The Brutalist Report - science
- Scientists find pair of black holes dining together in nearby galaxy merger [795d]
- Hydrogen masers reveal new secrets of a massive star [795d]
- Astronomers find the most distant stars in our galaxy halfway to Andromeda [795d]
- Exploring the amazing life and lights of the ocean depths [795d]
- Full moon rising: The first lunar spectacle of 2023 is this weekend's wolf moon [795d]
- More rain lashes storm-battered California [795d]
- How did investigators use DNA profiling to identify the suspect in the Idaho student killings? [795d]
- Deep learning-designed diffractive processor computes hundreds of transformations in parallel [795d]
- Why is drought-weary Los Angeles letting stormwater flow into the Pacific Ocean? [795d]
- Another humpback whale washes up on Atlantic City beach [795d]
- NASA space missions pinpoint sources of carbon dioxide emissions on Earth [795d]
- Want natural food dye? Amaranth delivers, according to study [795d]
- Two studies identify new strategies for insect control [795d]
- Broccoli looks more like cauliflower in warmer world [795d]
- Spending law presents challenges for environmental regulators [795d]
- Study: Community violence interventionists face on-the-job violence, secondary trauma [795d]
- How the experience of almost winning impacts the performance of nominees [795d]
- Orion back at Kennedy Space Center so NASA can dissect Artemis I mission [795d]
- Authorities working to determine source of oil slick off Santa Barbara coast [795d]
- 'Green banks,' poised for billions in climate funds, draw states' attention [795d]
- On this flooded island of homeless people, climate change has never been more real [795d]
- Smallpox has plagued humans since ancient Egyptian times, new evidence confirms [795d]
- How the 'Kimchi premium' on crypto affects overseas remittances [795d]
- New study reveals wide diversity of galaxies in the early universe [795d]
- A new method to evaluate thermoelectric materials [795d]
- Forests recovering from logging act as a source of carbon [795d]
- Climate 'presses' and 'pulses' impact Magellanic penguins—a marine predator—with guidance for conservationists [795d]
- Urban lizards share genomic markers not found in forest-dwellers [795d]
- Warming oceans have decimated marine parasites—but that's not a good thing [795d]
- New molecular insights into medical cannabis [795d]
- When taxes go up, executives increase profits from insider trading [795d]
- Researchers dig up secrets of 'self-healing' Roman concrete [795d]
- New AI wildlife camera developed to improve conservation [795d]
- The plurality of knowledge sources for transition to sustainable farming [795d]
- Researchers study new particle formation events in the urban atmosphere [795d]
- NASA's Webb Telescope reveals links between galaxies near and far [795d]
- Rewilding the guts of rescued lemurs [795d]
- Are chemical rockets or solar sails better to return resources from asteroids? [795d]
- Space weather is an ever-increasing threat to humanity, but it's not the sun's fault—it's ours [795d]
- Why we should all learn to love stinging nettles [795d]
- How faith can inspire environmental action [795d]
- Review of Australia's carbon credit scheme falls short and problems will continue to fester, say researchers [795d]
- My kid won't read chapter books. What do I do? [795d]
- Meet the eastern bristlebird: Tragically under-appreciated, and one fire away from local extinction [795d]
- Can customary harvesting of NZ's native species be sustainable? Archaeology and paleo-ecology provide some answers [795d]
- First grader who shot teacher in Virginia is among the youngest school shooters in nation's history [795d]
- Astronomers suggest more galaxies were formed in the early universe than previously thought [795d]
- Supporting minority languages requires more than token gestures [795d]
- ALMA and JWST reveal galactic shock is shaping Stephan's Quintet in mysterious ways [795d]
- Long before Silicon Valley, scholars in ancient Iraq created an intellectual hub that revolutionised science [795d]
- Nile countries could gain economic benefits from new framework [795d]
- Climate change action could set off a copper mining boom: How Zambia can make the most of it [795d]
- Tailoring spatiotemporal dynamics of plasmonic vortices [795d]
- How housing made rich Australians 50% richer, leaving renters and the young behind—and how to fix it [795d]
- Sea sponge has COVID-blocking powers [795d]
- Ozone layer: how the hole was plugged [795d]
- 'Smart' coating can be precisely applied to make fabric into protective gear [795d]
- Air quality improvements lead to more sulfur fertilizer use, shows study [795d]
- Hubble gazes at galactic globular cluster NGC 6355 [795d]
- Ecosystems in Victoria and Tasmania may be most at risk from climate change [795d]
- Acorn production cycles found to influence wild boar populations [795d]
- Researchers discover chimpanzee communities have local gestural dialects [795d]
- Study explores 'wicked problem' of COVID-19's impact on research and scholarship in higher education [795d]
- Major high street fashion brands reportedly paying below the cost of production [795d]
- Predicting efficient oxygen reduction electrodes for ceramic fuel cells [795d]
- Viewpoint: Black youth and families ignored in return to pre-pandemic norm [795d]
- Chemical researchers discover catalyst to make renewable paints, coatings, and diapers [795d]
- Deforestation: Proposed EU import ban may fail to protect tropical rainforests and farmers. How it should work [795d]
- Scientists discover ubiquitous, increasing ferric iron on lunar surface [795d]
- Discussions about antisemitism need to include gender and sexuality [795d]
- Global economy 2023: Why there will still be plenty of pressure on food prices in the year ahead [795d]
- Visualizing the inside of cells at previously impossible resolutions [795d]
- How California could save up its rain to ease future droughts as epic atmospheric river rainfall drains into the Pacific [795d]
- Toxoplasmosis—the pathogen with a molecular master key [795d]
- Another step toward an insulin tablet [795d]
- Researchers identify protein that helps skin cancer spread throughout the body [795d]
- AI developed to monitor changes to the globally important Thwaites Glacier [795d]
- LIDAR reveals ancient Mesoamerican structures aligned for use as a 260-day calendar [795d]
- Sea stars: The benthic equivalent to the polar bear [795d]
- What's a 'gig' job? How it's legally defined affects workers' rights and protections [795d]
- The online 'hierarchy of credibility' that fuels influencers like Andrew Tate [795d]
- UN says ozone layer slowly healing, hole to mend by 2066 [795d]
- Old NASA satellite falls harmlessly from sky off Alaska [795d]
- New ordered membrane electrode assembly proposed for high-performance proton exchange membrane water electrolysis [795d]
- Afforestation may affect widespread sampling deficiency in plant collections [795d]
- Vegetation restoration, hydrological change affect carbon and nitrogen cycling in novel riparian ecosystem [795d]
- Video: 133 days on the sun [795d]
- Organic materials show promise for improved X-ray imaging [795d]
- Become a dark energy explorer: NASA citizen science project [795d]
- Environmental emissions of pharmaceuticals in global manufacturing supply chains require revised regulations [795d]
- Researchers propose a more effective method to predict floods [795d]
- NSVS 2983201 is a contact binary system, observations find [795d]
- Scattered patches of green around urban parks can impact biodiversity [795d]
- Controlling quantum states in individual molecules with two-dimensional ferroelectrics [795d]
- A robotic microsurgeon reveals how embryos grow [795d]
- Astronomers discover eight new super-hot stars [795d]
- Beyond the average cell: An updated framework for understanding bacterial growth, replication, and division [795d]
- Jet engine lubrication oils are a major source of ultrafine particles: Study [795d]
- 3D printing of single atom catalysts pioneered [795d]
- Historic UK rocket mission set for liftoff [795d]
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