The Brutalist Report - tech
- Twenty Years Is Nothing [313d]
- Scientists put Jared Diamond's continental axis hypothesis to the test [313d]
- Film Companies Seek 'Torrenting History' Related to Redditor [313d]
- French Court Issues Damages Award for Violation of GPL [313d]
- PG&E claims no connection between rate increases and $2.2B jump in earnings [313d]
- Bring Back Private Offices (Open Office Sucks) [313d]
- Motion Blur All the Way Down [313d]
- "Noah": Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing [313d]
- Smashmallow, Silicon Valley's Failed Marshmallow Startup [313d]
- The Fundamentals of C/C++ Game Programming [313d]
- Nearly all of California's reservoir's are above their historical averages [313d]
- Varda's drug-cooking Winnebago will be remembered as a space pioneer [313d]
- Move over, AI. Scientists announce a new 'organoid intelligence' field [313d]
- US permanently deploys training mission in Taiwan [313d]
- Epic Games Hackers Say They Faked the Whole Thing [313d]
- Nvidia CEO says "coding is a dying profession" [313d]
- Sergey Brin on Gemini 1.5 Pro (03/02/2024) [video] [313d]
- "This is the Corvette that Windows zip folders bought" [313d]
- SuperKalam (YC W23) Is Hiring [313d]
- Show HN: Free comments section for personal sites [313d]
- What to avoid building as an early stage startup [313d]
- Reclaim your focus with ~12 lines of bash [313d]
- A woman named "Steve" – IT pioneer, entrepreneur, philanthropist (2019) [313d]
- Surrealism Is 100. The World's Still Surreal [313d]
- Bugs I've Filed on Browsers [313d]
- California rains resurrect a long-dead lake in dry Death Valley [313d]
- Please, Enough with the Dead Butterflies [313d]
- Introducing our GDC Line-up [313d]
- Using a solar oven as a radiant refrigerator at night [313d]
- Commerce Department Proposes Imposing "Know Your Customer" on IaaS Providers [313d]
- Cops visit school of 'wrong person's child,' mix up in epic data fail [313d]
- CSS for printing to paper [313d]
- French Artists in 1899 Envisioned What Life Would Look Like in the Year 2000 [313d]
- Meticulous (YC S21) is hiring to eliminate UI E2E tests [313d]
- How to Be a Good Listener [313d]
- Short-term Hebbian learning can implement transformer-like attention [313d]
- Sampling: What Nyquist Didn't Say, and What to Do About It [pdf] [313d]
- Combating olive oil fraud with nuclear innovations [313d]
- The People's Peace Treaty of 1971 [313d]
- Amiga's Final Days as Chronicled by the Village Voice 30 Years Ago [313d]
- I'll refrain from providing code that involve concepts as you're under 18 [313d]
- Did Apple Just Make a Gambling App? [313d]
- The Case Against Geometric Algebra [313d]
- U.S. seeks to revive idled shipyards with help of Japan, South Korea [313d]
- How Computers Entered the Classroom, 1960–2000 [313d]
- Organic Maps is a free Android and iOS offline maps app for travelers [313d]
- Interesting Ideas in Observable Framework [313d]
- Storing binary data in playing cards (2014) [313d]
- Separating a particle's mass from its momentum [313d]
- "AI will cure cancer" misunderstands both AI and medicine [313d]
- I'm going to keep opting out [314d]
- USB in a NutShell [314d]
- AI is Taking Water from the Desert [314d]
- 2024 Google Summer of Code Orgs Announced [314d]
- The Worst Possible Way to Be Rejected for a Job [314d]
- Better PC Cooling with Python and Grafana [314d]
- 3D printed titanium structure shows supernatural strength [314d]
- What It's Like to Staff the Home of a Billionaire [314d]
- The Hater's Guide to Kubernetes [314d]
- Joplin is an open source note-taking app [314d]
- Everything is rising at a scary rate: Why car, home insurance costs are surging [314d]
- How dense is your city? [314d]
- Why Women Outnumber Men in South Korea's Sports Stadiums [314d]
- Billionaires building bunkers buying islands– prep for apocalypse or feudalism? [314d]
- Crash of the Titan: a short history of Apple's doomed car project [314d]
- Bug in std:shared_mutex on Windows [314d]
- AI-generated content, other unfavorable practices get CNET on Wikipedia banlist [314d]
- Roaring Bitmaps [314d]
- A kids' novel inspired me to simulate a gene drive on 86M genealogy profiles [314d]
- NIST 800-207A: Implementing Zero Trust Architecture [314d]
- The Classic Adventures Solution Archive [314d]
- The Repair Shops Where Subway Cars Go for a Makeover [314d]
- AI startups require new strategies: This time it's different [314d]
- DUSt3R: Geometric 3D Vision Made Easy [314d]
- The $25B Eigenvector: The Linear Algebra behind Google (2006) [314d]
- The Achilles Trap: how the US fatally failed to read Saddam [314d]
- 10 Minutes is ~1% of your day [314d]
- The Trillion Dollar Equation [video] [314d]
- Why Do East Asian Firms Value Drinking? [314d]
- Supermium – Chromium fork for Win 2003/XP and newer [314d]
- Visual Explanations of Core Machine Learning Concepts [314d]
- What we learned in 6 months of working on an AI Developer [314d]
- Google's SRE Book [314d]
- HP is in the rent-a-printer business now [314d]
- The unreasonable effectiveness of i3, or: ten years of a boring desktop env [314d]
- Show HN: Hancho – A simple and pleasant build system in ~500 lines of Python [314d]
- Scaleway launches RISC-V servers [314d]
- AI chatbots can apparently get better at math for the strangest reason [314d]
- An Unbelievable Demo [314d]
- Motorola's 6809: The Best 8-Bit? [314d]
- Testing AI and LLM on Rockchip RK3588 Using Mixtile Blade 3 SBC with 32GB RAM [314d]
- David Holladay, blindness technology pioneer, dies at age 70 [314d]
- Laurie Anderson on making AI chatbot of Lou Reed: 100%, sadly addicted [314d]
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