scientists 80 years later [730d]
- Rising seas eating away at Honduran fishing village [730d]
- Chemical imaging could help predict efficacy of radiation therapy for an individual cancer patient [730d]
- La Nina ending but warming El Nino may strike soon: UN [730d]
- Solid‒gas carbonate formation during dust events on Mars [730d]
- Quantum chemistry: Molecules caught tunneling [730d]
- Ice Age survivors: Paleogenomics study [730d]
- New study could help pinpoint hidden helium gas fields, and avert a global supply crisis [730d]
- Deforestation in the tropics linked to a reduction in rainfall [730d]
- Nanomedicine targeting hypothalamic lipid metabolism can be a potential approach for controlling obesity [730d]
- Towering wildfire clouds are affecting the stratosphere and the climate, demonstrates study [730d]
- Tracing the evolution of shiitake mushrooms [730d]
- Complex seismic tremor detected at Italy's Mefite d'Ansanto gas field [730d]
- Woodcocks have the brightest white feathers ever measured [730d]
- Survey: Half of Americans uncertain about ability to identify false political claims [730d]
- How did the forest develop at the Hailuogou glacier area? [730d]
- Researchers reveal molecular mechanism of freeze tolerance adaptation in Amur sleeper [730d]
- New mycorrhizal dominance mechanism drives scale-dependent biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships [730d]
- Scientists improve the accuracy of weather and climate models [730d]
- Researchers report new mechanism in an ancient pathway of immune response [730d]
- Removing traces of life in lab helps NASA scientists study its origins [730d]
- Flamingos found to form cliques with like-minded pals [730d]
- New research embodies queer history through artifacts [730d]
- Centuries of whaling data highlight likely climate change effect [730d]
- Observations shed more light on the behavior of a nearby blazar [730d]
- No human-to-human bird flu transmission found in Cambodia: officials [730d]
- World not adequately prepared for disasters, report says [730d]
- Gabonese village fights to save forest from logging [730d]
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