The Brutalist Report - science
- No new articles in the last 24 hours.
- New England knows winter, but why so dangerously cold? [762d]
- Jupiter's moon count jumps to 92, most in solar system [762d]
- When you buy at a discount online, are you really paying more? [762d]
- Ice cores show even dormant volcanoes leak abundant sulfur into the atmosphere [762d]
- Experiments to complete scientific understanding of how reduced gravity affects boiling and condensation [762d]
- The first stars may have held up to 100,000 times the mass of the sun [762d]
- Analyzing the relationship between olive roots and Verticillium wilt [762d]
- Research measures political polarization in Europe through parties' Facebook pages [762d]
- Two/quasi-two-dimensional perovskite-based heterostructures: Construction, properties and applications [762d]
- Life in a violent country can be years shorter and much less predictable, even for those not involved in conflict [762d]
- The spillover effects of rising energy prices following 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine [762d]
- Signal transmission in the immune and nervous system through NEMO [762d]
- Improved estimates of carbon sinks and sources of northern ecosystems [762d]
- Paper explores how researchers have responsibility for the stories they request and retell [762d]
- Remapping the superhighways traveled by the first Australians reveals a 10,000-year journey through the continent [762d]
- Nano drug delivery breakthrough reveals new possibilities for the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis [762d]
- Long-delayed ExoMars mission still dreams of 2028 launch [762d]
- Bird flu detected in mammals but risk to humans low: experts [762d]
- Outflows from baby star affect nearby star formation [762d]
- New herb plant species found in Yunnan, China [762d]
- First assessment of livestock predation risk from brown bears in Romania [762d]
- A protein structure reveals how replication of DNA coding for antibiotic resistance is initiated [762d]
- Improving social access beyond the inner city [762d]
- Interaction between two filaments plays a key role in sympathetic filament eruptions [762d]
- A possible strategy for a tabletop chiral attosecond laser [762d]
- Development of a versatile method to synthesize functional mRNAs with diverse 5' cap structures [762d]
- Revegetation in extremely degraded grassland improves permafrost stability on Qinghai-Tibetan plateau [762d]
- Reference epigenome reveals transcription and chromatin state reprogramming during wheat embryogenesis [762d]
- Using diamonds to generate ultrashort THz pulses [762d]
- Rabi oscillations in a stretching molecule [762d]
- Savanna plants show high physiological resilience to extreme drought [762d]
- Researchers uncover a new method for generating spinning thermal radiation [762d]
- AI helps scientists decipher cellular structures [762d]
- Male school inspectors award more lenient grades than female inspectors, says paper [762d]
- Police traffic stops can alienate communities and lead to violent deaths like Tyre Nichols'—is it time to rethink them? [762d]
- Rocket industry could undo decades of work to save the ozone layer [762d]
- France pledges not to conduct anti-satellite missile tests but leaves other options open [762d]
- Working for cash in hand can be a vital career step and a way out of poverty [762d]
- Losing the natural world comes with major risks for Australia's super funds and banks [762d]
- Remote working improves the lives of female managers, but at a cost [762d]
- NASA tests new ride for science studies from Wallops [762d]
- How can we know if we're looking at habitable exo-Earths or hellish exo-Venuses? [762d]
- Grit or quit? How to help your child develop resilience [762d]
- Why do black holes twinkle? Study examines 5,000 star-eating behemoths to find out [762d]
- Viewpoint: Our economic future depends on young reformers, not ineffective revolutionaries [762d]
- Fossils in a northern Alberta riverbed may reveal new facts about dinosaur evolution [762d]
- Engineer discovers method to improve pharmaceuticals through dolphin research [762d]
- New study has important implications for survival of the critically endangered kākāpō parrot [762d]
- Mushrooms emerge from the shadows in pesticide-free production push [762d]
- Zebrafish research helps reveal the origins of scoliosis [762d]
- Deep in a South Dakota gold mine, physicists prospect for dark matter [762d]
- Decline in wild bee species richness associated with honey bee abundance in an urban ecosystem [762d]
- Stuck in the rough: How aging reactor walls may exhibit lower erosion [762d]
- Rates of hatching failure in birds almost twice as high as previously estimated [762d]
- Phosphorus shortage could affect worldwide crop yields [762d]
- A new understanding of reptile coloration [762d]
- How smoke generated from large wildfires can impact local weather and make fires worse [762d]
- Robots and AI team up to discover highly selective catalysts [762d]
- Salmon deplete fat stores while stopped at dams, study shows [762d]
- Mountain lion mortality maps show rough road for cougars [762d]
- Understanding and embracing intercultural tensions and differences in teams [762d]
- A new downside to coffee? It pollutes [762d]
- Harnessing an innate protection against Ebola [762d]
- Astronomers find rare Earth-mass rocky planet suitable for the search for signs of life [762d]
- New species of voiceless frog discovered in Tanzania [762d]
- Snail mucus yields natural adhesive for wound healing [762d]
- Structure of amyloid protein offers clues to rare disease cause [762d]
- Scientists develop new device to detect brain tumors using urine [762d]
- Researchers identify the neurons that synchronize female preferences with male courtship songs in fruit flies [762d]
- The two-century-old mystery of Waterloo's skeletal remains [762d]
- Study details timing of past glacier advances in Northern Antarctic Peninsula [762d]
- Probing researchers strike gold to stop the trots in pigs [762d]
- Playtime is purr-fect for your cat's welfare [762d]
- Researchers identify oldest bone spear point In the Americas [762d]
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