The Brutalist Report
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Scientific American
Ignoring Climate Risks Has Inflated Property Values in Flood Zones
We May Never Predict Earthquakes, but We can Make Them Less Deadly
Snakes Can Hear You Scream, New Research Reveals
Survivors of Deadly Earthquakes Must Deal with Lasting Trauma
Love and the Brain: The Animal Matchmaker and the Panda Romeo and Juliet
Quanta Magazine
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New Scientist
A weird comet is travelling through space with a dust blob it made
Travellers to Unimaginable Lands review: The true toll of dementia
Turtles stranded on UK beaches after storms send them off course
How AI chatbots in search engines will completely change the internet
Green home designs put to the test in giant climate-controlled chamber
Why chocolate cravings strike a week or two before a menstrual period
Food quality matters for southern resident killer whales
How the Mongolian gerbil may help speed recovery of a rare inner ear problem
Feedback loops make climate action even more urgent, scientists say
The drug fasudil is found to reverse key symptoms of schizophrenia in mice
Space travel influences the way the brain works
Achieving a better understanding of how the blood-brain barrier works
Astrophysics: Scientists observe high-speed star formation
Electronic metadevices break barriers to ultra-fast communications
Smooth sailing for electrons in graphene
New antioxidants found in beef, chicken, and pork
New quantum sensing technique reveals magnetic connections
Beyond memorization: Text generators may plagiarize beyond 'copy and paste'
New multi-policy-based annealer for solving real-world combinatorial optimization problems
Researchers develop greener alternative to fossil fuels by producing hydrogen from water and light
Technical report: LEDs change laboratory measurements of light
Investigating the nanomechanical properties of the surface layers of hair fibers
VIIRS sensor on NOAA-21 now collecting new imagery
NASA's Perseverance rover set to begin third year at Jezero Crater
New type of bolometer detector for far-infrared telescopes
Wine connoisseurs face testing times as climate change alters flavors
Electrocatalysis: Iron and cobalt oxyhydroxides examined
New study maps transience of NZ population
North American turtles becoming endemic in South Baden, possibly posing a threat to ecosystems
Study: Fertilization unnecessary in oak forests planted on former agricultural land
Parents' perception and mediation of video game risk in Norway
Impact of the pandemic on entrepreneurship worldwide is 'mixed'
Tapered optical fiber addresses challenge posed by Brillouin scattering
Hi-tech is making the seas transparent
Addressing social isolation may be key in preventing mass shootings, study finds
Scientists exploit genetic mutation to accelerate plant breeding process
Accelerating molecular diffusion by constructing hierarchical Murray zeolites for maximized catalytic activity
Multifaceted analysis identifies transitional areas of vegetation as biodiversity hotspots
Spraying compound probiotics improves growth performance, modulates gut microbiota of suckling piglets
Cu/CuNC dual-site interface promotes carbon dioxide electroreduction to ethanol
What's the right time to claim Social Security? It's complicated
Study finds only a quarter of LA Metro bus stops offer shade
Elephant seal remains show Antarctic sea was warmer in the mid-to-late Holocene
Supramolecular assembly assists the synthesis of highly active carbon-nitrogen-based photo/electrocatalysts
Research shows what is lost when refugees have to leave a neighborhood
Mapping Iran's biodiversity hotspots to create new protected areas covering 20% of the landscape
Dead kangaroos make a surprising feast for possums in the Australian Alps
Food quality matters for southern resident killer whales
Scientists propose using carbon-coated magnetite nanoclusters for synergistic cancer therapy
How does anthropogenic warming influence the record-breaking northwest Pacific marine heatwave?
New antioxidants found in beef, chicken and pork
How midgut development in insects reveals their evolutionary past
Groundwater flow accelerates permafrost degradation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
For developing world to quit coal, rich countries must eliminate oil and gas faster, says new study
Four ways that fossils are part of everyday life
Tropical seagrass meadows are sand factories that could protect coral reef islands from sea-level rise
Hiring more social scientists could be the solution to Canada's innovation issue
What an international team charting the threat of killer fungi found
29 threatened species are back from the brink in Australia
A battle to save Beverly Hills' shady ficus trees is underway
Planetary scientist lays out arguments for sending a dedicated probe to Uranus
Turkey's deadly quake renews alarm for Istanbul
Prawn larvae found to hide their dark eyes with a light-manipulating material
Scientists warn that many dangerous feedback loops make climate action more urgent
Can the Kunming-Montreal global biodiversity framework fulfill its transformative potential?
Evolution: Mini-proteins in human organs appeared 'from nowhere'
Private forest landowners in Pennsylvania want to use controlled fire to manage their woods
Is kindness contagious?
Scientists observe high-speed star formation
Researchers discover unique way snakes replace their teeth
To reverse aging in stem cells, NANOG gene 'rewires' metabolic networks
Nanoparticle-based targeted drug delivery system for treatment of obesity and atherosclerosis
New insights into the mechanisms of tumor growth
Pluripotent stem cells take over from blood stem cells for future transplant therapies
Rising silicon-rich snow in the Earth's outer core
Multiple-responsive fluorescent probes developed for microenvironmental monitoring
Blood stem cells shown to be susceptible to ferroptosis, a type of cell death
Decoding a histone mark important for a gene regulation that goes awry in cancer
Drought and frost batter vital potato crops in Bolivia
All hands on deck as UN meets to protect high seas
Amazon pollution: the stain on Ecuador's oil boom
Japan aborts launch of 1st H3 rocket carrying defense sensor
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