The Brutalist Report - science
- Are our refrigerants environmentally safe? The lingering questions about the chemicals keeping us cool [5d]
- 'Fluorescent phoenix' discovered with persistence rivaling Marie Curie's [5d]
- Student refines 100-year-old math problem, expanding wind energy possibilities [5d]
- Select corn lines contain compounds that sicken, kill major crop pest [5d]
- Immunity against seasonal H1N1 flu reduces bird flu severity in ferrets, study suggests [5d]
- Influencer marketing can help tourism industry mitigate waste, pollution [5d]
- Material's 'incipient' property could jumpstart fast, low-power electronics [5d]
- Drug may prevent some migraine attacks in children and teens [5d]
- Researchers make recommendations for promoting sustainable development in mangrove forest areas [5d]
- When the wild things are: Surprising details of mammalian daily activity [5d]
- Do starchy carbs cause cavities? [5d]
- New study supports caution regarding use of steroids [5d]
- Treatment strategy reprograms brain cancer cells, halting tumor growth [5d]
- Genomic tools provide clearer view of health for endangered bats [5d]
- Why brain cancer is often resistant to immunotherapy [5d]
- A new path to recovery: Scientists uncover key brain circuit in the fight against cocaine use disorder [5d]
- Problem-based learning helps students stay in school [5d]
- Blood test could lead to better diagnosis and management of ALS [5d]
- Supercomputing illuminates detailed nuclear structure [5d]
- Possible links between PFAS exposure and childhood cancers [5d]
- Nuns contribute 30 years of critical insight into dementia disorders [5d]
- Extreme heat may speed up aging in older adults [5d]
- A springtail-like jumping robot [5d]
- Morphing robot turns challenging terrain to its advantage [5d]
- School of rock: Properties of rocks in fault zones contribute to earthquake generation [5d]
- Infant mortality tied to concentration of lead in air [5d]
- Simulating scientists: New tool for AI-powered scientific discovery [5d]
- Researchers create the world's smallest shooting video game using nanoscale technology [5d]
- Adsorptive regolith on Mars soaks up water, researchers reveal [5d]
- New method searches through 10 sextillion drug molecules [5d]
- New low-cost challenger to quantum computer: Ising machine [5d]
- Microplastics in ocean linked to disabilities for coastal residents [5d]
- Researchers uncover key insights into CO2 reduction using SnO-based electrocatalysts [5d]
- Schizophrenia is reflected in the brain structure [5d]
- Feeding anemone: Symbiote fish actively feed hosts in wild [5d]
- New AI-powered tool could enhance traumatic brain injury investigations in forensics and law enforcement [5d]
- A protein from tiny tardigrades may help cancer patients tolerate radiation therapy [5d]
- Environmental impact of unexploded ordnance in the Baltic Sea [5d]
- AI generates playful, human-like games [5d]
- Time interfaces: The gateway to four-dimensional quantum optics [5d]
- Genetic risk of schizophrenia affects men and women differently [5d]
- Protein design: Flexible components allow new architectures [5d]
- New genetic risk score identifies individuals at risk for heart disease who may benefit most from cholesterol-lowering therapies [5d]
- Novel photochromic glass can store rewritable 3D patterns long term [5d]
- Some fuel lodges in the inner walls of fusion vessels: Researchers now have a better idea of how much [5d]
- A new drug screening method could bring a solution to drug delivery and efficacy issues [5d]
- How parenthood may help keep your brain young [5d]
- Researchers making clean water more accessible [5d]
- Missing protein keeps mice slim, even on a high-fat diet [5d]
- Beyond the burn: Harvesting dead wood to reduce wildfires and store carbon [5d]
- When dads take leave, moms breastfeed longer [5d]
- Droplet forming power is key for cells to attach properly [5d]
- Earliest evidence for humans in rainforests [5d]
- Fish teeth show how ease of innovation enables rapid evolution [5d]
- Comprehensive resource describes functions of more than 20,000 human genes [5d]
- AI accelerates discovery of neurodevelopmental disorder-associated genes [5d]
- Genomics approach to metabolism reveals how reactions flow [5d]
- Multiplexing entanglement in a quantum network [5d]
- Bacteria consumed by immune cells become part of the cell [5d]
- New spatial mechanism for the coexistence of tree species [5d]
- New photon-avalanching nanoparticles could enable next-generation optical computers [5d]
- What can theoretical physics teach us about knitting? [5d]
- Discovery of rare gene variants provides window into tailored type 2 diabetes treatment [5d]
- New method developed to dramatically enhance bioelectronic sensors [5d]
- Hidden allies: Trees and fungi [5d]
- Physicists find unexpected crystals of electrons in new ultrathin material [5d]
- In preparing children for a racially unequal society, families of color can benefit from more support, study finds [5d]
- Image: The Milky Way on the horizon [5d]
- Problem-based learning can help students stay in school [5d]
- The health of Canada's Fraser River Delta requires monitoring and management, researchers warn [5d]
- As expected, the threat from Asteroid 2024 YR4 has essentially dropped to zero [5d]
- Sediment transport restored after demolition of the Olloki dam [5d]
- View the rare 'planet parade' this week and learn why it's happening [5d]
- Impact of unexploded ordnance in the Baltic Sea: Study detects toxic munitions chemicals in water samples [5d]
- The interplay between communication, power and decision-making in college sports [5d]
- Bark beetle infestation found to slow down tree growth early on [5d]
- Six things to know about NASA's Lunar Trailblazer [5d]
- Leaf-dwelling fungi enhance black poplar chemical defenses and mediate multi-trophic insect interactions [5d]
- Organic electrochemical transistors enhance bioelectronic sensor sensitivity by three orders of magnitude [5d]
- How Schrödinger's cat could help improve quantum computers [5d]
- Genomic tools reveal health insights for endangered Indiana bats [5d]
- As bird flu spreads, feds could undercut states by firing scientists, removing data [5d]
- Charting gene secrets: Fission yeast strains provide insights into genetic switches [5d]
- Tiny changes in gene expression can lead to big differences in eye size of fruit flies [5d]
- Engineers achieve multiplexing entanglement in quantum network [5d]
- It's time to hold bank executives financially accountable, researchers say [5d]
- Critical nanoscale phenomena unveiled for more efficient and stable perovskite solar cells [5d]
- From the tropics to the lab: New yeasts could transform industry [5d]
- Petunia's secret: Cracking nature's perfume with key floral scent gene [5d]
- Spraying methyl jasmonate on fruit trees boosts harvest, research finds [5d]
- A new spatial mechanism for coexistence: Hidden patterns in tree distribution stabilize biodiversity in forests [5d]
- Microbiologist calls for public vigilance and urgent action on the danger of raw sewage in UK seas [5d]
- The world needs a circular economy, but workers in developing countries shouldn't pay the price [5d]
- Teachers express extreme concern about influence of online misogyny on students [5d]
- Unexpected findings: Many mammals defy traditional day-night activity labels [5d]
- Researchers find Bluesky is similarly structured to other social media, but with some unusual features [5d]
- Properties of rocks in fault zones contribute to earthquake generation, study shows [5d]
- Study reveals how rogue planetary-mass objects form in young star clusters [5d]
- Eavesdropping on whale songs sparks new discoveries in ecology [5d]
- Citizen scientist scuba divers reveal shark activity in South African reef [5d]
- What's the shape of the universe? Mathematicians use topology to study its shape and everything in it [5d]
- Molten metal catalysts for CO₂-free hydrogen production improve efficiency by up to 36.3% [5d]
- Hofstadter's butterfly: Quantum fractal patterns visualized [5d]
- When life re-emerges after fires: How Mediterranean vegetation regenerates after burning [5d]
- States that impose severe prison sentences accomplish the opposite of what they say they want [5d]
- The loneliness paradox: How media narratives shape our solitude [5d]
- Improving risk estimates for extreme rain and snow [5d]
- Double network hydrogel polymers feature rapid self-strengthening abilities [5d]
- From slime molds to corporations, traveling networks chart a new path [5d]
- Making clean water more accessible: New membrane filter enhances desalination speed and cost-effectiveness [5d]
- Graphene's quantum spin injection promises energy-efficient spintronics [5d]
- Microwave reactor can recycle aramid fibers found in bulletproof vests [5d]
- Scientists build robot to track plant-fungal trade networks, revealing nature's underground supply chains [5d]
- Computer simulations show nightmare Atlantic current shutdown less likely this century [5d]
- Britons advised to cut meat, air travel to reach net zero targets [5d]
- Hidden risks from plastic-coated fertilizers in soil revealed [5d]
- World's largest insect faces extinction: How to save two species of Africa's giant Goliath beetle [5d]
- Water influx kicks immune cells into action, research reveals [5d]
- Fragment-based drug design: New method searches through 10 sextillion molecules [5d]
- Parrotfish support healthy coral reefs, but they're not a cure-all, and sometimes cause harm [5d]
- How tourism and fish farming can thrive together [5d]
- How paleontologists are uncovering dinosaur behavior [5d]
- Why the use of GenAI in higher education is a cautionary tale [5d]
- World's smallest shooting video game uses nanoscale technology [5d]
- Research finds China's one-child policy boosted female entrepreneurship [5d]
- Church hymns and social beers: The science behind singing together [5d]
- Nvidia's CorrDiff uses AI to generate higher resolution local weather forecasting [5d]
- The UK must make big changes to its diets, farming and land use to hit net zero [5d]
- High-throughput computing and in situ tech advance atomic catalyst design [5d]
- SnO-based electrocatalysts reveal key insights into CO₂ reduction [5d]
- Fish teeth show how ease of innovation enables rapid evolution [5d]
- Droplet forming power is key for cells to attach properly, research reveals [5d]
- Earliest evidence for humans in rainforests discovered [5d]
- Tibet is one of the most linguistically diverse places in the world. This is in danger of extinction [5d]
- Lost in transliteration: Unlocking the complexity of Chinese names [5d]
- Slowing food spoilage without chemicals: Natural tree sap gum and light extend fruit shelf life [5d]
- How Nutriset, a French company, has helped alleviate hunger and create jobs in some of the world's poorest places [5d]
- AI-detection software isn't the solution to classroom cheating—assessment has to shift [5d]
- Giant glaciers pulverized Earth's ancient rocks, setting the stage for complex life [5d]
- Which type of note-taking is better for learning: laptop or pen and paper? [5d]
- Adsorptive regolith on Mars soaks up water, updated model shows [5d]
- 'Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents': A cult self-help book encourages detachment—but is that what we need? [5d]
- Beyond the burn: Harvesting dead wood to reduce wildfires and store carbon [5d]
- Some fuel will get stuck in inner walls of fusion vessels: Research provides a better idea of how much [5d]
- Nose-to-tail mining: How making sand from ore could solve a looming crisis [5d]
- Time interfaces: The gateway to four-dimensional quantum optics [5d]
- Why do we fall for wellness scams? Our cultural biases and myths are often to blame [5d]
- Next-generation forecasting tool could offer early warning for volcanic eruptions [5d]
- How urbanization shapes coyote life in Los Angeles [5d]
- Experts share cold weather protection tips for pets [5d]
- EU seeks to balance business needs, climate goals [5d]
- Iconic trees lining GC coastline at risk without intervention [5d]
- Study finds bullies have more children than non-bullies [5d]
- UK dairy farmers encouraged to discuss alternative medicine use [5d]
- Discovery suggests there could be huge amounts of helium in Earth's core [5d]
- Protein design: Flexible components allow new architectures [5d]
- Study investigates outburst of cataclysmic variable system GK Persei [5d]
- Trump administration rolls back protections for rare whales off Florida coast [5d]
- Three reasons why the release of genetically modified mosquitoes in Queensland is risky [5d]
- Research reveals one-third of Scottish households have no savings [5d]
- Atmospheric pollutants surprisingly helpful in offsetting primary productivity decline in Indian Ocean [5d]
- Mars's core evolution: Lab experiments hint at solid inner core formation [6d]
- Field experiments show clownfish actively provide food to their anemone partners [6d]
- Private US company set for second moon landing attempt [6d]
- Under pressure, EU to take axe to green rules [6d]
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