The Brutalist Report - science
- What's in the mysterious waters of Tulare Lake? Contaminants, egrets and many unknowns [570d]
- Survival of this frog in California wildfire scar lends 'some hope' for threatened species [570d]
- Montana court rules for young people in landmark US climate trial [570d]
- Wildfires in Maui are among the deadliest in US history. These are the other fires atop the list [570d]
- Scientists explore dinosaur 'coliseum' in Denali National Park [570d]
- EPA clears Washington state to do more controlled burns to prevent wildfires [570d]
- A rarely seen whale has died in the Florida Keys, and biologists are investigating [570d]
- These organizational changes can shake up company hierarchy [570d]
- Researchers improve production for short-lived scandium radioisotopes [570d]
- New book describes how whaling shaped U.S. culture even after petroleum replaced it [570d]
- New paint gives extra insulation, saving on energy, costs, and carbon emissions [570d]
- New research offers solutions to improve drinking water access in developing countries [570d]
- Scientists outline a new strategy for understanding the origin of life [570d]
- WhatsApp campaigning replicates existing political structures in Ghana and Nigeria, study shows [570d]
- Consumers who buy cannabis products containing HHCs could be getting less than they hoped for [570d]
- 'Planting' rocks in farms, along with emissions reductions, could help meet key IPCC carbon removal goal [570d]
- Scientists develop efficient spray technique for bioactive materials [570d]
- 50 percent chance 2023 will be warmest year on record: NOAA [570d]
- Searching for the universe's missing teenage pictures [570d]
- Don't just wait for the water firms—three things we can do right now to clean up Britain's rivers [570d]
- Astronomers confirm Maisie's galaxy is among earliest ever observed [570d]
- Elephant ancestors' teeth evolved in response to long term changes in diet and climate in Africa [570d]
- What's your masculine style: Neo-traditional, egalitarian or progressive? [570d]
- To reduce rising crime rates, Canada needs to invest more in social services [570d]
- Researchers develop a unique quantum mechanical approach to determining metal ductility [570d]
- Why tiny metal droplets take longer to solidify into glass: Fundamental observation in materials science [570d]
- Gold buckyballs, oft-used nanoparticle 'seeds' found to be one and the same [570d]
- Weaker transcription factors are better when they work together [570d]
- Nanoscale material offers new way to control fire [570d]
- A 'Jupiter' hotter than the sun [570d]
- Neutrons seek to stop cancer from hijacking a metabolic highway [570d]
- An improved radioisotope thermoelectric generator could dramatically reduce the weight of interplanetary missions [570d]
- Deploying a huge antenna on the moon could study its insides [570d]
- Uncovering the local atomic structure of zeolite using optimum bright-field scanning transmission electron microscopy [570d]
- Trees are not always a miracle cure for improving air quality [570d]
- Canadians have highly positive views of wolves, survey finds [570d]
- Body images: How tech can co-opt our physical selves, and how art can save us [570d]
- Dark energy could be measured by studying the galaxy next door [570d]
- Study demonstrates the value of citizen science to monitor natural enemy in fight against invasive Siam weed [570d]
- Exposing the hidden genetic diversity of an ecologically harmful microbe [570d]
- 'Forever chemicals'? Maybe not [570d]
- Cylindrical autonomous drilling bot could reach buried Martian water [570d]
- Why imprisoning repeat shoplifters rarely breaks the cycle of offending—and what may work better [570d]
- No longer ships passing in the night: These electromagnetic waves had head-on collisions [570d]
- Study shows promise of gene therapy for alcohol use disorder [570d]
- Researchers analyze the illegal trade in supply of drinking water in Jordan [570d]
- Researchers develop chromium compounds that can replace rare and expensive noble metals [570d]
- China's ancient water pipe networks show they were a communal effort with no evidence of a centralized state authority [570d]
- Natural or not? Scientists aid in quest to identify genetically engineered organisms [570d]
- Mathematical model provides new insights into the distribution of genetic information during bacterial cell division [570d]
- After Maui fires, human health risks linger in the air, water and even surviving buildings [570d]
- How Airbnb is fuelling gentrification in Toronto [570d]
- Creating 'sponge cities' to cope with more rainfall need not cost billions—but NZ has to start now [570d]
- How to grow rhinos in a lab: The science that could save an endangered species [570d]
- Why does your hair curl in the summer? A chemist explains the science behind hair structure [570d]
- Object recognition through vision, hearing and touch—it's time to let go of the learning styles myth [570d]
- Three ways to get your nature fix without a garden [570d]
- Urban great tits have paler plumage than their forest-living relatives [570d]
- The bubbly chemistry behind carbonated beverages [570d]
- Trapped: Australia's extraordinary alpine insects are being marooned on mountaintops as the world warms [570d]
- Extreme heat is changing how people experience the outdoors [570d]
- How microplastics are making their way into our farmland [570d]
- Throwing shade: Model maps NYC street trees' cooling benefits [570d]
- Rising seas and a great southern star: Aboriginal oral traditions stretch back more than 12,000 years [570d]
- Florida's academic standards distort the contributions that enslaved Africans made to American society [570d]
- Urban sprawl contributes to housing crisis, exacerbates childhood adversities [570d]
- For two backyard bird species, more light pollution is linked to lower survival [570d]
- Theoretical and experimental physics team up in the search for particle flavor change [570d]
- Researchers show cells communicate by pulling on a fiber network [570d]
- Wildfires are a severe blow to Maui's economy, but other iconic destinations have come back from similar disasters [570d]
- Novel research could provide better analysis of the role of extracellular vesicles and particles in diseases, cancer [570d]
- Researchers create paracrystallized aluminosilicate glass with supreme toughness [570d]
- Europe's ancient languages shed light on a great migration and weather vocabulary [570d]
- Etna eruption forces closure of Sicily's Catania airport [570d]
- At least 24 killed in India after heavy rains [570d]
- Baghdad zoo animals suffer as mercury hits 50 degrees [570d]
- Off Alaska coast, research crew peers down, down, down to map deep and remote ocean [570d]
- Surprise COVID discovery helps explain how coronaviruses jump species [570d]
- Structures of connexin-43 gap junction channel and hemichannel in a putative closed state [570d]
- New clubroot strains continue to emerge in Western Canada [570d]
- Scientists design antimicrobial peptides with improved stability [570d]
- How an ancient board game could unlock cutting-edge physics discoveries [570d]
- Quantifying antibiotic resistance genes in environmental samples [570d]
- These little piggies helped their neighbors, but why? New research design may help shed light [570d]
- Spacecraft could shuttle astronauts and supplies to and from the moon on a regular basis [570d]
- Radio observations inspect galaxy cluster Abell 1413 [570d]
- Study finds dry lightning can spark wildfires even under wetter conditions [570d]
- Durable Parker Solar Probe going strong after first five years [570d]
- Bear–human coexistence reconsidered [570d]
- Images of enzyme in action reveal secrets of antibiotic-resistant bacteria [570d]
- Scientists develop pineapple stem starch film for packaging fruits and vegetable [570d]
- As we head toward summer, researchers suggest a rethink of Australia's bushfire risk [570d]
- Extreme Australian bushfires pose serious threat to global climate, scientists warn [570d]
- Simulations reveal 'unprecedented details' of a star's evolutionary phase [570d]
- Researchers characterize tardigrade species richness in Denmark [570d]
- Origins of the plantation system revealed [570d]
- Countering false and omitted evidence of historically heterogeneous western US dry forests and mixed-severity fires [570d]
- Riding a wave to better medical diagnostic imaging [570d]
- Death tolls from climate disasters will 'balloon' without investment in Africa's weather stations, experts warn [570d]
- Irrigating more U.S. crops by mid-century will be worth the investment, researchers say [570d]
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