The Brutalist Report - science
- Young dog owners tend to cope well when their beloved pooch misbehaves, new study reveals [691d]
- Bacterial signaling across biofilm affected by surface structure, shows study [691d]
- A cold-specialized icefish species underwent major genetic changes as it migrated to temperate waters, new study finds [691d]
- Preventing urban flooding in the face of climate change [691d]
- Porous material for selective trapping of carbon dioxide and toxic gases [691d]
- Countdown begins for the great North American solar eclipse [691d]
- Warming strongly increases nutrient availability in a nutrient-limited bog [691d]
- Students use machine learning in lesson designed to reveal issues, promise of AI [691d]
- Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya-Interaction allows magnon-magnon coupling in hybrid perovskites [691d]
- A panoramic view of the catalytic conversion network for lignocellulosic biomass valorization [691d]
- Using green energy for electrochemical corrosion protection [691d]
- Researchers propose a new technology-centered focus to study and conserve coral reefs [691d]
- Mummies provide the key to reconstruct the climate of the ancient Mediterranean [691d]
- Sexual selection: Why do females prefer ornate male signals? [691d]
- Microbiologists discover a regulatory mechanism that keeps cancer-causing bacteria in check [691d]
- A new measurement could change our understanding of the universe [691d]
- Scientists use computational modeling to design 'ultrastable' materials [691d]
- Persuading conservatives of pro-environmentalism not as easy as one might think: Study [691d]
- In the US, public support for redeemability of Black offenders is widespread [691d]
- The past and future of gender research in marketing, and its relevance to contemporary societies [691d]
- Make creativity part of study programs for scientists-in-training, say researchers [691d]
- Bonobos and chimps: What our closest relatives tell us about humans [691d]
- Was plate tectonics occurring when life first formed on Earth? [691d]
- Rare 14-ft smalltooth sand tiger shark washes up on Wexford shore [691d]
- Far, far away: Just how distant is that galaxy? [691d]
- The number of Aussie teens in detention or under supervision by the justice system continues to fall [691d]
- How much is the world's most productive river worth? Here's how experts estimate the value of nature [691d]
- Hot electron electrochemistry with ultrafast laser pulses [691d]
- Multi-foci metalens for spectra and polarization ellipticity recognition and reconstruction [691d]
- Food forests are bringing shade and sustenance to US cities, one parcel of land at a time [691d]
- New evidence for the nature of matter from ancient galaxies in the early universe [691d]
- Cultural heritage and historic preservation: Creating a digital twin of Shahjahanabad [691d]
- Tips for talking to kids about race and encouraging interracial friendships [691d]
- Male beetles neglect their genomes when competing for females [691d]
- Archaeology shows how hunter-gatherers fit into southern Africa's first city, 800 years ago [691d]
- Hotter weather not diminishing runoff and river discharge as expected [691d]
- Lab-grown fat could give cultured meat real flavor and texture [691d]
- Supernatural beliefs have featured in every society throughout history: New research helps explain why [691d]
- Australian parents want schools to teach more sex education topics and teach them from an earlier age [691d]
- Classicist: 'Modern' view of religion dates to 303 AD [691d]
- Pandemic prevention agreement must address wildlife trade [691d]
- Family support protects trans young people, but their families need support too [691d]
- Researchers: Tackling online misogyny—what needs to be done in UK schools and communities [691d]
- How food shortages affect shopping habits and why people keep switching stores [691d]
- New retail crime stats reveal employee theft, customer aggression and fraud in NZ and Australia [691d]
- Oysters back from the brink thanks to novel restoration [691d]
- Adding a conductive copolymer improves efficiency of bacterial production of commercial polypeptide [691d]
- New insights into engineering climate smart crops for the future [691d]
- Study uncovers social cost of using AI in conversations [691d]
- Raw sewage blights once-idyllic beaches on Isle of Wight [691d]
- 'Snowball Earth' might have been rather slushy: Study [691d]
- Counting male chickens before they hatch means good news for ethical farming [691d]
- New quantum sensing method holds promise for improving greenhouse gas detection [691d]
- Comparison with humans and bonobos suggests wild African elephants may have self-domesticated [691d]
- Sleight-of-hand magic trick only fools monkeys with opposable thumbs [691d]
- Discovery of a crucial clue to accelerate the development of carbon-neutral porous materials [691d]
- Absolute zero in the quantum computer: Formulation for the third law of thermodynamics [691d]
- Peering into ocular waste recycling [691d]
- Scat study shows less diverse diet may be harming survival of the kākāpō [691d]
- Researchers devise new membrane mirrors for large space-based telescopes [691d]
- Fungi contribute to loss of structural strength in trees attacked by emerald ash borer [691d]
- Pharmaceuticals found in Florida redfish [691d]
- Researchers develop novel nonwovens that are electrically conductive but thermally insulating [691d]
- Detecting, predicting and preventing aortic ruptures with computational modeling [691d]
- UK govt sets out new water plan to tackle pollution [691d]
- Webb telescope discovers oldest galaxies ever observed [691d]
- New study looks at the history of industrial contamination in the Arctic permafrost [691d]
- Using dark matter distribution to test the cosmological model [691d]
- The ice in Antarctica has melted before, says study [691d]
- Shining a light on helical polymers [691d]
- Holographic microscopy shows potential as a red tide warning system [691d]
- 50 years after NASA's Apollo mission, moon rocks still have secrets to reveal [691d]
- New discovery could hold the key to healthy aging during global warming [691d]
- Researchers reveal mechanism of polarized cortex assembly in migrating cells [691d]
- Study shows dramatic insect decline is also occurring in forests [691d]
- Greater duckweed shows metabolic flexibility during trophic transition [691d]
- Palace pits with severed hands studied in ancient Egyptian site [691d]
- Large double-ring disk detected around the star 2MASS J04124068+2438157 [691d]
- Spatio-temporal isolator in lithium niobate on insulator [691d]
- Cassowaries still crucial to seed dispersal, study shows [691d]
- Study reveals influencing factors on global dumpsite distribution [691d]
- Scientists call for coordinated global effort to assess the full environmental impacts of tritium [691d]
- Lost chimpanzees of Tenerife: Scientists piece together story of animals who redefined human intelligence [691d]
- Efficient nanostructuring of glass with elliptically polarized pulses [691d]
- Study finds harmful PFAS don't actually prevent furniture stains [691d]
- Climate scientists uncover mechanisms behind uneven Indian Ocean warming [691d]
- Warming Arctic draws marine predators northwards [691d]
- Aboriginal art and knowledge unlock mystery of fairy circles [691d]
- New shape-shifting antibiotics could fight deadly infections [691d]
- Emissions cuts can slash heat deaths in Mideast, N. Africa: study [691d]
- Virgin Orbit files for bankruptcy, seeks buyer [691d]
- Freshwater turtles found basking in the moonlight [691d]
- Jumping genes in cancer cells open door to new immunotherapies [691d]
- One of sunken warship Vasa's crewmen was a woman [692d]
- Double-anonymous peer review reduces reviewer bias, finds a three-year trial [692d]
- Personal finances increasingly play second fiddle to personality, finds study [692d]
- New low-cost camera could help scientists forecast volcano eruptions affecting millions [692d]
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