The Brutalist Report - tech
- Show HN: Open-Source 3D Location-Based Wireless Mesh Network [1090d]
- What doctors wish patients knew about long Covid [1090d]
- Vanced Team going into detail about Vanced being discontinued [1090d]
- The Windows OS needs a change in priorities [1090d]
- CodeEdit: Building a free, open-source code editor for macOS [1090d]
- What the new PowerVR driver means for mobile [1090d]
- LibreTube: Alternative YouTube front end for Android built with Piped [1090d]
- Silicon Valley’s Supposed Obsession with Tech-Free Private Schools (2019) [1090d]
- Silicon Valley's Sex Censorship Harms Everyone [1090d]
- Show HN: I built a platform for projects to find maintainers [1090d]
- Embedded Malicious Code in node-ipc [1090d]
- Steam to Chrome OS [1090d]
- Grip Strength by Age and Sex [1090d]
- Petty Thieves Plague San Francisco. ‘These Last Two Years Have Been Insane.’ [1090d]
- Ask HN: I'd like to practice coding GUI from scratch. Any recommendations? [1090d]
- You (and the Planet) Need a Heat Pump [1090d]
- After 600 hours 64 workers at Ukraine's Chernobyl nuclear plant finally relieved [1090d]
- Ask HN: Real-World Breaches from Speculative Execution Vulns? [1090d]
- Plaintext Productivity [1090d]
- The Interview Process at Canonical - application withdrawn [1090d]
- I think US college education is nearer to collapsing than it appears [Thread] [1090d]
- Sync for Thunderbird [1090d]
- Pointers and Memory Management in Python [1090d]
- Ask HN: Why is the Instagram desktop website so unreliable? [1090d]
- Mux (YC W16) is hiring engineers to work with Elixir and modern (Type|Java)Script [1090d]
- Is macOS Look Up Destined for CSAM? [1090d]
- Major government surveillance revelations fail to make a big splash [1090d]
- Ask HN: Are Web3 and DApps the Future? [1090d]
- Using a Minitel 1B as a serial terminal [1090d]
- M1 Ultra About 3x Bigger Than AMD's Ryzen CPUs [1090d]
- A better way to divide the pie [1090d]
- Photographer’s 3,200 Undeveloped Film Rolls Hold History of Rock ‘N’ Roll [1090d]
- How California Is Building the Nation’s First Privacy Police [1090d]
- Inflation is a disease – Milton Friedman [1090d]
- Show HN: I’m Building a Nerf Dart Missile Defense System [video] [1090d]
- How much Rust in Firefox? March 2022 [1090d]
- Big-box Stores could slash Emissions, save Millions – Put solar-panels on Roofs [1090d]
- Vimeo: “We are a B2B solution, not the indie version of YouTube.” [1090d]
- Setting the story straight on quite a few issues [1090d]
- Decrypting your own HTTPS traffic with Wireshark [1090d]
- Portrait vs. Landscape – more than meets the eye [1090d]
- Google will soon ask Australian users to show ID to view some content [1090d]
- Mitmproxy 8 [1090d]
- Ask HN: Developers who switched careers, what are you doing now? [1090d]
- Ghosts at the Liquor Store [1090d]
- Polar Express – How Airlines are plotting a new-route to Asia [1090d]
- Ask HN: Which dev bootcamps/online courses are good value for DevOps? [1090d]
- Ur-Fascism By Umberto Eco (1995) [pdf] [1090d]
- Show HN: Typebeat: Keyboard-controlled music sequencer, sampler, and synth [1090d]
- How did Europe become the richest part of the world? [1090d]
- Supabase (YC S20) Is Hiring a Lead Golang Developer for Auth [1090d]
- Ask HN: Has anyone come up with a use for blockchain yet? [1090d]
- The stilt-walking shepherds of France's grasslands, 1843-1937 [1090d]
- Demystifying the Analemma [1090d]
- When the Emperor Is a Void: Yukio Mishima and Fascism Today [1090d]
- Linux Mint Debian Edition 5 is here [1090d]
- My biggest mistake as an RPA developer [1090d]
- FOSS devs are burning out, quitting, and even sabotaging their own projects [1090d]
- Meld is a visual diff and merge tool targeted at developers [1090d]
- Ask HN: Third Party Elements from [1090d]
- Epic Games to donate all Fortnite proceeds for 2 weeks to Ukraine relief [1090d]
- Exploring Google Hangouts' easter eggs [1090d]
- PHP Streaming Audio [1090d]
- When Apple Built a Mac OS Running on Top of Solaris and HP-UX [1090d]
- Addressing Criticism of RISC-V Microprocessors [1090d]
- Melrōse, a language to program and play music [1090d]
- Ask HN: How much are you making in Vancouver? [1090d]
- On the Concept of Motion [1090d]
- A Letter to Microsoft for Not Attributing Authors of the Edge Flatpak App [1090d]
- Rust's Unsafe Pointer Types Need an Overhaul [1090d]
- Amazon warehouse fires a worker 1 day before his $3000 hiring bonus [1090d]
- Show HN: I made a CLI tool that turns pixels into emojis [1090d]
- Just some red flags. No big deal. Just ignore them [1091d]
- A Crash Course in the Fundamentals of Audio (2010) [1091d]
- Ride or Die: George Hotz Against the Institutions [1091d]
- The Secret Sounds of ‘Dune’: Rice Krispies and Marianne Faithfull [1091d]
- NYC splits engine idling fines with the reporter [1091d]
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