The Brutalist Report - science
- Whole-genome sequencing reveals new secrets about killer fungus [1106d]
- COVID-19 restrictions linked to nearly 750,000 fewer dengue cases in 2020 [1106d]
- Study of algae in Acadia National Park lakes shows recovery from acidification [1106d]
- Effects of noise on marine life [1106d]
- Discovered: An easier way to create 'flexible diamonds' [1106d]
- How the gut microbiome processes seaweed [1106d]
- The physics of fire ant rafts could help engineers design swarming robots [1106d]
- Study details how some fish cope with parasites, with implications for human health [1106d]
- Industrial sedimentation in the North Sea [1106d]
- Corals can be 'trained' to tolerate heat stress [1106d]
- Better assessment of risk from heart surgery results in better patient outcomes [1106d]
- Blood pressure medications impact brain function [1106d]
- From 'boops' to 'unks,' how scientists are using fish sounds to conserve underwater ecosystems [1107d]
- Native American shell ring villages may have been occupied then abandoned because of climate change [1107d]
- Study reveals trade-offs between ecosystem resistance and resilience to tropical cyclones [1107d]
- 'Drug factory' implants eliminate ovarian, colorectal cancer in mice [1107d]
- Vision scientists discover new angle on path of light through photoreceptors [1107d]
- Exposure to great outdoors boosted mental health during pandemic [1107d]
- New study reveals small-scale renewable energy sources could cause power failures [1107d]
- Engineers reveal how to optimize processes for transforming sulfur in wastewater to valuable materials [1107d]
- Early menopause may raise risk of dementia later in life [1107d]
- Cerebrospinal fluid may be able to identify aggressive brain tumors in children [1107d]
- The interplay between topology and magnetism has a bright future [1107d]
- Capturing the many facets of evolvability [1107d]
- Gene Editing gets safer thanks to redesigned Cas9 protein [1107d]
- Virology: Equine hepatitis viruses and hepatitis C [1107d]
- 7,000-year-old grains hints at origin of Swiss pile dwellings [1107d]
- Taking a systems approach to cyber security [1107d]
- Cocoa does not appear to reduce exercise-related digestive distress [1107d]
- Mucus could explain why SARS-CoV-2 doesn't spread easily from surfaces [1107d]
- Study maps stress changes around fault activated by hydraulic fracturing [1107d]
- We should be eating more insects and using their waste to grow crops, says plant ecologist [1107d]
- Archaeologists discover innovative 40,000-year-old culture in China [1107d]
- Powerful warm winds seen blowing from a neutron star as it rips up its companion [1107d]
- Plasma accelerators recover in a FLASH [1107d]
- Female chimpanzees avoid humans [1107d]
- Individuals in England reduced social contacts by up to 75 percent during the COVID-19 pandemic [1107d]
- A solar illusion: Coronal loops may not be what they seem [1107d]
- Did COVID-19 make tinnitus, 'ringing' in the ears, worse? [1107d]
- How to make a 'computer' out of liquid crystals [1107d]
- Tooth study prompts rethink of human evolution [1107d]
- Bonding exercise: Quantifying biexciton binding energy [1107d]
- Plotting the placental protein NRK: Understanding the molecular evolution processes underlying placenta acquisition in eutherian ancestors [1107d]
- New lab model simulates effects of exercise on muscles [1107d]
- 'Closest black hole' system found to contain no black hole [1107d]
- Some oral bacteria linked with hypertension in older women [1107d]
- Gradual evolution is back: Darwinian theory of gradual process explained in new research [1107d]
- Substance derived from tire debris is toxic to two trout species, not just coho salmon [1107d]
- A 'greener' way to clean wastewater treatment filters [1107d]
- The physics of fire ant rafts could help engineers design swarming robots [1106d]
- Discovered: An easier way to create 'flexible diamonds' [1106d]
- This is your gut on sushi [1106d]
- From 'boops' to 'unks,' how scientists are using fish sounds to conserve underwater ecosystems [1106d]
- The Netherlands is more important for sturgeon than previously thought [1106d]
- Joro spiders likely to spread beyond the state of Georgia, could colonize the entire East Coast [1106d]
- Becoming sustainable can be good for business too [1106d]
- Confessions of a former fireball: How Earth became habitable [1106d]
- Study finds new biomarkers that could assist in identifying deep-space flight risks [1106d]
- Sewer treasure: Engineers reveal how to optimize processes for transforming wastewater sulfur to valuable materials [1107d]
- The Black Lives Matter movement, but not COVID-19, encouraged voters toward Biden in the 2020 election: study [1107d]
- Study reveals trade-offs between ecosystem resistance and resilience to tropical cyclones [1107d]
- Gender, socioeconomic status influence people's patterns of movement within cities [1107d]
- Native American shell ring villages may have been occupied then abandoned because of climate change [1107d]
- In bird couples, who is taking care of the kids? [1107d]
- Analysis of teeth from Arctic seals reveals Arctic Ocean changes going back to 1950s [1107d]
- Developing ultrathin films for stretchable and sturdy bioelectronic membranes [1107d]
- Study details how some fish cope with parasites, with implications for human health [1107d]
- RNA map of the mammalian cell nucleus reveals new insights into gene regulation [1107d]
- More than 40% of the world's population are 'highly vulnerable' to climate [1107d]
- Targeted enzymes destroy virus RNA [1107d]
- Counties that rely on the courts for revenue sentence more women to incarceration [1107d]
- Capturing the many facets of evolvability [1107d]
- Are sharks gathering to mate off North Carolina? Mission launched to prove it's true [1107d]
- On land and sea, climate change causing 'irreversible' losses: UN [1107d]
- 'Spongy moth' adopted as new common name for Lymantria dispar [1107d]
- Winter research in Great Lakes will help scientists understand climate change and what happens when ice disappears [1107d]
- UN: Droughts, less water in Europe as warming wrecks crops [1107d]
- Using two different elements creates new possibilities in hybrid atomic quantum computers [1107d]
- Quantifying biexciton binding energy [1107d]
- People spreading misinformation are ridiculed rather than met with facts [1107d]
- Self-sustained diverter oscillation mechanism identified in fusion plasma experiment [1107d]
- Study maps stress changes around fault activated by hydraulic fracturing [1107d]
- Study identifies virus responsible for high mortality rate among pigeons in São Paulo City [1107d]
- Can amino acid also be developed as pesticide against plant viruses? [1107d]
- Female chimpanzees avoid humans [1107d]
- The series Euphoria and the representation of trans characters [1107d]
- We should be eating more insects and using their waste to grow crops, says plant ecologist [1107d]
- Countries missed opportunity to address climate crisis with pandemic stimulus [1107d]
- Powerful warm winds seen blowing from a neutron star as it rips up its companion [1107d]
- Experiment demonstrates recovery time of a plasma-wakefield accelerator [1107d]
- Gene editing gets safer thanks to redesigned Cas9 protein [1107d]
- Progress and prospects in magnetic topological materials [1107d]
- Archaeologists discover innovative 40,000-year-old culture in China [1107d]
- Invasive alien species? Isn't there an app for that? [1107d]
- Marine plastic pollution could contribute to the introduction of invasive species [1107d]
- 'Hotspot mapping' accelerates early-phase drug design [1107d]
- Underwater noise causes hearing loss in turtles [1107d]
- Local nuclear reactor helps scientists catch and study neutrinos [1107d]
- African swine fever outbreak in Poland found to likely influence forest dynamics for many years [1107d]
- A solar illusion: Coronal loops may not be what they seem [1107d]
- Substance derived from tire debris is toxic to two trout species, not just coho salmon [1107d]
- Understanding the molecular evolution processes underlying placenta acquisition in eutherian ancestors [1107d]
- A 'greener' way to clean wastewater treatment filters [1107d]
- Turtle species in Eastern Europe survived the event that killed the dinosaurs [1107d]
- Study casts doubt on benefits of teaching grammar in helping children learn to write [1107d]
- Researchers discover new therapeutic target for severe asthma [1107d]
- The exact point of the moon's south pole [1107d]
- Lack of early warning systems for extreme weather 'leaves millions at risk' [1107d]
- New optical biosensor enables rapid and quantitative serological testing of COVID-19 [1107d]
- Arrays of metallic nanoparticles can form an optical cavity tunable by liquid crystals [1107d]
- A new molecular family tree of grasses [1107d]
- Personality traits influence whether we shop fair trade [1107d]
- Fast and easy protein analysis from trace amounts of cell samples [1107d]
- Can the world meet global climate targets without coordinated global action? [1107d]
- Using nanorobots to help clean heavy metals from polluted water [1107d]
- Reducing poverty and inequality in Australia is possible, report says [1107d]
- Viral cover-up: SARS-CoV-2 cap offers new target for antivirals [1107d]
- A Mars meteorite shows evidence of a massive impact billions of years ago [1107d]
- Future astronauts might be able to 3D print their own spacesuits and parts as needed [1107d]
- Gradual evolution is back: Darwinian theory of gradual process explained in new research [1107d]
- UN to take first step towards 'historic' plastic treaty [1107d]
- Australians flee floods as toll rises to 12, Sydney on alert [1107d]
- State officials: Bird flu found at 6th Indiana turkey farm [1107d]
- UN: Africa, already suffering from warming, will see worse [1107d]
- Space junk on 5,800-mph collision course with moon [1107d]
- UN: Climate change to uproot millions, especially in Asia [1107d]
- Weather satellite rockets to orbit to monitor US West [1107d]
- 'Closest black hole' system found to contain no black hole [1107d]
- Designing scientifically-grounded paleoart for AR [1107d]
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