The Brutalist Report - science
- No new articles in the last 24 hours.
- These creepy crawlies could be Florida's next big invasive threats, scientists say [433d]
- A new way to characterize habitable planets [433d]
- Ban on fires extended amid poor air quality caused, in part, by people ignoring the burn ban [433d]
- Orange County's new wetlands ordinance aims to protect 'Earth's kidneys' [433d]
- The crucial role of realistic 3D canopy models in light interception analysis for crop resilience and sustainability [433d]
- Molecules exhibit non-reciprocal interactions without external forces, new study finds [433d]
- 3D printed multilayer structures for high-numerical aperture achromatic lenses [433d]
- Bison vs. urban growth: Rocky Mountain Arsenal seeks solutions to water runoff [433d]
- Revolutionary nanodrones enable targeted cancer treatment [433d]
- Novel solution for Pichia pastoris enzyme production platform [433d]
- Enhancing model performance and data efficiency through standardization and centralization [433d]
- JWST sets a new record, sees newly forming stars in the Triangulum galaxy [433d]
- Study of Mongolian Arc adds to mystery surrounding its purpose [433d]
- Novel electrification strategy enhances low-temperature NOx removal [433d]
- Geometric origin of intrinsic dark counts in superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors [433d]
- Novel food regulations are a barrier for edible insects [433d]
- Curiosity captures a martian day, from dawn to dusk [433d]
- Unraveling the evolutionary origins of umami and sweet taste preferences [433d]
- New strategy for high-performance cathodes in aqueous zinc ion batteries [433d]
- Revolutionizing grape cultivation: AS-SwinT and the future of automated berry thinning [433d]
- Revolutionizing wheat yield prediction: Introducing SPSI for enhanced panicle number estimation using UAV imagery [433d]
- Hubble captures throng of spiral galaxies [433d]
- NASA's Juno to get close look at Jupiter's volcanic moon Io on Dec. 30 [433d]
- Advanced CNN techniques for accurate detection and reconstruction of passion fruit branches [433d]
- Revolutionizing plant phenotyping: 3D plant shoot segmentation with deep learning [433d]
- Future labor losses due to heat stress in China under climate change scenarios [433d]
- Can we trust students to collect data ready to use in scientific research? [433d]
- Out of the shell: Taxonomic classification of a novel snail native to Japan [433d]
- Creation of a climate adapted urban oasis through the hyperlocal lens—Palm Springs Downtown Park in California, USA [433d]
- Collaborative review unveils the potential of graphene in advancing nitride semiconductor technology [433d]
- Can golf courses help save the planet? Ask a herd of wild pigs [433d]
- Here, there, everywhere: Environmental DNA clues to biodiversity [433d]
- Larger and more frequent solar storms will make for potential disruptions and spectacular auroras on Earth [433d]
- The secret world of puddles [433d]
- Global warming intensifies typhoon-induced extreme precipitation over East Asia [433d]
- I collect marsupial scat—and a crack team of volunteers across Australia helps me out [433d]
- Beyond the sleigh: Reindeer and their bonds with Arctic peoples [433d]
- Silky shark observed with regrown fin after extensive injury [433d]
- One-pot fermentative growth of predatory bacteria [433d]
- Novel toxic gas sensor improves the limit of nitrogen dioxide detection [433d]
- 'Ecology on steroids': How Australia's First Nations managed Australia's ecosystems [433d]
- Scientists chart diversity, function and activity of global supraglacial DNA viruses [433d]
- Model suggests some asteroids that come close to Earth are torn apart by its gravity [433d]
- Artificial design and biosynthesis of a single-domain catenated dihydrofolate reductase [433d]
- Why quantum mechanics defies physics [433d]
- Meet the infrared telescopes that paved the way for NASA's Webb [433d]
- Scientists study ecological response of phytoplankton to nutrient deposition of Saharan dust [433d]
- Safety of aquatic animals as human protein sources amid SARS-CoV-2 concerns [433d]
- Piezoelectric-enhanced p-n junctions in photoelectrochemical systems [433d]
- First release of the largest extragalactic HI catalog [433d]
- Korean artificial sun, KSTAR, completes divertor upgrades for long pulse operations [433d]
- In coastal communities, sea level rise may leave some isolated [433d]
- A dense quark liquid is distinct from a dense nucleon liquid [433d]
- Breakthrough in nitrile activation is promising pathway for anticancer precursor synthesis [433d]
- Scientists discover new method for generating metal nanoparticles to use as catalysts [433d]
- Permian marine mass extinction linked to volcanism-induced anoxia [433d]
- Researchers find large diversity of protists in the Parabasalia phylum in both mice and humans [433d]
- Zwicky Transient Facility detects four ultracompact binaries [433d]
- Lula vetos part of Brazil's controversial pesticide bill [433d]
- Venezuela oil giant says 80 percent of oil spill cleaned up [433d]
- Bangladesh's 'tiny houses' tackle giant flood challenge [433d]
- NREL research quantifies losses from cardboard, paper waste [433d]
- A carbon-lite atmosphere could be a sign of water and life on other terrestrial planets, study finds [433d]
- New research suggests 'religiosity' can help Black teenagers avoid delinquent behavior [433d]
- Researchers shed new light on how fog forms in mountainous areas [433d]
- SpaceX launches secretive US military spacecraft on research mission [433d]
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