The Brutalist Report - science
- A new damselfly species is sharing habitat with UK natives [755d]
- Bread made from a new type of flour keeps you fuller for longer [755d]
- Fleeting interactions between the smallest phytoplankton and bacteria help to shape global ocean productivity [755d]
- 'You must have a preference': How does lack of preference affect joint decision-making? [755d]
- Scientists reveal flaws in tuberculosis bacterium by studying ferredoxins [755d]
- Listening to podcasts found to widen the knowledge gap between classes [755d]
- Incoming CEO's political views may drive director departure in a firm, study shows [755d]
- Incel activity online is evolving to become more extreme, study shows [755d]
- New diagnostic test is 1,000 times more sensitive than conventional tests [755d]
- Fossil discovery reveals complex ecosystems existed on Earth much earlier than previously thought [755d]
- Evidence for a chiral superconductor could bring quantum computing closer to the mainstream [755d]
- Physiological study explores how to really reach students with online teaching [755d]
- Retirement-age workers stick around if businesses keep investing in them, says study [755d]
- Astronomers still scratching their heads over population of ocean-world exoplanets [755d]
- Study: Presence of E. coli is a poor indicator of fecal pollution [755d]
- Researchers simulate bubble collapse near oscillating walls [755d]
- How a single-gene change led to a new species of monkeyflower [755d]
- New land creation on waterfronts is increasing, study finds [755d]
- Mosquito's DNA could provide clues on gene expression, regulation [755d]
- Urgent environmental action needed to limit the spread of superbugs, says new report [755d]
- A Russian satellite has broken into pieces, littering debris in space [755d]
- NASA's NuSTAR telescope reveals hidden light shows on the sun [755d]
- FinTech companies true to their word after Brexit [755d]
- Gene cluster reshuffling drives natural sunscreen evolution in lichens [755d]
- Can clay capture carbon dioxide? [755d]
- Tuning local coordination of catalysts for better lithium-sulfur batteries [755d]
- New lithium-based scintillator crystal for detecting radiation can distinguish between neutrons and gamma rays [755d]
- Back-to-back mega-quakes devastated Turkey. California faces similar aftershock threat [755d]
- Study finds food and beverage brands are common in child-influencer YouTube videos [755d]
- 'National conversation' needed to address air pollution in classrooms, according to researchers [755d]
- 2.9-million-year-old butchery site reopens case of who made first stone tools [755d]
- A secret weapon in preventing the next pandemic: Fruit bats [755d]
- Scientists discover receptor that blocks COVID-19 infection [755d]
- Hubble captures the start of a new spoke season on Saturn [755d]
- How our own identity impacts how we judge others [755d]
- Hobby-Eberly telescope reveals galaxy gold mine in first large survey [755d]
- Wet La Nina winter likely to bring more water into Lake Powell [755d]
- Dark singlet exciton sensitized triplet energy transfer realized across CsPbBr3 nanoplate-organic interface [755d]
- Study reveals novel mechanism of divergent phenotypic plasticity for temperature adaptation in oysters [755d]
- Half of Americans say they're worse off, the most since 2009 [755d]
- Turkey-Syria earthquake: The challenge of delivering aid in a disaster zone [755d]
- How could we detect atom-sized primordial black holes? [755d]
- A potential drug in the fight against a fatal brain-eating amoeba [755d]
- Exploring how substantially larger brains evolved in humans [755d]
- The coal whack-a-mole: Getting rid of coal power could make prices fall and demand rise elsewhere [755d]
- Learning to read for pleasure is a serious matter—NZ schools should embrace a new curriculum [755d]
- Novel microscope developed to design better high-performance batteries [755d]
- Machine learning predicts biodiversity and resilience in the 'coral triangle' [755d]
- New AI methods to tackle the illegal wildlife trade on the internet [755d]
- Dogs and cats can be expensive—five ways to save money on pet care as the cost of living rises [755d]
- Global supply chains are devouring what's left of Earth's unspoiled forests, say researchers [755d]
- What happened to students who left public schools during the pandemic? [755d]
- As we fight to protect species on the brink of extinction, let's not forget the familiar ones [755d]
- Chemists create nanomachines by breaking them apart [755d]
- Neutrons uncover hydrogen's hidden role in twisting iron [755d]
- Prosocial CEOs increase company value, stakeholder satisfaction [755d]
- Norway study highlights whale excrement's role in ecosystem [755d]
- Turkey-Syria earthquakes: Shallow depth of main shocks is a key reason why they've been so devastating, says geologist [755d]
- Book offers insight into lifestyles, societal constraints on single black professionals [755d]
- The pandemic played into ageist stereotypes, but intergenerational contact and cooperation can overcome them [755d]
- Doubling protected lands for biodiversity could require tradeoffs with other land uses, study finds [755d]
- Research finds well water risks more detectable during warmer weather [755d]
- Sensing water for smarter agriculture [755d]
- A counterintuitive way to make stronger alloys [755d]
- How microbes die influences soil carbon content, study finds [755d]
- Make them thin enough, and antiferroelectric materials become ferroelectric [755d]
- Neanderthals lived much longer in Gipuzkoa than previously thought [755d]
- How giants became dwarfs: Exploring size difference in sexual dimorphism [755d]
- Size of insects is shaped by temperature and predators, shows study [755d]
- Degradation of plastic waste using newly developed biocatalysts [755d]
- On-chip mechanical exceptional points based on an optomechanical zipper cavity [755d]
- Non-processed meat-based early diet reduces risk of dog digestive issues later in life, finds study [755d]
- Carbon emissions from fertilizers could be reduced by as much as 80% by 2050 [755d]
- Scientists boost quantum signals while reducing noise [755d]
- Video: Why calcium hydroxide + corn is key to understanding Western civilization and tacos [755d]
- More lunar missions means more space junk around the Moon—two astronomers are building a catalog to track the trash [755d]
- Climate crisis could pave way for global termite infestation [755d]
- Chess players perform worse when air quality is poor—and other high-skilled workers could be affected [755d]
- Twitter cut off in Turkey amid earthquake rescue operations: The danger of losing the service in times of disaster [755d]
- New Zealand wants to tax cow burps—here's why that's not the best climate solution [755d]
- How social media has become an important tool in helping disaster victims in Turkey, Syria and beyond [755d]
- Linking leadership to employee ingenuity [755d]
- Investigation of NiFe-based catalysts for water oxidation in different pH electrolytes [755d]
- Successive, extreme cold events in the Northern Hemisphere this winter may be linked [755d]
- Unlikely pairs of DNA elements and regulator proteins make small plant stem cells destined to become stomata [755d]
- Navigating complex biological systems with smart fibers [755d]
- When editing bacteria with CRISPR, less is more [755d]
- Fossil bones from the largest penguin that ever lived unearthed in New Zealand [755d]
- Fighting bias with bias: Same-race reviews shown to reduce Airbnb booking inequality [755d]
- Scientists develop AI-based method to predict RNA modifications [755d]
- EU found responsible for extinction domino effect on frog populations [755d]
- Beyond lithium: A promising cathode material for magnesium rechargeable batteries [755d]
- Fighting climate change: Photoinduced reduction of carbon dioxide to formic acid with ruthenium complexes [755d]
- The not so inactive X chromosome [755d]
- Why energy companies are making so much profit despite UK windfall taxes [755d]
- Technology and digital strategies could bring more tourists back to Indonesia [755d]
- Want to avoid heated arguments? Try this technique before having a difficult conversation [755d]
- Researchers develop novel terahertz phase modulator based on NGO single crystals [755d]
- Researchers construct uneven phosphoric acid interfaces for advanced high-temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cells [755d]
- Microplastics: Are plastic alternatives any safer for our health? [755d]
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