The Brutalist Report - science
- Accelerated Christian Education textbooks used in UK schools deny human-caused climate change [632d]
- Plastic-eating fungi thriving in man-made 'plastisphere' may help tackle global waste [632d]
- Discovery of clusters of two types of bacteria in the tentacles of corals sheds light on their role in coral reef health [632d]
- Uncovering universal physics in the dynamics of a quantum system [632d]
- NIR spectroscopy provides easy, cost-effective method for food allergen testing [632d]
- 'Charge density wave' linked to atomic distortions in would-be superconductor [632d]
- Climate change, habitat loss threaten East African bird populations [632d]
- Analyzing the fate and environmental risks of 40 pharmaceutically active compounds in the Pearl River basin [632d]
- Pale Male, red-tailed hawk who nested above NYC's Fifth Avenue for 30 years, dies at 33 [632d]
- Cash or card? Consumers pay strategically to forget guilty purchases, study shows [632d]
- Fine particulate matter found to catalyze oxidative stress in the lungs [632d]
- Titanium dioxide: E171 first enters the blood via the mouth [632d]
- One bucket or two? Researchers measure the effectiveness of aerial crop treatment methods [632d]
- ChatGPT as 'educative artificial intelligence' [632d]
- Origami heat shield: Reusable for reentries [632d]
- New study: Surprising diversity of ethnic groups in the US Virgin Islands before Columbus [632d]
- Our Earth is becoming unlivable. Can we still turn the tide? [632d]
- Study: Reflecting on their mission increases teachers' growth mindset [632d]
- Collaboration is key to creating a culture that supports children's behavior in early childhood education, says study [632d]
- Finance expert explains why people are turning to AI for investment advice [632d]
- Machine learning model analyzes why couples break up [632d]
- Average annual net carbon sink of Gracilaria cultivation in China from 2021 to 2030 may double last decade's [632d]
- High-quality satellite imagery swiftly reveals post-earthquake details [632d]
- Researcher links Black students' lived experiences with feelings of belonging [632d]
- NASA completes heart of Roman Space Telescope's primary instrument [632d]
- Study unlocks mass spectrometry's potential for environmental science, agriculture and industry [632d]
- Astronomers find a 'red nova': A main-sequence star just eating its planet [632d]
- Simulation tools drive the new generation of therapies based on gene silencing [632d]
- How Vancouver's geese affect Canada's river systems [632d]
- A billion new air conditioners will save lives but cook the planet [632d]
- Colorado Gov. Jared Polis vetoes bill that could have delayed gray wolf reintroduction [632d]
- Some states hope to move climate-threatened species, but others say no way [632d]
- Climate change believers are more likely to cooperate with strangers, research finds [632d]
- 'Play deserts' common throughout Deep South, Southwest [632d]
- We must insert joy back into education in the wake of COVID-19, researcher warns [632d]
- New book asks whether the benefits of AI will be shared widely or feed inequality [632d]
- Extremely hot days are warming twice as fast as average summer days in North-West Europe [632d]
- Study finds link between deprived areas and number of children in care proceedings in England [632d]
- Archaeologists discover ancient Mayan board game—here's what it can teach modern educators [632d]
- Fossil of mosasaur with bizarre 'screwdriver teeth' found in Morocco [632d]
- Using AI to find rare minerals [632d]
- Female Gila monster fights surprisingly violent, study finds [632d]
- Engineering a new way to feed gorillas [632d]
- A new understanding of human origins in Africa [632d]
- Collaboration could prevent severe energy scarcity in Europe [632d]
- NZ maple syrup mission taps into hi-tech imaging [632d]
- Use of pesticides and herbicides found to be biggest cause of bird decline in Europe [632d]
- Study provides framework for assessing emotions in wild animals [632d]
- Scales or feathers? It all comes down to a few genes [632d]
- Australian nanomedicine research into drug delivery system a 'milestone' in the treatment of childhood cancer [632d]
- Sustainable agriculture is building peace in Colombia, finds research [632d]
- Oldest architectural plans detail mysterious desert megastructures [632d]
- Adult friendships can triumph over childhood trauma, even in baboons [632d]
- Good news reports may emotionally buffer effects of negative news stories [632d]
- The expendables: Health consequences of child labor in 19th-century England [632d]
- Higher unemployment and less income: How domestic violence costs women financially [632d]
- Vaccines using mRNA can protect farm animals against diseases traditional ones may not [632d]
- Bees can learn, remember, think and make decisions—here's a look at how they navigate the world [632d]
- High-res Western drought forecasts could be on horizon [632d]
- Astronomers want your help hunting for asteroids [632d]
- Report: A growing share of Hong Kong people support same-sex couples' rights [632d]
- Citizen science used to track mosquitoes [632d]
- Confirming the safety of genetically edited allergen-free eggs [632d]
- Researchers use structured light on a chip in another photonics breakthrough [632d]
- Feeling frozen? 4 out of 5 homes in southern Australia are colder than is healthy [632d]
- Architecture after COVID: How the pandemic inspired building designers [632d]
- Want more good ideas from your workers? Try giving them a reward—and a choice [632d]
- EPA's crackdown on power plant emissions is a big first step—but it will be hard to ensure captured carbon stays put [632d]
- Abuse and neglect put kids on fast track to crime [632d]
- Exploring the centromere and its role in the formation of new species [632d]
- An edible CBD coating could extend the shelf life of strawberries [632d]
- Study tracks how newcomers may change ecosystem functions [632d]
- Biodegradable nanoscavengers can reverse insulin resistance in liver cells to treat type 2 diabetes [632d]
- Astronomers discover alternative Earth likely covered with volcanoes [632d]
- Canine mother baseline metabolites measured [632d]
- Genetic analysis of Indigenous Taiwanese peoples sheds light on Austronesian expansion [632d]
- Threatened turtle relocation project demonstrates importance of micro-climate conditions [632d]
- Researchers develop new method to synthesize cannabis plant compound [632d]
- Researchers demonstrate high natural radioactivity of manganese nodules [632d]
- Radio signal reveals supernova origin [632d]
- Genetic research sheds light on what the earliest animals looked like [632d]
- Is it an ant? Is it a plant? No, it's a spider combining camouflage and movement mimicry [632d]
- New study detects inaudible sounds of volcanic mudflows [632d]
- Quantum random number generator operates securely and independently of source devices [632d]
- Earliest sea scorpion from China found in end-Ordovician Anji Biota in Zhejiang [632d]
- James Webb's 'too massive' galaxies may be even more massive [632d]
- Curved spacetime in a quantum simulator [632d]
- A spontaneous topological Hall effect driven by a non-coplanar antiferromagnetic order in van der Waals materials [632d]
- Researchers create 3D images of C4 plant cellular components [632d]
- Exploring the psychopathic traits behind the rise and fall of Madoff [632d]
- 'Sexome' bacteria could help identify sex criminals [632d]
- Chemists synthesize natural pharmaceutical product waixenicin A from coral [632d]
- Team demonstrates quantum advantage on optimization problems with a 5,000-qubit programmable spin glass [632d]
- Reading chemicals inside the brain with an aptamer/microelectronic fiber combination [632d]
- Plant cells use mechanical cues to regenerate damaged tissues, shows study [632d]
- Human crowds are best modeled by a 'visual neighborhood' [632d]
- Understanding how the 'heart' of the plant works may lead to protection from pathogens [632d]
- Machine learning helps researchers predict the density of states within organic molecules [632d]
- Replication of room-temperature superconductor claims fails to show superconductivity [632d]
- Heat wave in Asia made 30 times more likely because of climate change, scientists say [632d]
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