The Brutalist Report - tech
- The history of sending signals to Unix process groups [867d]
- Show HN: Open-source APM with support for tracing, metrics, and logs [867d]
- OpenWrt 22.03.0 Released [868d]
- Closing 10% of all Emacs bugs [868d]
- Synthetic embryos complete gastrulation to neurulation and organogenesis [868d]
- Lunatic: Erlang-Inspired Runtime for WebAssembly [868d]
- Long-term cardiac pathology in individuals with mild initial Covid-19 illness [868d]
- How sustainable are fake meats? [868d]
- Chitchatter: A P2P chat app that is serverless, decentralized, and ephemeral [868d]
- Keith Davis: He was protecting the oceans – then he disappeared [868d]
- Ask HN: Do You Use Foreign Keys in Relational Databases [868d]
- Killing Invasive Species Is Now a Competitive Sport [868d]
- Dreamy Blur [868d]
- CA grid: real-time status [868d]
- I patched my Slack client to keep “Oops” messages others delete [868d]
- Meta Fined $400M for Treatment of Children’s Data on Instagram [868d]
- Show HN: WakaQ - a Python distributed task queue [868d]
- Static site hosting hurdles [868d]
- Saturated fat: villain and bogeyman of cardiovascular disease? [868d]
- A Special Kind of Hell: intmax_t in C and C++ (2020) [868d]
- How to Present Backend Demos [868d]
- OBS Studio 28.0 with Native Apple Silicon Support Is Here [868d]
- House Does Not Exist [868d]
- Cheating at chess with a computer for my shoes [868d]
- Contrasting Intel AMX and Apple AMX [868d]
- A solution to current high power prices (Europe) [868d]
- Compared to traditional activities, programming did not benefit math learning [868d]
- Accidental complexity, essential complexity, and Kubernetes [868d]
- Apple II Desktop Updated – Version 1.2 Alpha 48 [868d]
- Two philosophers found purpose in the world of work [868d]
- Amazon putting a three-day pause on reviews for Rings of Power [868d]
- Show HN: Watchlimits – Chrome extension to solve excessive video watching [868d]
- Place-Based Productivity and Costs in Science [868d]
- Covid: Summary of lab-origin hypothesis [868d]
- How the FLAC format compresses audio without loss of quality [868d]
- Premature Optimization is the Root of all Evil [868d]
- What if cryptocurrencies ranked by number of nodes instead of marketcap? [868d]
- In wake of data breach – Samsung forcing users to accept T&CS or risk their data [868d]
- The Sheer Terror of Pam [868d]
- Violence-as-a-Service: Brickings, Firebombings and Shootings for Hire [868d]
- Extending SQLite with Rust [868d]
- Using Stable Diffusion's img2img on some old Sierra titles [868d]
- Show HN: Draw Anything – A Simple Stable Diffusion Playground [868d]
- DDoS-Guard also drops Kiwi Farms [868d]
- Kext-less FUSE library for macOS [868d]
- Ask HN: Best self-powered security system? [868d]
- Mille Bornes [868d]
- Mangroves on a Landfill [868d]
- Extending SQLite with Rust [868d]
- Alan D. Sokal – Transgressing the Boundaries (1995) [868d]
- A simple way to significantly increase lifetimes of fuel cells and other devices [868d]
- PHP 8.2.0 RC1 available for testing [868d]
- Spotify have finally killed 3rd party streaming apps [868d]
- Solr’s Dense Vector Search for indexing and searching dense numerical vectors [868d]
- Why being an effective environmentalist can often feel like being a bad one [868d]
- Thomas Piketty’s Radical Plan to Redistribute Wealth [868d]
- TikTok hacked, over 2 bn user database records stolen: Security researchers [868d]
- Heatwaves kill more Americans than hurricanes, tornadoes and floods [868d]
- 'Serious errors' in research linking deaths to red meat [868d]
- Ask HN: YC misses that went on to do well (like [868d]
- Ubisoft delays server shutdowns, prevents purchased DLC from going away [868d]
- SQLite 3.39.3 [868d]
- All poverty is energy poverty [868d]
- Nano-nonsense: 25 years of charlatanry (2010) [868d]
- Toyota patents plans for EV with manual transmission and clutch [868d]
- Common Lisp vs Racket [868d]
- Launch HN: Mito (YC S20) – Edit a spreadsheet, generate Python [868d]
- Library of Database Schemas [868d]
- Nobel Prize winner Gregg Semenza retracts four papers [868d]
- Meticulous (YC S21) is hiring #3 founding engineer in London [868d]
- “Writing an app is like coding for LaserDisc” [868d]
- I didn’t want it anywhere near me: how the Apple AirTag became a stalker's gift [868d]
- Kiwifarms no longer available anywhere on internet as DDoS-Guard ends service [868d]
- Optimizing Polygon Intersections with Subdivide [868d]
- Apple AMX instruction set (M1/M2 matrix coprocessor) [868d]
- uLisp wireless message display with a Pi Pico W [868d]
- Virtual Ants [868d]
- Oxford Physicist Unloads on Quantum Computing Industry, It's Basically a Scam [868d]
- The quantum computing bubble [868d]
- Visualize active fires around the world with JavaScript – Znote blog [868d]
- is silently discarding email messages (2015) [868d]
- Private Jets to Ibiza, Paris Surge as Rich Evade Travel Chaos [868d]
- Show HN: AutoML Python Package for Tabular Data with Automatic Documentation [868d]
- Ask HN: How much electricity consumes a WiFi router? [868d]
- Why A4? – The Mathematical Beauty of Paper Size [868d]
- The Air Force Just Survived a Reply-All Apocalypse [868d]
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