The Brutalist Report - science
- No new articles in the last 24 hours.
- Work emails, calls on golf course worsen performance, study finds [161d]
- Scientists take atomic look at a protein complex that grants access to our DNA [161d]
- Bacterial gut diversity improves the athletic performance of racehorses [161d]
- Team fabricates world's highest-performance superconducting wire segment [161d]
- New system enhances mechanical stability of nanofiber-based bioelectrodes [161d]
- After AI, quantum computing eyes its 'Sputnik' moment [161d]
- New Yorkers are warned from the skies about impending danger from storms as city deploys drones [161d]
- NASA delays next crew launch to buy more time at the space station for Boeing's troubled capsule [161d]
- Nanomaterials may enhance plant tolerance to high soil salt levels [161d]
- How efficiently different US forests will remove atmospheric carbon in the future [161d]
- Modern aircraft emit less carbon than older aircraft, but their contrails may do more environmental harm [162d]
- Scientists equip Australian sea lions with cameras to explore previously unmapped ocean habitats [162d]
- Fishing disrupts squaretail grouper mating behavior, study finds [162d]
- Domestication causes smaller brain size in dogs than in the wolf: Study challenges notion [162d]
- Treatment with smoke can favor seed germination in Brazil's Cerrado biome [162d]
- NASA's Artemis emergency egress system emphasizes crew safety [162d]
- Attitudes such as distrust of government can cause swine farmers to resist animal biosecurity [162d]
- Tundra vegetation to grow taller, greener through 2100, study finds [162d]
- Study explores why some tech products provide years of continued use while others are quickly discarded [162d]
- New study helps global multinational corporations weigh pros and cons of implementing blockchain technology [162d]
- Living with a killer: How an unlikely mantis shrimp-clam association violates a biological principle [162d]
- Bouncing helps people move in sync during dance, study shows [162d]
- Research reveals how ordinary people can become 'situational heroes' [162d]
- High tide flooding may lessen across the US, scientists predict [162d]
- How plants become bushy, or not: New study sheds light on hormone that controls branching [162d]
- Elephants on the move: Mapping connections across African landscapes [162d]
- Astronomy 'Olympics' is being hosted in Africa for the first time: Four big talking points [162d]
- Study finds seasonal shifts in moral values [162d]
- Study: No room for nuance in polarized political climate [162d]
- Researchers reveal atomic-scale details of catalysts' active sites [162d]
- Sniff test for explosives detection extends its reach [162d]
- Romans were terrified by war elephants at first—but eventually found a way to defeat them in battle [162d]
- More than 120 people died in Tokyo from heatstroke in July as average temperatures hit record highs [162d]
- Does online dating make relationships more successful? [162d]
- AI promises to solve Earth's big environmental problems—but there's a hitch [162d]
- Girls more anxious about climate change than boys, study shows [162d]
- Ancient poppy seeds and willow wood offer clues to the Greenland ice sheet's last meltdown [162d]
- Study revisits Texas seismic activity occurring before 2017, confirming connection to wastewater injection [162d]
- New open-source platform for high-resolution spatial transcriptomics [162d]
- Wrestling with bulls, meat-only diets and sex bans: How the ancient Olympians prepared [162d]
- New York City's fireworks display prompts temporary surge of air pollution [162d]
- Shaping dairy farm vaccination decisions: Social pressure and vet influence [162d]
- Machine learning and better radar solve the 'cloud cover' problem [162d]
- Researchers dig deeper into stability challenges of nuclear fusion—with mayonnaise [162d]
- New X-ray world record: Looking inside a microchip with 4 nanometer precision [162d]
- Groundwater reserves in southwestern Europe more stable overall than previously thought [162d]
- Forests destroyed by wildfires emit carbon long after the flames die—new study [162d]
- Data protection is poor for African farmers who use digital services: Kenya and Ghana cases highlight gaps [162d]
- New study explores the role expectations, conflicts and ambiguity of the chief financial officer [162d]
- Competition over millions of years preserves genetic diversity of three crustaceans [162d]
- Researchers discover optimum twilight time for plant growth [162d]
- Patents can help researchers understand wildlife trade trends, new study shows [162d]
- New technology protects crops by testing the air for the DNA of plant diseases [162d]
- Visiting an art exhibition can make you think more socially and openly—but for how long? [162d]
- Smallest arm bone in the human fossil record sheds light on the dawn of Homo floresiensis [162d]
- Novel machine learning-based cluster analysis method that leverages target material property [162d]
- Advanced chelators offer efficient and eco-friendly rare earth element recovery [162d]
- Vertically stacked skin-like active-matrix display with ultrahigh aperture ratio [162d]
- Planning the urban climate of the future [162d]
- New computer vision-based system monitors seasonal dynamics of tropical water [162d]
- New bean varieties resist aphids and nematodes [162d]
- Study highlights missed opportunities to engage male perpetrators of violence against women [162d]
- New book explores emergence of touch-based language in DeafBlind communities [162d]
- 'Baby talk:' Decoding how children's vocal and cognitive cues sway adults [162d]
- Researchers propose 'carbon removal budget' to tackle climate change [162d]
- Calculating faster: Coupling AI with fundamental physics [162d]
- NASA, EPA tackle NO₂ air pollution in overburdened communities [162d]
- Farmer-led badger vaccination could revolutionize mission to tackle bovine TB [162d]
- Anxiety reframed can make business pitches more effective, study suggests [162d]
- Hunt for herbicide solution in snap bean reveals master switch for stress resistance [162d]
- Understanding the forces that regulate crystallization by particle attachment [162d]
- COVID-19 ad ban in Germany led to 6% reduction in grocery sales [162d]
- To predict tax revenue, look at corporate earnings [162d]
- Ancient pines could reveal the heat of thousands of past seasons [162d]
- Fossil hunter discovers new species of 210-million-year-old lungfish [162d]
- Fast-tracking the search for habitable worlds [162d]
- The shape of molecules to come: A Q&A on designing DNA nanostructures for biomedical applications [162d]
- How can territorial ecological restoration of counties be used to increase carbon sinks? [162d]
- Researchers identify gene responsible for marsupial fur color [162d]
- A 'measure' advance for ultrashort laser light [162d]
- Heating for fusion: Why toast plasma when you can microwave it [162d]
- Antarctic survey of plant life to aid conservation efforts [162d]
- The variability of ocean weather: Researchers test for patterns in temperature variability across climate regions [162d]
- 'Nudge' ads, messages designed to have influence, fail to motivate vaccination [162d]
- JWST unveils the structure of dust near a supermassive black hole [162d]
- Researchers solve long-standing challenge for piezoelectric materials [162d]
- How friendly fungi is helping rice thrive [162d]
- Historic genome sequencing will unlock potential for agriculture, conservation [162d]
- Male poison frogs may use finger placement to channel pheromones to females while mating [162d]
- Stacking molecules like plates improves organic solar device performance [162d]
- Researchers develop energy-efficient optical neural networks [162d]
- Researchers find book scorpion venom effective against hospital germs [162d]
- Chiral nanocomposite for highly selective dual-mode sensing and bioimaging of hydrogen sulfide [162d]
- Ancient carvings in Turkey could be earliest solar calendar [162d]
- Researchers identify over 2,000 potential toxins using machine learning [162d]
- Scientists develop physical node reservoir computing based on light-emitting synapses [162d]
- Researchers develop soft gold nanowires for neural interfaces [162d]
- Researchers suggest a new method for determining atomic charges in materials [162d]
- Atoms in advanced alloys find preferred neighbors when solidifying [162d]
- Satellite study shows cities across the world growing up more than out [162d]
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