The Brutalist Report - science
- Codebreakers crack secrets of the lost letters of Mary, Queen of Scots [757d]
- Loss of tropical biomass due to climate change could lead to increased carbon emissions [757d]
- PREX, CREX, and nuclear models: The plot thickens [757d]
- Study finds public opinion on ivory in China shifts over two decades [757d]
- Distortion-free structured light [757d]
- How urban gardens are good for ecosystems and humans [757d]
- Deep learning for quantum sensing [757d]
- Biosensor could lead to new drugs, sensory organs on a chip [757d]
- Being a social broker at work leads to burnout and abuse, research finds [757d]
- How to reverse unknown quantum processes [757d]
- Insights into the mechanism of diurnal variations in methane emission from the stem surfaces of Alnus japonica [757d]
- All who can should pay, even for their basic greenhouse gas emissions, says political scientist [757d]
- Penguin physics: Understanding the mechanisms of underwater turning maneuvers in penguins [757d]
- pH-activated nanocytokines based on IL-12 safely overcome cancer resistance to immunotherapy [757d]
- Using environmental DNA for to survey the populations of endangered species [757d]
- Peptide 3D-printing inks could advance regenerative medicine [757d]
- Position paper on ChatGPT outlines opportunities for schools and universities [757d]
- WEAVE spectrograph begins study of galaxy formation and evolution [757d]
- Waste crime: How online advertising platforms are facilitating illegal dumping [757d]
- Surprises in sea turtle genes could help them adapt to a rapidly changing world [757d]
- Face-on view of galaxy NGC 4303 reveals its arms are filled with active star formation [757d]
- Antarctica's ocean brightens clouds [757d]
- Forest management will have a stronger effect than climate change on the supply of ecosystem services, says study [757d]
- New horizons for organoboron and organosilicon chemistry with triple elementalization [757d]
- Loopholes wide enough to 'drive a diesel truck through'—how to tell if a business is really net zero [757d]
- We found the WA radioactive capsule. But in 1980, 2,200 kilograms of uranium oxide was stolen by a mine worker [757d]
- Salty and sustainable: A bush food with business potential [757d]
- More support needed for assistance animals, says researcher [757d]
- Citizen scientists make 'surprising' coral find [757d]
- QAnon is spreading outside the US. A conspiracy theory expert explains what that could mean [757d]
- New report gives young people a voice in online safety education [757d]
- Newport ship: After 20 years' work, experts are ready to reassemble medieval vessel found in the mud [757d]
- Mexico made criminal justice reforms in 2008—but they haven't done much to reduce crime [757d]
- Models explain canyons on Pluto's large moon Charon [757d]
- A circular economy to tackle space junk [757d]
- New statistical models speed up process of estimating leaf traits across functional groups [757d]
- Hurricane Harvey more than doubled the acidity of Texas' Galveston Bay, threatening oyster reefs [757d]
- Chickadees, titmice and nuthatches flocking together benefit from a diversity bonus—so do humans [757d]
- What makes an earthquake deadly? These are the things that matter [757d]
- Technology development could bring Raman microscopy to the clinic [757d]
- Going small and thin for better hydrogen storage [757d]
- Where are the workers? Research exposes 'quiet quitting' impact on labor shortage [757d]
- Can bighorns, a bullet train and a huge solar farm coexist in the Mojave Desert? [757d]
- Further food price rises could cause up to one million additional deaths in 2023 [757d]
- Research shows surfers play a critical safety role at unpatrolled beaches [757d]
- Archaeologists have discovered a mummy wrapped in gold—here's what it tells us about ancient Egyptian beliefs [757d]
- Data bombing and dead cats—how PR uses practices of secrecy to influence media and society [757d]
- Large numbers of Americans want a strong, rough, anti-democratic leader, say researchers [757d]
- As extreme weather events become more frequent and intensify, exposure to flooding events is likely to grow [757d]
- The new climate denial? Using wealth to insulate yourself from discomfort and change [757d]
- Have model organisms evolved too far? [757d]
- Dirty truth: Study suggests new way climate change is fueling itself [757d]
- Earthquake in Turkey and Syria: How satellites can help rescue efforts [757d]
- Why do some brands change racist names and logos, but others don't? Here's what the research says [757d]
- Turkey-Syria earthquakes: A seismologist explains what has happened [757d]
- Tag team: A tale of two Antarctic blue whales [757d]
- Is the gruesome fun in Netflix's 'Wednesday' realistic? What science says about piranhas and nightshade [757d]
- Researchers develop new generation of poloidal field coil power supply [757d]
- As Lake Powell shrinks, the emergent landscape is coming back to life—and posing new challenges [757d]
- China's demand for Africa's donkeys is rising—why it's time to control the trade [757d]
- Food scientist explains how chocolate gets its flavor, texture and tricky reputation as an ingredient [757d]
- Study sheds light on specificity of root exudate types for soil organic carbon decomposition [757d]
- Digital innovation harnesses power of real-time weather data [757d]
- Mathematician develops equations that seek to bridge the micro and macro realms [758d]
- Study shows tropical reefs grow faster in cooler waters [758d]
- How fish schools work in a similar manner to the brain [758d]
- Adding an alligator gene to reduce infections in farmed catfish [758d]
- Author asserts bilingualism no burden to resolving stuttering [758d]
- Bluestreak cleaner wrasse found to recognize self in photograph after passing mirror test [758d]
- Scientists call for use of practical wisdom in climate change actions [758d]
- Tropical storms signaled by atmospheric waves, study finds [758d]
- Vermont's pioneering food waste laws are popular, but vexing issues remain [758d]
- New insecticidal compounds remain effective against target species while reducing bee toxicity [758d]
- Researcher finds cataracts and turbulence that seem to slow water's flow actually facilitate it [758d]
- Anthropologists outline techniques for identifying food eaten by early hominins [758d]
- Microscopy images could lead to new ways to control excitons for quantum computing [758d]
- Physics-guided machine-learning models will improve subsurface imaging [758d]
- A fossil fruit from California shows ancestors of coffee and potatoes survived cataclysm that killed the dinosaurs [758d]
- Teacher shortages are highly localized, causing shortages and surpluses to coexist [758d]
- Study: Lipids can cause organelle miscommunication in neurodegenerative disease [758d]
- Can pigeons match wits with artificial intelligence? [758d]
- Tracing a plant chemistry puzzle to its roots [758d]
- Glacial flooding threatens millions globally [758d]
- Optimal layout for hospital isolation rooms that contain COVID-19 includes a ceiling vent [758d]
- PUB8 modulates early seedling growth of Arabidopsis [758d]
- Sounding the alarm on microplastic pollution [758d]
- Examining an asteroid impact in slow motion [758d]
- In search of the invisible galaxy [758d]
- Voter ID laws mobilize voters in both parties, rather than sway election results: Study [758d]
- Scientists find sex differences in mosses play key role in carbon storage [758d]
- Polymers help protect mice from anaphylactic reaction to peanuts [758d]
- Researchers construct pan-3D genome of soybean [758d]
- Researchers publish new epigenetic editing technique to improve crops [758d]
- Shellac-based coating makes pulp materials suitable for food without use of petroleum-based polymers or metals [758d]
- Enhanced weathering input from South Asia to the Indian Ocean since the late Eocene [758d]
- UNESCO sounds alarm over quake damage to Turkey, Syria heritage [758d]
- Examining lentil yield and nitrogen fixation response to inoculant and fertilizer [758d]
- Pancreatic cancer cells found to contain high levels of hydrogen peroxide [758d]
- Fine-tuning the properties of charge-segregated assemblies with counteranions [758d]
- Researchers focus AI on finding exoplanets [758d]
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