The Brutalist Report - science
- Reef fish must relearn the 'rules of engagement' after coral bleaching [802d]
- Tipping points complicate the evaluation of complex climate models [802d]
- 'Brutal' storm bears down on California [802d]
- Apollo 7 astronaut Walter Cunningham dead at 90 [802d]
- Was that explosion chemical or nuclear? New research makes it easier to differentiate between the two [802d]
- Sizing up competition based on sensitivity to pain [802d]
- Emergence of private high schools in rural India increases stratification by gender, income, socioeconomic status [802d]
- Manatee die-off season looms as trial of feeding them lettuce begins again [802d]
- For the New Year, look up at the Florida sky [802d]
- Disease nearly wiped out sea stars on California's Central Coast. Is the population recovering? [802d]
- California's snowpack is near a decade high. What does it mean for the drought? [802d]
- Northeastern Wisconsin PFAS plume moves into Green Bay via groundwater [802d]
- Tweets, news offer insights on invasive insect spread [802d]
- Playing all the angles: A high-contrast grating structure for direction-tunable lasing [802d]
- Chip circuit for light could be applied to quantum computations [802d]
- Turning coal mine drainage into source of rare minerals [802d]
- Coprolites identify oldest bearded vulture nest in the Paleolithic Iberian Peninsula [802d]
- Researchers develop strain sensors for health, machine use [802d]
- Declining trend in the use of antibiotics in fattening animals [802d]
- Couples don't have the same experience when both work from home [802d]
- Large volcanic outburst on discovered on Jupiter's moon Io [802d]
- Differential dynamics and direct interaction of bound ligands with lipids in multidrug transporter ABCG2 [802d]
- Cells found to possess two mechanisms that allow them to respond to different force ranges [802d]
- New role of small RNAs in Salmonella infections uncovered [802d]
- Zebrafish testing identifies a gene potentially at the root of domestication [802d]
- Harnessing tumor's power to heal non-healing wounds [802d]
- Researchers develop a light source that produces two entangled light beams [802d]
- Fewer moths, more flies: Complex relationships between plants and pollinators have changed dramatically [802d]
- Kind methods mean happy cells [802d]
- Italy's pasta row: A scientist reveals how to cook spaghetti properly and save money [802d]
- Austerity has its own life. Here's how it lives on in future generations [802d]
- In defense of rodents: Why healthy ecosystems need them [802d]
- Imaging the magnetic field in the acceleration zone of the Vela pulsar [802d]
- DNA in the water shows South African scientists where to find a rare pipefish [802d]
- Electrode with chlorine gas provides high power and energy density [802d]
- Green streets: Why protecting urban parks and bush is vital as our cities grow and become denser [802d]
- Scientists dig deep and find a way to accurately predict snowmelt after droughts [802d]
- Europe's 'pyroregions': Summer 2022 saw 20-year freak fires in regions that are historically immune [802d]
- Exploring the mathematical universe: Connections, contradictions and kale [802d]
- COP15 outcome is an imperfect game-changer for saving nature. Here's why Australia did us proud [802d]
- Discovering the 'honeypot': The surprising way restricting immigration can turn out to hurt the working poor [802d]
- China is considering where to build a lunar research station [802d]
- Researchers explore origin, dispersal and diversification of subfamily Polygonoideae [802d]
- When we swim in the ocean, we enter another animal's home. Here's how to keep us all safe [802d]
- A modular system for the simple and inexpensive production of security inks [802d]
- Searching for life on alien worlds [802d]
- Stocking suffer: When it comes to meaningful gifts, shoppers eschew the expensive [802d]
- Light, conspecific density and soil fungi have different effects on seedling growth of temperate tree species [802d]
- Study reveals 2016–2021 interannual changes of coastal aquaculture ponds in China at 10-m spatial resolution [802d]
- Satellite imagery could improve fossil-hunting at remote sites [802d]
- Researchers propose guidelines to communicate climate change [802d]
- How do tidal marshes store carbon? [802d]
- HD 213258 is a rapidly oscillating, strongly magnetic Ap star, study finds [802d]
- Bizarre cretaceous bird from China shows evolutionarily decoupled skull and body [802d]
- Breakthrough in plant breeding: Grafting and mobile CRISPR for genome editing in plants [802d]
- Most species evolve by adapting to similar, large-scale environmental pressures, study finds [802d]
- Mysterious gamma-ray emitting bubbles around the center of the Milky Way explained [802d]
- Researchers discover new process to create freestanding membranes of 'smart' materials [802d]
- Waste not want not: Santiago's poorest district plants recycling seed [802d]
- South Korea's lunar orbiter sends photos of Earth, Moon [802d]
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