The Brutalist Report - tech
- Remaking Old Computer Graphics with AI Image Generation [804d]
- Langoguessr [804d]
- Emergent Tokyo: Designing the spontaneous city [804d]
- Software Detection of Currency (2004) [804d]
- ElonJet Wrapped 2022 [804d]
- Building a Frankenstein 64 [804d]
- George Santos story broke by local newspaper months ago [804d]
- Adding “invariant” clauses to C++ via GCC plugin to enable Design-by-Contract [804d]
- Ask HN: Are there any good open source Text-to-Speech tools? [804d]
- The Lost Art of Nomography (2009) [pdf] [804d]
- Google to pay $29M settling location tracking with DC, IN; –$392M to 40 states [804d]
- Google to pay Indiana $20M to resolve privacy suit [804d]
- Tesla broke labor laws by telling workers not to discuss pay, NLRB claims [804d]
- Modeling my Grandpa with 3D Photogrammetry (2021) [804d]
- Picturing Scent: The Tale of a Beached Whale (2021) [804d]
- Liberation Circuit – FOSS RTS/programming game [804d]
- “My PGP key is compromised, and at least many of my bitcoins stolen” [804d]
- Don’t Rely on Credibility Stamps [804d]
- FatFs – Generic FAT Filesystem Module [804d]
- Casio-F-91W die-shot [804d]
- San Francisco just had its second-rainiest day since 1849 [804d]
- German Bundestag Passes Whistleblower Protection Act [804d]
- Why 536 was 'the worst year to be alive' (2018) [804d]
- Mini brains grown from stem cells developed eye-like features (2021) [804d]
- SQLite 2022 Recap [804d]
- Smalltalk-80 on Raspberry Pi: A Bare Metal Implementation [804d]
- Ask HN: What's a good program for calisthenics for beginners that YOU have tried [804d]
- Tell HN: The Indian government has blocked [804d]
- Today is Charlie Munger's 99th birthday [804d]
- Tell HN: Did you know that you can help restore a person’s eyesight for $50? [804d]
- Blood test can detect 'toxic' protein years before Alzheimer's symptoms emerge [804d]
- “Internet in Space” Will Transform the Satellite Imagery Industry [804d]
- Querying the GitHub archive with the ClickHouse playground [804d]
- Bring Back Personal Blogging [804d]
- Ask HN: Is Programming Culture Immature? [804d]
- Why a global recession is inevitable in 2023 [804d]
- What Will Happen in 2023 by Fred Wilson [804d]
- Twitter Sued for Nonpayment of Rent on San Francisco Office [804d]
- Map, Filter, Reduce in Fortran (2019) [804d]
- Ask HN: How do you manage your passwords in 2023? [804d]
- Ask HN: How does a hobby programmer get hired? [804d]
- Conversation Skills Essentials [804d]
- Homoiconic Spreadsheets: What, How and Why [video] [804d]
- Ask HN: Concepts that clicked only years after you first encountered them? [804d]
- Get Running with Couch to 5K [804d]
- Rant: Year of Linux on the Desktop (2022) [804d]
- The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant [804d]
- Pop2Piano: Pop Audio-Based Piano Cover Generation [804d]
- The internet wants to be fragmented [804d]
- 2023 HackerRank Developer Skills Report [804d]
- Java Is in Decline, and There's Data to Prove It [804d]
- Ripes: Visual computer architecture simulator, assembly code editor for RISC-V [804d]
- Ask HN: What are the best open source TypeScript projects I can learn from? [804d]
- Matrix Community Year in Review 2022 [804d]
- Competitive programming in Haskell: better binary search [804d]
- Running Advent of Code on a $2 microcontroller [804d]
- Magic Circle Generator [804d]
- AI Voice Generator: Text to Speech Software [804d]
- Dirty USB-C Tricks: One Port for the Price of Two [804d]
- Report on an Unidentified Space Station [804d]
- To Be Productive, Be Prepared [805d]
- Epstein's sex trafficking was aided by JPMorgan, US Virgin Islands lawsuit says [805d]
- Posters of the IPv4 and IPv6 internet as of Jan 1, 2023 [805d]
- Women Are Overinvesting in Education for the Monetary Returns [805d]
- Digital Logic Sim [805d]
- “Scale” by Greg Egan [805d]
- Coworkers are less ambitious; bosses adjust to the new order [805d]
- Compromised PyTorch-nightly dependency chain December 30th, 2022 [805d]
- Easy, alternative soft deletion: `deleted_record_insert` [805d]
- Worst Interview Questions for Software Developers [805d]
- Xfinity Stream on Linux (A Tale of Widevine, ChromeOS, and a Patched Glibc) [805d]
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