The Brutalist Report
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Scientific American
Climate Disasters Displaced 43 Million Children in Just Six Years
'Morning After' Antibiotic Could Reduce STIs
Journey to the Thawing Edge of Climate Change
Journey to the Thawing Edge of Climate Change
Know Yourself Better by Writing What Pops into Your Head
Millions of Mosquitoes Will Rain Down on Hawaii to Save an Iconic Bird
The Sky Is Full of Stars--and Exoplanets, Too
Quanta Magazine
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New Scientist
Hybrid puffins may have emerged in the 20th century due to warming
Bing Chat AI tricked into solving CAPTCHA tests with simple lies
How to spot October’s ‘ring of fire’ solar eclipse across the Americas
AI can detect if you have recently smoked cannabis
Wegovy and Ozempic ingredient linked to rare stomach paralysis cases
Sea level rise is already leading to longer commutes in coastal US
Consistent metabolism may prove costly for insects in saltier water
Fathers' parental leave might protect men against alcohol-related morbidity
Astronomers discover first step toward planet formation
Scientists discover 'long colds' may exist, as well as long Covid
Deciphering the intensity of past ocean currents
How bacteria can organize themselves
Ginger pigment molecules found in fossil frogs
Pulsars may make dark matter glow
Researchers create a neural network for genomics -- one that explains how it achieves accurate predictions
Thalamus regulates adaptability of the adult brain
How male mosquitoes compensate for having only one X chromosome
How do our brains tell us what went wrong?
Climate change brings earlier arrival of intense hurricanes
Amazon's challenge to Musk's Starlink to have first launch
With seagrass discovery, we may be one good solution closer to solving climate change
Theoretical physicists present significantly improved calculation of the proton radius
Lack of sexually related injuries does not mean rape victim was 'making it up,' says study
Examining the toxins in the common tomato
Hypergravity odyssey of Earth's tiniest plant
Guide stars found as Euclid's navigation is fine tuned
Vega's PRETTY CubeSat: Unlocking satnav for Earth data
Unearthing the leaf miners of ancient times: 312-million-year-old fossil sheds light on insect behavior and evolution
States vary in firearm ownership—as well as the storage and carrying habits of owners
6 reasons why global temperatures are spiking right now
Fossil snake traces: Another world-first find on South Africa's Cape south coast
Polar bears may struggle to produce milk for their cubs as climate change melts sea ice
Is there really a 1 in 6 chance of human extinction this century?
For people with communication disability, complaining about their treatment isn't so simple
It's not just Victoria's iconic Mountain Ash trees at risk—it's every species in their community
How dormant plant traits could be reawakened to unlock fertilizer-free farming
Researchers catch protons in the act of dissociation with ultrafast 'electron camera'
Researchers 3D print moon rover wheel prototype with NASA
Climate change is disrupting ocean currents. Researchers are using satellites and ships to understand how
New UN report reveals the extent of systemic racism faced by people of African descent in Australia
How Arctic landscapes and Canadian cityscapes share a similar pattern
Will solar panels work at Proxima Centauri?
Magnetic fusion plasma engines could carry us across the solar system and into interstellar space
Can JWST tell the difference between an exoEarth and an exoVenus?
Parker makes its closest and fastest solar flyby
Summer camp conversations lead boys to have more positive views of girls' STEM ability
Everyone needs access to urban green spaces, not just those in more affluent areas, say researchers
Pulsars may make dark matter glow
Researchers explore future climate in Africa, using clues from the past
Scientific evidence supports safe discharge of Fukushima wastewater into the Pacific Ocean
How male mosquitoes compensate for having only one X chromosome
Deciphering the intensity of past ocean currents
New research finds that reducing antibiotic usage in animal feed is not enough to combat antibiotic resistance
Chasing interactions between bacteria provide insights into collective behavior
Astrophysicists determine how to find a supernova
Researchers revolutionize understanding of supermassive black hole accretion radiation in quasars
Using metal organic frameworks to provide a safer and cleaner way to handle fluorinated gases
Astronomers discover first step toward planet formation
Super-efficient laser light-induced detection of cancer cell-derived nanoparticles achieved
Exciton-scissoring perfluoroarenes trigger photomultiplication in full color organic image sensors
Chiro-optical force observed at the nanoscale
Scientists develop a semi-device independent, randomness-free test for quantum correlation
Study of mud cores from Lake Victoria suggests diversification of cichlid fish led to their success
Paleontologists find first molecular evidence of ginger pigment molecules in fossil frogs
Glacial lake floods: A growing, unpredictable climate risk
In pesticide-heavy Brazil, could crop dusting be killed off?
Eastern Canada breaks autumn heat records
Drought caused 'historic' global hydropower drop in early 2023
Millions of children are displaced due to extreme weather events. Climate change will make it worse
US Customs officials seize giraffe feces from woman at Minnesota airport
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