The Brutalist Report - science
- Genetic rescue program to save the iconic Helmeted Honeyeater outweighs any risks, study finds [575d]
- Iraq's extreme temperatures a 'wake-up call' for world: UN [575d]
- These sheep provide environmentally friendly landscaping at solar farms [575d]
- New guiding principles urgently needed for Great Lakes stewardship, researchers say [575d]
- Novel machine-learning method produces detailed population trend maps for 550 bird species [575d]
- Gray whales feeding along the Pacific Northwest coast are smaller than their counterparts who travel farther to forage [575d]
- Study finds rain-driven microbial pollution persists at surfing beaches in colder months [575d]
- Huge tipping events have dominated the evolution of the climate system [575d]
- NASA may delay crewed lunar landing beyond Artemis 3 mission [575d]
- Majority of Americans report high rate of food satisfaction [575d]
- Dissecting the anatomy of a 'superheroic' science class [575d]
- Few in U.S. recognize inequities of climate change [575d]
- Top fish predators could suffer wide loss of suitable habitat by 2100 due to climate change [575d]
- Fossilized feces found to be infested with parasites from more than 200 million years ago [575d]
- App-based tool quantifies pesticide toxicity in watersheds, identifies mitigation opportunities [575d]
- US municipal bond market pricing may be biased by race, unphased by climate risk [575d]
- Research team makes surprising discovery of low-noise genes [575d]
- Points system makes neighborhoods nicer to live in [575d]
- Tropical forest nations seek climate plan in Brazil [575d]
- Yellow jerseys of the fireline: A day fighting wildfires can require as much endurance as riding the Tour de France [575d]
- The Perseid meteor shower peaks this weekend and it's even better this year [575d]
- Nanozymes drive tumor-specific drug delivery while minimizing toxicity [575d]
- Scientists study how a diabetes drug affects soils [575d]
- Looking back toward cosmic dawn—astronomers confirm the faintest galaxy ever seen [575d]
- Telecommunications cable used to track sea ice extent in the Arctic [575d]
- New lightning prediction tool provides critical weather forecasting support at Rock the South [575d]
- Video: The universe in a box: Preparing for Euclid's survey [575d]
- Land-use strategies, nutrient conditions contribute to oak decline [575d]
- Older Californians spent more time with parents and less with grandkids after paid family leave law took effect [575d]
- Black men reap mental health benefits from 'otherfathering' [575d]
- NASA data shows fierce surface temperatures during Phoenix heat wave [575d]
- Demon hunting: Physicists confirm 67-year-old prediction of massless, neutral composite particle [575d]
- A 'values crisis' underpins the coupled biodiversity and climate emergency [575d]
- No evidence linking Facebook adoption and negative well-being [575d]
- New research points to possible seasonal climate patterns on early Mars [575d]
- Climate protection: Land use changes cause the carbon sink to decline [575d]
- Carpets found to retain a stubborn grip on pollutants from tobacco smoke [575d]
- Paid online reviews can deceive consumers, shows study [575d]
- Measuring the extent of global droughts in unprecedented detail [575d]
- Lost in space: Open-plan classrooms can leave children adrift [575d]
- Webb telescope reveals colors of Earendel, most distant star ever detected [575d]
- 'Scissors congruence,' an ancient geometric idea that's still fueling cutting-edge mathematical research [575d]
- AI can help forecast air quality, but freak events like 2023's summer of wildfire smoke require traditional methods too [575d]
- Never-married adults constitute lowest percentage of US homeowners, new research finds [575d]
- Rare long-distance dispersal events found to help maintain genetic structure of mangroves [575d]
- It's official: We like seafood more when we eat it by the sea [575d]
- Rethinking traditional business models to prioritize sustainability [575d]
- Polyurethane is widely used in daily life, so eco-friendly synthesis boosts utilization [575d]
- New research exposes the dark side of social media influencers: Facilitating counterfeit trade [575d]
- The oldest and fastest evolving moss in the world might not survive climate change, study suggests [575d]
- New research confirms land–sea relationship is a major driver of coral reef health outcomes [575d]
- Scientists believe the Horn of Africa reached a drought tipping point 11,700 years ago [575d]
- What losing a team member in soccer can teach us about business [575d]
- Researchers dig deep underground in hopes of finally observing dark matter [575d]
- Lasting environmental protection through monetary incentives [575d]
- A route to ultra-fast amplitude-only spatial light modulation using phase-change materials [575d]
- Technology advance could expand the reach of 3D nanoprinting [575d]
- Researchers develop highly efficient organometal halide perovskite photoelectrodes for water splitting [575d]
- Protected sex: Study records grouper mating calls in marine managed areas [575d]
- Electric car revolution puts Native communities at risk [575d]
- New technology that creates ultra-thin layers of human cells is step toward lab-grown blood vessels [575d]
- How climate change might trigger more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions [575d]
- Sacred place and astronomical observatory: New research on the Middle Neolithic circular enclosure of Goseck [575d]
- Sentinel-2 captures Portugal wildfire [575d]
- 3D mapping as an analytical tool for investigating drug particles [575d]
- NASA's ComPair balloon mission readies for flight [575d]
- Australian red meat industry stakes a claim for a carbon neutral future [575d]
- Research team reveals why water moisture affects quantum crystals [575d]
- How a switch to a 'growth mindset' is helping empower entrepreneurs in developing nations [575d]
- Net zero: Can cities become carbon-neutral on their own? Here's what the evidence suggests [575d]
- The evolutionary reasons humans love pets—and nine benefits of having one [575d]
- Scientists skeptical of superconductor claims that went viral [575d]
- Record heat warning as forest fires rage in Spain and Portugal [575d]
- Hawaii wildfires force evacuations, water rescues [575d]
- Darwin's 'sustainable' Middle Arm project reveals Australia's huge climate policy gamble [575d]
- Harbor seals put more distance between one another than gray seals, perhaps to avoid disease [575d]
- NASA scientific balloons take to the sky in New Mexico [575d]
- Using an AuNi alloy on Au electrodes for a better hydrogen evolution reaction [575d]
- 'Your first emotion is panic': Rips currents cause many beach drownings, but we can learn from the survivors [575d]
- Breakthrough injectable hydrogel drug delivery system for advanced medical treatment applications [575d]
- Speed of approach to critical levels of climate change as dangerous to our survival as reaching those critical levels [575d]
- Microalgae can detoxify methylmercury, study finds [575d]
- Researchers show how calcium ions can block sodium ion channels in cell membranes [575d]
- A first-of-its-kind chip features both a laser and waveguide to create a photonic integrated circuit [575d]
- Nile crocodiles found to respond to baby cries from assortment of mammals, including humans [575d]
- How certain proteins contribute to the formation of a class of RNA critical to protecting the genome investigated [575d]
- Isothermal self-assembly of multicomponent and evolutive DNA nanostructures [575d]
- Astronomers detect an eclipsing double white dwarf binary [575d]
- Astronomers discover a forming quadruple-star system [575d]
- Scientists name new species of extinct giant amphibian from fossil found in retaining wall [575d]
- Microbe-stuffed soil crusts menaced by climate change [575d]
- Earth's core, replete with oceans and cyclones, is being demystified [575d]
- Turning big data into better breeds and varieties: Can AI help feed the planet? [575d]
- Researchers use enzymes to develop a new class of materials for biocatalytic processes [575d]
- Physicists demonstrate how sound can be transmitted through vacuum [575d]
- Human scent receptors could help 'sniff out' nerve gases in new sensor [575d]
- Peculiarities of the germline-restricted chromosome of songbirds [575d]
- Small-molecule autocatalysis may have paved the way for the emergence of evolution by natural selection [575d]
- The link between the impact of radiation on DNA and the time in which the damaged molecule breaks irreversibly revealed [575d]
- Study clarifies that marine protected areas are managed with climate change in mind [575d]
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