The Brutalist Report - science
- No new articles in the last 24 hours.
- First total ear canal removal surgery performed on pig [810d]
- What are career closets? More colleges help cash-strapped students with job-ready clothes [810d]
- Another above-average wildfire season for 2022. How climate change is making fires harder to predict and fight. [810d]
- Depletion of groundwater is accelerating in California's Central Valley, study finds [810d]
- Climate change is forcing cities to rethink their tree mix [810d]
- Pressure mounts on Biden administration for decision on giant Willow oil field project in Alaska [810d]
- Homes that survived Boulder County fire hid another disaster inside: Research details this urban wildfire health risk [810d]
- Rethinking the big spring clean chuck-out frenzy: How keeping old things can 'spark joy' in its own way [810d]
- Why rituals have been crucial for humans throughout history—and why we still need them [810d]
- The earliest humans swam 100,000 years ago, but swimming remains a privileged pastime [810d]
- Four creepy crawlies Australians will see more of this wet summer—and one iconic beetle they'll probably miss [810d]
- How Putin's war and small islands are accelerating the global shift to clean energy, and what to watch for in 2023 [810d]
- Viewpoint: 3 reasons local climate activism is more powerful than people realize [810d]
- Betting on female jockeys can bring greater rewards, but it's not all good news [810d]
- Producers getting better at making alcohol-free beer and wine: Here's how it's done [810d]
- Real-time rip current identification tool uses AI and deep learning [810d]
- New platform integrates THz photonics with planarized low-loss polymers [810d]
- Painting an accurate profile of Adelaide's homeless [810d]
- Researchers build cell atlas using scattered single-cell datasets [810d]
- Eating viruses can power microorganism's growth and reproduction [810d]
- Unraveling the selective transport of sugar and a hormone that underlies male fertility in plants [810d]
- Revealing intermolecular hydrogen bond's important role in separation, purification of structurally similar compounds [810d]
- Functional analyses of RNA-related enzymes using a next-generation DNA sequencer [810d]
- NASA makes asteroid defense a priority, moving its NEO surveyor mission into the development phase [810d]
- Planetary interiors in TRAPPIST-1 system could be affected by solar flares [810d]
- Is mining in space socially acceptable? [810d]
- Is the Milky Way normal? [810d]
- Despite ban, small turtle online pet trade in the US found to be flourishing [810d]
- Are nudges sinister psychological tricks? Or are they useless? Economists say they are neither [810d]
- COVID lessons learned can inform efforts to improve NYC food system [810d]
- Enhancing the conversion efficiency of powdered photocatalysts that generate hydrogen from water under visible light [810d]
- Deep learning can predict tsunami impacts in less than a second [810d]
- Time to strike antifreeze off your list of usable poisons? [810d]
- Study lays foundation for producing germanium-68/gallium-68 generator [810d]
- Precise FAST observations reveal circular polarization in active repeating fast radio bursts [810d]
- Study reveals inconsistent effect of ramet connection in homogeneous environments [810d]
- 2022 was a historic year for climate change policies. What's next for 2023? [810d]
- Five space exploration missions to look out for in 2023 [810d]
- Ethereal color variant of mysterious plant is actually new species [810d]
- Researchers identify bird species depicted in ancient, finely detailed Egyptian painting [810d]
- Model analysis of atmospheric observations reveals methane leakage in North China [810d]
- Research investigates the latest outburst of pulsar SAX J1808.4−3658 [810d]
- Highly sensitive infrared polarizer based on sulfur waste created [810d]
- Far-flung forces caused the 2021 Pacific Northwest heat wave, say researchers [810d]
- A checkerboard pattern of inner ear cells enables us to hear [810d]
- Fly away home: rare Eastern Sarus cranes released in Thailand [810d]
- 'Blizzard of the century' leaves nearly 50 dead across US [810d]
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