The Brutalist Report - science
- Decades-old crustaceans coaxed from lake mud give up genetic secrets revealing evolution in action [765d]
- New sensor enables 'smart diapers,' range of other health monitors [765d]
- Study offers new approach to conduct large-scale protection assessments of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) [765d]
- Lunaemycin, a new antibiotic extracted from moonmilk deposits [765d]
- Research team establishes cell lines to improve iPSC research [765d]
- Researchers uncover physics involved in a key process in Huntington's disease [765d]
- Water pores in leaves proven to be part of plant's defense system against pathogens [765d]
- Team identifies a nutrient that cancer cells crave [765d]
- Research shows education gaps impact wives' income [765d]
- Harmful bacteria can elude predators when in mixed colonies [765d]
- Forest trees find a new watery 'sweet spot' when carbon dioxide levels are high, shows study [765d]
- True stories can win out on social media, study finds [765d]
- What animal kills the most humans? Here's the unexpected predator and how to protect yourself [765d]
- Identification of novel mutations associated with bedaquiline resistance in Mycobacterium marinum [765d]
- Scotland's domestic abuse information 'not adequately captured' in child contact cases, finds report [765d]
- Researchers entangle ions across a 230-meter quantum network [765d]
- Teachers bullying children: A global problem [765d]
- Astronomers detect a second planet orbiting two stars [765d]
- Anti-Black bias can persist despite kids' tendency to favor same-gender peers [765d]
- Study finds small isolated wetlands are pollution-catching powerhouses [765d]
- Browsing herbivores increase savanna resilience to droughts, study finds [765d]
- Tracing the evolution of wheat spikes since the Neolithic revolution [765d]
- Theory sheds light on efficient hydrogen peroxide synthesis [765d]
- When processing misinformation, British voters are divided more along party lines than over Brexit: Study [765d]
- Biologists discover the first fossil species of mountain ants in Baltic amber [765d]
- Soon every spacecraft could navigate the solar system autonomously using pulsars [765d]
- Astronomers come closer to understanding how Mercury formed [765d]
- Unifying colors by primes [765d]
- Efficient calibration of wavelength-dependent transmission through optical multimode fiber [765d]
- Newly proposed strategy in chemistry sheds light on better applications in energy devices [765d]
- Label-free imaging of red blood cells and oxygenation with color TSFG microscopy [765d]
- Discovery of new ice may change our understanding of water [765d]
- Near-zero-dispersion soliton and broadband modulational instability Kerr microcombs in anomalous dispersion [765d]
- Researchers develop elastic material that is impervious to gases and liquids [765d]
- This one-atom chemical reaction could transform drug discovery [765d]
- When critical thinking isn't enough: To beat information overload, we need to learn 'critical ignoring' [765d]
- Water ATMs were introduced in Ghana, changing the way people access this vital resource [765d]
- Plan will put everyone in England within 15 minutes of green space—but what matters is justice not distance [765d]
- How legalized sports betting has transformed the fan experience [765d]
- State abortion bans based on sex, disability or race aren't remedies against eugenics, says paper [765d]
- New regulations on migrant farm workers should tackle employer/employee power imbalances, say researchers [765d]
- Slippery slopes: Why the Auckland storm caused so many landslides—and what can be done about it [765d]
- This strange donkey orchid uses UV light to trick bees into thinking it has food [765d]
- Major palm oil companies broke their promise on No Deforestation—recovery is needed, says researcher [765d]
- Tyre Nichols' death underscores the troubled history of specialized police units, say academics and former officers [765d]
- Researchers find the key to reducing drag on superhydrophobic surfaces can come down to a single parameter [765d]
- Ukraine war: Casualty counts from either side can be potent weapons and shouldn't always be believed [765d]
- Victorian courts disproportionately penalized poor families when a child suffered from neglect, study shows [765d]
- The world's oldest fossils or oily gunk? Research suggests these 3.5 billion-year-old rocks don't contain signs of life [765d]
- 5 expert tips to protect yourself from online misinformation [765d]
- Turning astronauts into moon explorers [765d]
- Metalloradical catalysis guides new cobalt-based system that exploits unique features of homolytic radical reaction [765d]
- The ocean twilight zone could eventually store vast amounts of carbon captured from the atmosphere [765d]
- Study shows students felt more engaged by augmented reality but learned less than those viewing video [765d]
- Western wildfires destroyed 246% more homes and buildings over the past decade. Fire scientists explain what's changing [765d]
- Fluorescent nematodes can help monitor indoor air impurities [765d]
- Researchers realize paired electrosynthesis of dimethyl carbonate with single-atom catalyst [765d]
- Ontario wetlands under threat [765d]
- Research shows how covert language is used to avoid detection on Instagram [765d]
- Multiplication on, multiplication off: Targeting an enzymatic switch to develop oncology drugs [765d]
- Deserts are brimming with life but remain one of the most poorly understood ecosystems [765d]
- Intermittent fasting spurs proliferation of liver cells in lab mice, study finds [765d]
- Just one quality conversation with a friend boosts daily well-being, study shows [765d]
- Interaction-free, single-pixel quantum imaging with undetected photons [765d]
- Vaccination for bees doesn't sting [765d]
- Water crises due to climate change: More severe than previously thought [765d]
- Long-standing mystery about mRNAs resolved [765d]
- The first lab-created 'quantum abacus' [765d]
- Research reveals 'negative feedback' loop between warming and net exchange of carbon caused by erosion [765d]
- New method reveals nano-scale drug molecules in cells [765d]
- A machine-learning tool that classifies catalytic reactions based on simulated kinetic signatures [765d]
- Researchers detect heavy oxygen isotope in Earth's stratosphere [765d]
- Researcher uses AI to make texts that are thousands of years old readable [765d]
- UAE 'Sultan of Space' grapples with Ramadan fast on ISS [765d]
- Strengthening sorghum against a worldwide fungal threat [765d]
- Black youth aren't isolated in segregated neighborhoods, says study [765d]
- Picturing ruins: More than just a morbid fascination [765d]
- Noninvasive test can detect even trace elements of prostate cancer [765d]
- An ultra-stable protein nanowire made by electric bacteria provides clues to combating climate change [765d]
- Little evidence that host countries win more Olympic medals [765d]
- Researchers devise a new path toward 'quantum light' [765d]
- Reducing their natural signals: How sneaky germs hide from ants [765d]
- Unconventional superconductivity found in kagome metal [765d]
- ChatGPT: The AI tech that's revolutionizing teaching [765d]
- A precise X-ray thermometer for warm dense matter [765d]
- Artificial intelligence can improve efficiency of genome editing [765d]
- Genes decide the willow warbler's migration routes, finds study [765d]
- Researchers observe exotic bound states in ultracold polar molecules for the first time [765d]
- Researchers create first supermode optical resonator [765d]
- Where do your plants come from? The answer may surprise you [765d]
- New research turns what we know about bird window strikes inside-out [765d]
- Research team develops new protein mapping technique [765d]
- Astronomers identify 20 ultraviolet-emitting supernova remnants in the Andromeda Galaxy [765d]
- Building particle accelerators takes more than a village [765d]
- Astronomers observe light bending around an isolated white dwarf [765d]
- Researchers have determined what African elephants can hear [765d]
- Microbes are 'active engineers' in Earth's rock-to-life cycle [765d]
- How species partnerships evolve to become specific or general, cooperative or antagonistic [765d]
- Is social media good or bad for social unity? [765d]
- Reading out RNA structures in real time [765d]
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