The Brutalist Report
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Scientific American
Hurricane Ian Destroyed Retirees' Life Savings
People Exposed to Harmful Wildfire Smoke Often Live Far from Lung Specialists
Remarkable Dinosaur Mummy Has 'Glittering' Skin Gouged by Ancient Crocs
Naps Not Needed to Make New Memories
Why Sleep-Deprived People Are More Selfish and Lonely
There's an Alarming Rise in Diabetes during Pregnancy
Neurons in a Dish Learn to Play Pong
This Shrub Could Supply Rubber, Insect Repellent and Glue
Quanta Magazine
No new articles in the last 24 hours.
New Scientist
Grey wolves are rebounding but it's making it hard for them to survive
What's next if SpaceX won't fund Starlink in Ukraine?
A black hole ate a star and belched out the remains two years later
How much water do data centres use? Most tech companies won't say
Personal lubricant made from cow mucus may protect against HIV
Gut pain may help to maintain a healthy microbiome in mice
World's heaviest bony fish weighs in at a whopping 2744 kilograms
Mind-reading AI works out what you are thinking from brain scans
UK isn't prepared for the next pandemic, says ex-vaccine chief
How fluctuating oxygen levels may have accelerated animal evolution
3D printing plant cells shows promise for studying cell function
Pain-sensing gut neurons protect against inflammation
Findings support repurposing rheumatoid arthritis drug auranofin for diabetes
Deep learning makes X-ray CT inspection of 3D-printed parts faster, more accurate
Clarification of material properties for clearly better displays
Too much motivation affects our decision-making
Discovery of family of hormones may be key to increased crop yields
Widespread variation of inherited retroviruses among Darwin’s finches
Researchers discover how to overcome a treatment resistance mechanism in one of the most aggressive types of breast cancer
Joining forces: Fast-as-lightning 3D microprinting with two lasers
Study reveals new insights into how fast-moving glaciers may contribute to sea level rise
Hoverflies migrate north in spring
Ecosystem-based fisheries management restores western Baltic fish stocks
Newly discovered process brings immune cells up to speed
Back to the future of photosynthesis
Researchers have determined the three-dimensional atomic structure of a protein important for organ functions
Watching lithium in real time could improve performance of EV battery materials
Gene activity in a test tube
New mitochondrial disease identified in identical twins
Changing direction: Research team discovers switchable electronic chirality in an achiral Kagome superconductor
Antisepsis agents interchangeable in reducing infection risk in open fracture surgeries
Study Sheds light on leave traits, productivity of C4 bioenergy crops
Viral infections are less frequent but more severe in people with Down syndrome due to oscillating immune response
Study finds unexpected protective properties of pain
Smart materials: Metal cations-recognizable thermoresponsive polymers
3D printing plant cells shows promise for studying cell function
Deadly piston pump: How a colonization factor is secreted by bacterial type 4 pili
How fluctuating oxygen levels may have accelerated animal evolution
Physicists have developed a new photonic system with electrically tuned topological features
Breedbase software to help speed crop improvement
New study investigates how beliefs and political affiliations shape the public's understanding about racial inequalities
Researchers have determined the three-dimensional atomic structure of a protein important for organ functions
Ecosystem-based fisheries management restores western Baltic fish stocks
Dictatorships use sporting events as smokescreen for political repression
The complex Maxwell stress tensor theorem: A novel scenery underlying electromagnetic optical forces
A new technique for observing gene activity in a test tube
Can the energy tax in Germany lead to a yellow vest movement?
Bumblebees have poor, but useful memories
Is climate change fueling massive hurricanes in the Atlantic? Here's what the science says
African wild rice genes help perennial rice to halve its production cost
Researchers find first evidence that hoverflies migrate north in spring
Sexual and gender minorities assigned male at birth have higher odds of partner violence
Study sheds light on leave traits, productivity of C₄ bioenergy crops
Creating stronger and more ductile microlattice materials with reduced unit sizes
An experimental device for generating temperature gradients on a microtiter plate
Annihilation of exceptional points from various degeneration points observed for the first time
Maine lawmakers snap over lobster fishing's impact on whales
2022 summer, a dry wake-up call
NASA's Chandra finds galaxy cluster collision on a 'WHIM'
Bicycle paths and greenery are concentrated in affluent neighborhoods
Bacteria with interesting properties discovered in underground caves
Analyzing a new material that promises faster, higher resolution displays
Replicated molecules reveal hiding method of bacteria
Exploring the origin of the supersoft X-ray light curve
Newly discovered process brings immune cells up to speed
How alpine plants respond to climate change
Seeing how a spacecraft dies
Efficient enzyme 'cocktail' from Penicillium consortium enhances lignocellulose biodegradation
Marine diatoms show high plasticity in adapting to fluctuating light conditions
Governments must 'change the way the economy works' after COVID-19, says new report
One in eight people in Australia is living in poverty, as cost of living pressures increase
Stopping native forest logging key to getting to net zero in Australia
Identifying a key mechanism in cells' ability to adapt their growth to changing environmental conditions
Microclimatic variation mainly drives species composition and phylogenetic structure of epiphytic communities
Study reveals new insights into how fast-moving glaciers may contribute to sea level rise
Improving phosphorus recycling from sewage sludge
Liquid crystal templated chiral nanomaterials, a comprehensive review
A lipid required for vision identified in fruit flies
Examining our options for automated in-orbit assembly of large structures
Discovery of family of hormones may be key to increased crop yields
Smart materials: Metal cations regulate thermoresponsive polymers
How blind cavefish make their way in the dark
Model suggests Indian Ocean Dipole changes are reducing wheat yields in Australia
Robots monitor the environmental impact of the Nord Stream gas leak
The tiny worm that can help treat trauma patients and facilitate long-distance human space travel
Stone projectile skills helped foragers occupy rainforests during southern Asia migration
Cryo-electron microscopy reveals how cold-sensing cell channels are manipulated by chemicals to induce cold sensation
Researchers resolve decades-long debate about shock-compressed silicon with unprecedented detail
Researchers studying climate futures shouldn't jump to extremes
New insights into the ocean's oldest carbon
Resurrecting billion-year-old enzymes reveals how photosynthesis adapted to the rise of oxygen
Fast-as-lightning 3D microprinting with two lasers
Researchers provide new insights into photosynthesis
Can cats and coyotes co-exist?
Protecting wildlife along the US-Mexico border
Floods swallow cars, swamp houses in 'major' Australian emergency
Disappearing notes in classical tune highlight the dramatic loss of Humpback Whales
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