The Brutalist Report - science
- Computer models determine drug candidate's ability to bind to proteins [793d]
- Symptoms of illness help pathogens spread amongst songbirds [793d]
- Old and new stars paint very different pictures of the Triangulum Galaxy [793d]
- NASA's Webb uncovers star formation in cluster's dusty ribbons [793d]
- New Webb image reveals dusty disk like never seen before [793d]
- NASA's Webb confirms its first exoplanet [793d]
- Global study identifies neighborhood characteristics that promote walking and cycling [793d]
- Clarifying role of water clarity in coastal management [793d]
- Scientists study life origins by simulating a cosmic evolution [793d]
- Significant reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions still possible [793d]
- test [793d]
- Controlled, localized delivery of blood thinner may improve blood clot treatment [793d]
- Physicists model cell migration to learn how cancer cells navigate tissue [793d]
- Now on the molecular scale: Electric motors [793d]
- Researchers create an optical tractor beam that pulls macroscopic objects [793d]
- New levers for controlling plant biochemistry [793d]
- Some hospitalized patients' infections may develop from their own bacteria [793d]
- Researchers take key step toward new treatment for hereditary blindness [793d]
- CAR T cell therapy may eliminate tumor cells missed by surgery [793d]
- Research team builds framework to quantify brain's control costs [793d]
- Researchers uncover mechanisms to easily dry, redisperse cellulose nanocrystals [793d]
- Discovery of metabolic switch could lead to targeted treatment of obesity, cancer [793d]
- Developing mucosal vaccines for respiratory viruses [793d]
- Can neuroimaging reveal the roots of psychiatric disorders? Not just yet [793d]
- Newly discovered surface structures may affect immune function [793d]
- A big step toward 'green' ammonia and a 'greener' fertilizer [793d]
- Discovery of a new form of carbon called Long-range Ordered Porous Carbon (LOPC) [793d]
- Managing river restoration and coastal erosion [793d]
- Study offers most detailed glimpse yet of planet's last 11,000 summers and winters [793d]
- Study reveals obesity-related trigger that can lead to diabetes [793d]
- Ethical ancient DNA research must involve descendant communities, say researchers [793d]
- 'A perfect little system': Physicists isolate a pair of atoms to observe p-wave interaction strength for the first time [793d]
- Better access to sunlight could be lifeline for corals worldwide [793d]
- Controlled, localized delivery of blood thinner may improve blood clot treatment [793d]
- Humidity may be the key to super-lubricity 'switch' [793d]
- Origins of the building blocks of life [793d]
- A new ultrafast camera with multiple applications [793d]
- Affordable device for fixing broken bones piloted in Gaza, Sri Lanka and Ukraine [793d]
- Sunlight pulps the plastic soup [793d]
- Researchers reengineer segmentation of the spine [793d]
- New nanotransporter for drug delivery inside cells [793d]
- Artificial pancreas successfully trialed for use by type 2 diabetes patients [793d]
- Converting temperature fluctuations into clean energy with novel nanoparticles and heating strategy [793d]
- How better planning, behavior regulation may lead to eating less fat [793d]
- An education doesn't just make you smarter -- it protects your gut, seriously [793d]
- Childhood maltreatment linked with multiple mental health problems [793d]
- EV transition will benefit most US vehicle owners, but lowest-income Americans could get left behind [793d]
- Feeling loved, optimistic or happy as a teen may lead to better health in adulthood [793d]
- Landscaping for drought: We're doing it wrong [793d]
- Symptoms of illness help pathogens spread among songbirds [793d]
- Why don't students stick with STEM degrees? [793d]
- Discovery of three faint, distant galaxies may expand knowledge of early universe [793d]
- Program teaches US Air Force personnel the fundamentals of AI [793d]
- A more realistic earthquake probability model using long-term fault memory [793d]
- Mapping out key sources of emissions for climate change mitigation [793d]
- Engineered poplar lignin has more of a valuable 'clip-off' chemical [793d]
- Ancient farming strategy holds promise for climate resilience [793d]
- New map of 'stopover hotspots' provides insights for conservation of eastern US migratory landbirds [793d]
- Study: Deal Lake caught in seasonal cycle of harmful algal blooms [793d]
- Discovery of the temple of Poseidon located at the Kleidi site near Samikon in Greece [793d]
- Researchers create an optical tractor beam that pulls macroscopic objects [793d]
- Now on the molecular scale: Electric motors [793d]
- Clarifying the role of water clarity in coastal management [793d]
- Researchers explore quantum effects of light on the creation of Rydberg states in hydrogen molecules [793d]
- Study shows variable-density planting can be a cost-effective tool for weed control [793d]
- Examining how sunlight breaks down plastics on ocean's surface [793d]
- Studying polymer gels through the lens of mechanochemistry and solvent swelling [793d]
- New Webb image reveals dusty disk like never seen before [793d]
- Webb uncovers star formation in cluster's dusty ribbons [793d]
- James Webb Space Telescope confirms its first exoplanet [793d]
- Bonobos, unlike humans, are more interested in the emotions of strangers than individuals they know [793d]
- Trapped sediment in dams 'endangers' water supplies: UN [793d]
- Five things to know about the International Space Station [793d]
- Successful biosynthesis of the precursors of powerful anticancer drug vinblastine in yeast [793d]
- When their company performs well in the stock market, employees give better tips to taxi drivers [793d]
- Scientists and satellites make sense of Earth's subtle motions [793d]
- Discovery of five new deep-sea squat lobster species calls for revision of current classification [793d]
- Interstellar cloud conditions may have played key role in building blocks of life origin [793d]
- Ask for customer reviews at the right time: In many cases, sooner may not be better [793d]
- Nanotechnology may improve gene therapy for blindness [793d]
- Four ways winter heatwaves affect humans and nature [793d]
- Study identifies new levers for controlling plant biochemistry [793d]
- Elephant poaching rates vary across Africa: 19 years of data from 64 sites suggest why [793d]
- Chinese imports could undermine Ethiopian manufacturing—leaving women workers worse off [793d]
- Chinese workers on Africa's infrastructure projects: The link with host political regimes [793d]
- China: The rise of Gen Z will have massive consequences for business and politics [793d]
- Mountain environments are key to biodiversity—but the threats to them are being ignored, says ecologist [793d]
- Protective bacterial cultures offer promising path for preventing antibiotic resistant salmonella in food [793d]
- Two studies shed light on the coupling between electrical, biochemical and biomechanical signals in cells [793d]
- Blue straggler stars are weird [793d]
- No debate anymore: Climate change makes extreme weather worse, federal scientists say [793d]
- Old and new stars paint very different pictures of the Triangulum Galaxy [793d]
- Researchers uncover mechanisms to easily dry, redisperse cellulose nanocrystals [793d]
- 'Soft laws' see more women in the boardroom [793d]
- Is it OK to kick a robot dog? [793d]
- Organ-on-a-chip models allow researchers to conduct studies closer to real-life conditions [793d]
- Significant reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions still possible [793d]
- Cosmic superbubble's magnetic field charted in 3D for the first time [793d]
- Are stingrays actually dangerous? Three reasons you shouldn't fear these sea pancakes [793d]
- Space junk, not meteorites, remains biggest threat to spacecraft [793d]
- 18 huge, billion-dollar disasters: Climate change helped make 2022 the 3rd most expensive year on record [793d]
- Cascading climate disasters: Atmospheric rivers over California's wildfire burn scars raise fears of deadly mudslides [793d]
- Why do our dogs and cats bring us dead animals? [793d]
- China now publishes more high-quality science than any other nation. Should the US be worried? [793d]
- Human actions created the Salton Sea, California's largest lake. Here's how to save its ecosystem [793d]
- New website compiles ocean data from landmark 19th-century scientific voyage [793d]
- How grasses avoid inbreeding [793d]
- Final results from the STEREO experiment reject sterile neutrino hypothesis [793d]
- Antarctic icebergs still exist today where 1700-era sailors spotted and tracked them [793d]
- Among less-educated young workers, women and Black men are paid far less [793d]
- Cayman Islands to cull feral cats to protect brown boobies [793d]
- 'A perfect little system': Physicists isolate a pair of atoms to observe p-wave interaction strength for the first time [793d]
- French island plans mass rodent cull to save albatross eggs [793d]
- Uprooted trees serve as physical record for extreme wind events, finds high-res forest mapping study [793d]
- Despite challenging conditions, thousands of waterbirds breeding throughout NSW wetlands [793d]
- Origin of fireball spotted falling across UK discovered [793d]
- Cis-and trans-regulatory variants affect flower color differentiation between lotus species [793d]
- Ethical ancient DNA research must involve descendant communities, say researchers [793d]
- Discovery of a new form of carbon called long-range ordered porous carbon [793d]
- Toward 'green' ammonia and a 'greener' fertilizer: New MOFs use less energy to separate ammonia from chemical reactants [793d]
- New understanding of how particle shape controls grain flow could help engineers manage coastal erosion [793d]
- Study offers most detailed glimpse yet of planet's last 11,000 summers and winters [793d]
- Marine sediment tells story of East Asian rainfall over the past 400,000 years [793d]
- Expert discusses deadly flooding along California coast due to torrential rain [793d]
- Scientists discover how bacteria use electrical spikes to tolerate antibiotics [793d]
- Domestic abuse victims find justice process traumatic, despite Scotland's 2019 legal reforms [793d]
- Phylogenetic bracketing suggests some dinosaurs' neuron density was equal to that of modern primates [793d]
- Gaia helps discover directly imaged planet undergoing nuclear fusion [793d]
- Scientists delve into natural slicks on Lake Geneva [793d]
- Sweet discovery has potential for effective new virus and cancer drug treatments [793d]
- Abnormal RNA gums up the works in brain cells, shows study [793d]
- There are ways to increase your payout in $1.1 billion Mega Millions lottery, professor says [793d]
- Expert discusses the recent discovery of an Earth-sized planet outside the solar system [793d]
- Landscapes need a diversity of flower colors to maximize therapeutic benefits, according to research [793d]
- Better access to sunlight could be lifeline for corals worldwide, study finds [793d]
- Redwoods and climate change: Vulnerability, resilience, and hopeful potential in world's tallest trees [793d]
- A new ultrafast camera with multiple applications [793d]
- Visualizing a complex electron wavefunction using high-resolution attosecond technology [793d]
- Converting temperature fluctuations into clean energy with novel nanoparticles and heating strategy [793d]
- Why and when to help firms retain workers in a crisis [793d]
- A model-independent method to weigh protoplanetary disks [793d]
- Blazar 1ES 1218+304 inspected in detail [793d]
- Digital advances to increase the sustainability of global fisheries and preserve marine ecosystems [793d]
- Light accelerates conductivity in bacteria-generated nanowires in the soil and oceans [793d]
- Scientists reveal the mechanism of temperature-dependent structure evolution during electrocatalyst formation [793d]
- Protecting biocatalysts from oxygen [793d]
- New model predicts US recessions, slowdowns based on level of financial misreporting in economy [793d]
- Scientists sound alarm as ocean temperatures hit new record [793d]
- Landscaping for drought: We're doing it wrong [793d]
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