The Brutalist Report - science
- Starvation and adhesion drive formation of keratinocyte patterns in skin [206d]
- Ships now spew less sulfur, but warming has sped up [206d]
- Think fast -- or not: Mathematics behind decision making [206d]
- Routine lab tests are not a reliable way to diagnose long COVID, research finds [206d]
- New method for orchestrating successful collaboration among robots [206d]
- Engineers make tunable, shape-changing metamaterial inspired by vintage toys [206d]
- New study unveils 16,000 years of climate history in the tropical Andes [206d]
- AI poses no existential threat to humanity, new study finds [206d]
- Scientists identify genes linked to relapse in the most common form of childhood leukemia [206d]
- Study reveals oleoyl-ACP-hydrolase underpins lethal respiratory viral disease [206d]
- Scientists find oceans of water on Mars: It's just too deep to tap [206d]
- Researchers ID body's 'quality control' regulator for protein folding [206d]
- Forest restoration can boost people, nature and climate simultaneously [206d]
- Pre-surgical antibody treatment might prevent heart transplant rejection [206d]
- How cell nuclei organize eyes and brain [206d]
- Why carbon nanotubes fluoresce when they bind to certain molecules [206d]
- Bacteria in lakes fight climate change [206d]
- Fallopian tubes can be safely removed during sterilization, study suggests [206d]
- Low magnesium levels increase disease risk [206d]
- Alzheimer's disease: It's not only neurons [206d]
- Mature forests vital in frontline fight against climate change [206d]
- Balancing technology and governance are key to achieving climate goals [206d]
- How mortal filaments' self-assemble and maintain order: Align or die [206d]
- State-of-the-art brain recordings reveal how neurons resonate [206d]
- Innovative study unveils a new path in green chemistry [206d]
- Drug protects against air pollution-related Alzheimer's signs in mice [206d]
- Breakthrough heart MRI technique accurately predicts heart failure risk in general population [206d]
- Treating radiation wounds with aspirin hydrogels [206d]
- Parents' eating behavior influences how their children respond to food [206d]
- Gene-related metabolic dysfunction may be driving heart arrhythmia [206d]
- Possible explanation for link between diabetes and Alzheimer's [206d]
- Taking a 'one in a million' shot to tackle dopamine-linked brain disorders [206d]
- Just say 'climate change' -- not 'climate emergency' [206d]
- Those with the biggest biases choose first, according to new math study [206d]
- In breakthrough Alzheimer's discovery, research team finds new targets and biomarkers for potential novel therapies [206d]
- Babbling babies need timely responses to learn language, social norms [206d]
- Wearable display tech: Full-color fiber LEDs based on perovskite quantum wires [206d]
- Heat caused over 47,000 deaths in Europe in 2023, the second highest burden of the last decade [206d]
- An appetizer can stimulate immune cells' appetite, a boon for cancer treatments [206d]
- New genetically engineered wood can store carbon and reduce emissions [206d]
- NK cells expressing interleukin-21 show promising antitumor activity in glioblastoma cells [206d]
- Engineers bring efficient optical neural networks into focus [206d]
- Parents who use humor have better relationships with their children, study finds [206d]
- Heat killed nearly 50,000 in Europe in 2023: Study [206d]
- 'All of us urgently need to band together to pass a robust and just Earth to future generations,' says expert [206d]
- New model framework aims to predict postfire debris flow behavior before a fire occurs [206d]
- New study unveils 16,000 years of climate history in the tropical Andes [206d]
- Up-cycling petroleum waste into a high-performance yet sustainable triboelectric nanogenerator [206d]
- Arctic Ocean may absorb less CO₂ than projected due to coastal erosion [206d]
- Researchers highlight the carbon-saving potential of compact cities [206d]
- When godliness goes up, financial advisor misconduct goes down [206d]
- Webb captures new image of gassy baby stars [206d]
- Research team uses tunable laser to develop straightforward broadband spectroscopy method with Hz-level precision [206d]
- The next full moon is a supermoon blue moon [206d]
- Chemists synthesize plant-derived molecules that hold potential as pharmaceuticals [206d]
- Scientists observe first neutrinos with prototype detector [206d]
- Tick-borne red meat allergy prevented in mice through new nanoparticle treatment [206d]
- New forest condition monitor shows dynamic changes in forests resulting from extreme climate change events [206d]
- Unveiling the ancient Maya's relationship to animals and nature [206d]
- Researchers identify body's 'quality control' regulator for protein folding, could lead to targeted treatments [206d]
- Forest restoration can boost people, nature and climate simultaneously [206d]
- Scientists find oceans of water on Mars. It's just too deep to tap. [206d]
- US presidential elections can influence local prosecutor races [206d]
- Locked out of banking: Incarceration is associated with decreased bank account ownership [206d]
- Developing a simple, cost-effective method to identify the targets of a crucial protein-modifying enzyme [206d]
- Faint auroras may be visible in Northern Hemisphere skies after weekend solar storms [206d]
- Chemical cocktail from plastics: Pilot study describes degradation and leaching process of plastic consumer products [206d]
- Astronomers ask public to help find newly formed black holes [206d]
- Surf spots are global ally in climate fight, study finds [206d]
- US capable of achieving seafood independence, study shows [206d]
- Neutrons reveal the existence of local symmetry breaking in a Weyl semimetal [206d]
- Study reveals new method for controlling CO₂ reduction catalysts [206d]
- Getting trapped in freshwater ice changes microplastics' sink-or-swim tendencies [206d]
- Efficient glycosyltransferases from A. membranaceus enable biosynthesis of bioactive pterocarpan glycosides [206d]
- Researchers identify the best indicators to monitor market risk in different commercial real estate sectors [206d]
- Study uses topological data analysis to identify voting deserts [206d]
- Q&A: Scientists use rice cultivation to preserve soil in Florida's Everglades Agricultural Area [206d]
- Chip that entangles four photons opens up possibility of inviolable quantum encryption [206d]
- Bacteria's hidden hand in tick survival [206d]
- Athens suburbs on fire as Greece calls on EU for help [206d]
- An automated scheme for optical lens design looks set to enhance mobile phone cameras [206d]
- Bacteria in lakes fight climate change: The role of methanotrophs as biological methane filter [206d]
- Carbon nanotubes study finds local solvation is decisive for fluorescence of biosensors [206d]
- New study examines the links between science fiction and astronomy [206d]
- Good thing we found this Earth-sized planet now—it's about to be destroyed [206d]
- How climate change is transforming the Wadden Sea [206d]
- From jellyfish to basking shark, we're developing 100 new signs to deepen deaf people's connection with the ocean [206d]
- NASA to launch 8 scientific balloons from New Mexico [206d]
- If you want Americans to pay attention to climate change, just call it climate change [206d]
- Small chemical tweak boosts CO₂ capture by 15% [206d]
- The problem with pronatalism: Pushing baby booms to boost economic growth amounts to a Ponzi scheme [206d]
- Ethiopia's deadly landslides are caused by both nature and man—a geophysicist explains [206d]
- Rat poison is moving up through food chains, threatening carnivores around the world [206d]
- No credit score? A grocery list could be the next best thing [206d]
- Study reveals Canadian wildfires are affecting US air quality and raising health concerns [206d]
- Dealing with election anxiety? Psychiatrist explains how to channel your fears, break out of tribal thinking [206d]
- Those with the biggest biases choose first, according to new math study [206d]
- Urban growth leads to more intense droughts for many world cities—Sydney is a case study for areas at risk [206d]
- Aboriginal children as young as five are getting suspended from school. We can't 'close the gap' if this is happening [206d]
- Bilingualism under threat: Structured literacy could make it harder for children to hold on to their mother tongue [206d]
- Giving feedback can be daunting for new leaders—here's how to provide it thoughtfully [206d]
- How 'woke' marketing lets fast fashion brands get away with environmental and labor abuses [206d]
- The percentage of Australians with disability has surged in a few years. Here's why [206d]
- Industry push to earn carbon credits from Australia's native forests would be a blow for nature and the climate [206d]
- Dug up in Australia, burned around the world—exporting fossil fuels undermines climate targets [206d]
- What time is it on the moon? Researchers develop a plan for precise timekeeping [206d]
- Balancing technology and governance are key to achieving climate goals, study highlights [206d]
- High-speed cameras reveal behavior of microplastics in turbulent water [206d]
- The many adventures of nitrogen in the Arctic Ocean: Research reviews the complex cycle and climate change impacts [206d]
- Fern becomes first in suborder to be classed as 'independent gametophyte' [206d]
- The hidden architect: How nuclei organize the eyes and brain [206d]
- Planting trees the 'right way' [206d]
- Mesoscale convective systems pump local evapotranspiration moisture upward, boosting moisture recycling [206d]
- How the altruistic response to far right riots reveals the innate goodness in human beings [206d]
- One way social work researchers can better understand community needs—and move the field forward [206d]
- Astronomers, satellite internet provider develop new system to share the sky [206d]
- ALICE measures interference pattern akin to the double-slit experiment [206d]
- Chaos theory approach reveals long-distance relationship in seemingly random behavior of bowhead whales [206d]
- Small but mighty: Why microbes could be part of climate solutions [206d]
- Study reports dim odds for finding alien civilizations [206d]
- Newly discovered X-ray binary system contains a white dwarf, observations find [206d]
- California's earthquake revolution: Early-warning systems make strides, issuing more than 5 million alerts [206d]
- SpaceX performs Canaveral launch Saturday, but scrubs 2nd launch from KSC [206d]
- Researchers develop eco-friendly nanoparticles from plant waste [206d]
- Pre-Mongolian elite grave found in an abandoned fortress [206d]
- Mature forests are vital in frontline fight against climate change, research reveals [206d]
- Align or die: Revealing unknown mechanism essential for bacterial cell division [206d]
- Do I need it? 'Underconsumption core' trends on TikTok [206d]
- Waste into gold: Oyster shells repurposed as magic 'Seawool' [206d]
- Residents flee as Greece wildfires rage despite 'superhuman' efforts [206d]
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