The Brutalist Report - tech
- Tesla stock marks lowest close in years as investors worry about Musk’s focus [809d]
- SEC may take steep measures against HEX, founder Richard Heart accused of fraud [809d]
- Added 49 volumes of Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee law [809d]
- Beaker Browser is now archived [809d]
- Tesla Drops Out of the 10 Biggest U.S. Public Companies [809d]
- Vandals destroy 30k-year-old indigenous cave drawings in Australia [809d]
- ‘Too much’ nitrite-cured meat brings clear risk of cancer, say scientists [809d]
- How RISC-V Timer Interrupts Work [809d]
- Weird things about SpaceX's Starlink internet satellites [809d]
- Brooklyn Bar Menu Generator [810d]
- Tell HN: Thanks and hats off to all the non software engineers [810d]
- KMSCon – A Userspace System Console That Does Not Depend on Any Graphics Server [810d]
- BrianKrebs: Experian Vulnerability Shows Any Report with just SSN, DOB, ADR [810d]
- When Algorithms Rule, Values Can Wither [810d]
- Tesla stopped reporting its Autopilot safety numbers online. Why? [810d]
- The Grinch Stealing the Future of Gen Y and Z [810d]
- BorgBackup, Deduplicating archiver with compression and encryption [810d]
- The Architecture of the Lisa Personal Computer [pdf] [810d]
- Putin gives eight gold rings to presidents of CIS countries, keeps ninth [810d]
- A lightweight, simple, fast, feature-filled, text editor written in C, and Lua [810d]
- Anki SRS Algorithm : Spaced repetition explained with code [810d]
- The Zen Anti-Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (2021) [810d]
- Hydrochloric Acid is more complicated than you think [810d]
- All About USB-C: Illegal Adapters [810d]
- US Government demands direct police access to European biometric data [pdf] [810d]
- Hogmanay [810d]
- Amazon Packages Burn in India, Final Stop in Broken Recycling System [810d]
- What a $1M Retirement Looks Like in America [810d]
- Mickey’s Copyright Adventure: Early Disney Toon Is Set to Be Public Property [810d]
- Solar’s dirty secrets: How solar power hurts people and the planet [810d]
- EmailTriager [810d]
- Tesla stock falls again, toward longest losing streak in more than 4 years [810d]
- Using eBPF and predefined inspections to minimize “observability tax” [810d]
- Scheduled to Die: The Rise of Canada’s Assisted Suicide Program [810d]
- Unmasking Meta's Bad News Strategy [810d]
- Social Security denies disability benefits based on list with jobs from 1977 [810d]
- Eliminating harmful digital technologies in universities [810d]
- Americans lost $10B; caused by illegal Indian call centres in 2022 [810d]
- Americans duped into losing $10B by illegal Indian call centres in 2022: report [810d]
- Southwest cancels 5,400 flights in less than 48 hours [810d]
- Visually Symmetric Words [810d]
- Microsoft fined $64M by France over cookies used in Bing searches [810d]
- Artificial Intelligence Is Stupid and Causal Reasoning Will Not Fix It [810d]
- Numba: A High Performance Python Compiler [810d]
- Ask HN: What happened to Magic, the text-message concierge? [810d]
- For Sale on eBay: A Military Database of Fingerprints and Iris Scans [810d]
- Ask HN: What are household items that can be repaired but people often replace? [810d]
- Three things for the next 100 years of Computer Science [810d]
- Iranian women compete at chess tournament without hijab: media reports [810d]
- A Paper Internet (2010) [810d]
- What’s in a PR statement: LastPass breach explained [810d]
- Inventing the Lisa User Interface (1997) [pdf] [810d]
- Jerry (YC S17) Is Hiring Tech Leader / EM 中国远程 热爱技术 [810d]
- Show HN: Self-hosted CMS on Server-less Cloudflare for podcast/blog/img/videos [810d]
- Class switch towards non-inflammatory IgG4 antibodies after vaccination [810d]
- Show HN: Dog API [810d]
- A no-code tool that generates code [810d]
- How to Annotate Everything [810d]
- Ask HN: Upskilling as a Data Engineer [810d]
- Data of 30M Indian Railways users is up for sale on a dark forum [810d]
- CCC captures U.S. military biometrics database [810d]
- I'm Done with Google [810d]
- Experimental Rust Feature: Safer Interoperable ABI [810d]
- Detecting the use of “curl | bash” server side (2016) [810d]
- The Introvert's Guide to Building a Strong Professional Network [810d]
- Women like working with people, men like working with things, all over the world [810d]
- Extending Python with Rust [810d]
- I have reached Vim nirvana [810d]
- Get Uncomfortable [810d]
- Southwest Airlines cancels 70% of their flights [810d]
- Safari's date-picker is the cause of 1/3 of our customer support issues [810d]
- Clipboard: Cut, copy, and paste anything, anywhere, all from the terminal [810d]
- The KCL Programming Language for DevOps [810d]
- 86Box – Low level x86 emulator that runs older operating systems and software [810d]
- Ask HN: I prefer single letter variables [810d]
- 6M Acres of Public Land in the US West Are Corner-Locked [810d]
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