The Brutalist Report - science
- Split-second of evolutionary cellular change could have led to mammals, suggests new hypothesis [777d]
- Twisting up atoms through space and time [777d]
- Researchers create a low-cost sensor that detects heavy metals in sweat [777d]
- Host-cell factors involved in COVID-19 infections may augur improved treatments [777d]
- Virus plus microplastics equal double whammy for fish health [777d]
- DNA detector exposes hidden Antarctic krill [777d]
- Study reveals influence of krill availability on humpback whale pregnancies [777d]
- Study argues new economies, not top-down wars on drugs, needed in Colombia, Afghanistan and Myanmar [777d]
- Can you judge trustworthiness based on looks? New research says no [777d]
- Researchers pinpoint new method to help bone-producing cells make more bone [777d]
- How a 3-centimeter glass sphere could help scientists understand space weather [777d]
- Researchers discover elephant extinction could have major impact on atmospheric carbon levels [777d]
- Wolves eliminate deer on Alaskan Island then quickly shift to eating sea otters, research finds [777d]
- Sharks, spatial data, and a conservation success story [777d]
- 'Rubble pile' asteroids nearly impossible to destroy, study suggests [777d]
- Whales navigate a perilous route off the NJ Shore [777d]
- Microbes could be used by farmers as natural fertilizer for poor soil [777d]
- Family tree of major snake group rewritten and new branch of snakes found [777d]
- Work ability is influenced by physical fitness, social life and cognitive functions: Study [777d]
- Study finds that choosing a lucky CEO means bad luck for the hiring company [777d]
- Khanty dialects found to differ more than Slavic languages [777d]
- Hold up, y'all: Slow-speaking states survey sells US language patterns short, linguists say [777d]
- Cheap sewer pipe repairs can push toxic fumes into homes and schools—here's how to lower the risk [777d]
- New pterosaur species with hundreds of tiny hooked teeth discovered [777d]
- Understanding of point defect mechanism boosts photovoltaic performance of antimony selenosulfide [777d]
- New moorings deployed to strengthen the South Atlantic observing system [777d]
- When it comes to finding Australia's future leaders, both the Liberals and Labor have a women problem: New study [777d]
- Scientists identify components of the molecular clock that helps some animals shed their skin [777d]
- Study analyzes effects of European chicken exports to Ghana [777d]
- Kenyan prisoners on death row weren't deterred by the threat of the death penalty, research finds [777d]
- Team develops strategy to regulate light absorption behaviors of titanium oxo clusters [777d]
- Employment of people with disabilities reached new levels in 2022, outperforming their peers without disabilities [777d]
- Don't kill the curl grubs in your garden—they could be native beetle babies [777d]
- NASA measures underground water flowing from Sierra to Central Valley [777d]
- From ground to air to space: Tillage estimates get tech boost [777d]
- A mutant plant with a counting disability [777d]
- School uniforms are meant to foster a sense of belonging and raise achievement—but it's not clear that they do [777d]
- Some health risks from climate change in Florida may surprise. This one affects millions [777d]
- The key to weathering rapid sea-level rise may lie in a Massachusetts salt marsh [777d]
- Webb unveils dark side of pre-stellar ice chemistry [777d]
- Copper transformed way the world works before, and it's about to do so again [777d]
- More effective protected areas needed to halt biodiversity loss [777d]
- Fukushima to release contaminated water—an expert explains why this could be the best option [777d]
- Multifaceted view of land change through the lens of remote sensing [777d]
- Road salt found to impact groundwater year-round [777d]
- Cost-of-living crisis will harm Londoners' health and requires urgent action [777d]
- We can still see these 5 traces of ancestor species in all human bodies today [777d]
- Exploding carp numbers are 'like a house of horrors' for Australia's rivers. Is it time to unleash carp herpes? [777d]
- College student evaluations of teachers found to have another kind of gender bias [777d]
- LPG versus dirty fuel use in Ghana: Bring gas supplies closer to people and more of them will use it, says researcher [777d]
- Tigers in South Africa: A farming industry exists—often for their body parts [777d]
- Q&A: How Jacinda Ardern's resignation shows that women still face an uphill battle in politics [777d]
- How do you vaccinate a honeybee? Six questions answered about a new tool for protecting pollinators [777d]
- Pompeii's House of the Vettii reopens: A reminder that Roman sexuality was far more complex than simply gay or straight [777d]
- Children learn to read faster when given appropriate challenges, study finds [777d]
- New enzyme could mean better drugs [777d]
- A new model for dark matter [777d]
- Large deposits of plagioclase feldspar found in the walls of Valles Marineris on Mars [777d]
- A new way to peer into the permanently shadowed craters on the moon, searching for deposits of water ice [777d]
- DNA sequencing method can detect where and how small molecule drugs interact with their targets [777d]
- Pheasants at risk from predators on unfamiliar ground [777d]
- How a sugar cane pathogen is gearing up a new era of antibiotic discovery [777d]
- Nudging donors toward more effective giving [777d]
- Novel method helps recover obscured images [777d]
- Detecting galactic filaments with machine learning [777d]
- Researchers develop targeted test for antibiotic resistance in clinical Enterobacter species [777d]
- New cuttlefish brain map reveals secrets of camouflage [777d]
- No 'one size fits all' heather management method for protecting carbon-rich peatlands [777d]
- Nanotech turns to shark skin and dragonfly wings [777d]
- Cyprus issues first-ever fines for poisoning wild birds [777d]
- Childhood trauma linked to civic environmental engagement, green behavior [777d]
- Why biodiversity matters and what the world is doing about it [777d]
- Agriculture linked to changes in age-independent mortality in North America [777d]
- Galileo tribute plaque unveiled on the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, Juice [777d]
- Examining SIRT6 regulation as a key component of aging [777d]
- Gut microbe degrades digestive enzyme trypsin in the large intestine, may provide higher protection from viruses [777d]
- Using virtual reality to help disability support workers empathize [777d]
- Chicory, surrogate and roasted coffee provide new insights into mechanisms of taste perception [777d]
- Scientists decipher the seismic dance of the Southern Alps [777d]
- High temperatures found to boost biodiversity in Arctic and sub-Arctic seas [777d]
- A winding road: Mapping how singlet oxygen molecules travel along DNA strands [777d]
- Farewell to 'forever': Destroying PFAS by grinding it up with a new additive [777d]
- Endangered Amami rabbit disperses seeds for non-photosynthetic plant, reveals study [777d]
- Archivists' tough calls have consequences [777d]
- Researchers use bacterial communication as a target for new drugs [777d]
- Latest climate assessment says Oregon is getting warmer [777d]
- Superionic ice contributes to understanding of magnetic anomalies on Neptune and Uranus [777d]
- Laboratory experiment shows that bacteria really eat and digest plastic [777d]
- Extreme violence and abuse commonplace in elite kitchens around the world, study reveals [777d]
- To achieve long-term sustainability, urban systems must tackle social justice and equity [777d]
- Highly transparent electrodes for deep-UV light emitting diode applications [777d]
- New hybrid catalyst could help decarbonization and make ethylene production more sustainable [777d]
- Parental support linked to teen internet addiction [777d]
- Threatened species of shark are being sold as flake at some outlets across South Australia [777d]
- Milky Way found to be too big for its 'cosmological wall' [777d]
- Comparing the abilities of domesticated dogs and pigs to direct human's attention to interesting locations [777d]
- Evidence of new mesoatom shapes and symmetries that occur in a special twin boundary in soft matter [777d]
- Researchers explore the properties of globular cluster NGC 6355 [777d]
- Young chimpanzees and human teens share risk-taking behaviors [777d]
- Gene editing halts damage in mice after heart attacks in new study [777d]
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