The Brutalist Report
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Scientific American
Your Cats Can Tell When You're Speaking to Them
Electric Countdown Tells Sleeping Spores When to Wake Up
Quanta Magazine
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New Scientist
The best films of 2023, from Dune: Part Two to Patrick and the Whale
Largest ever animal may have been Triassic ichthyosaur super-predator
New study on the circadian clock of the fruit fly
Holding information in mind may mean storing it among synapses
What does a region need to lead a discipline? Pioneers
Actinidia arguta (sarunashi) juice inhibits lung cancer in mice, study finds
Singing supports stroke rehabilitation
Human brain organoids implanted into mouse cortex respond to visual stimuli for first time
In Arizona, Colorado River crisis stokes worry over growth and groundwater depletion
Farm-bred octopus: A benefit to the species or an act of cruelty?
California moves last two chimps from animal sanctuary that abruptly closed in 2019
Honeybees at risk, along with the crops they pollinate: Scientists think the solution lies in the insects' brains
Study reveals seasonal peak photosynthesis hindered by late canopy development in northern ecosystems
Old trees could become renewable fuels this Christmas
Research reveals fruit fly circadian clock mechanisms
Researchers develop eco-friendly materials capable of purifying water
Bio-friendly transparent temperature sensor technology that precisely measures temperature changes by light
Four steps to help children solve their own arguments
What risks could pet hamsters and gerbils pose in Australia?
The history and mystery of Tangram, the children's puzzle game that harbors a mathematical paradox or two
India's 'untouchable' women face discrimination even in schemes meant to help them
TESS detects new 'hot Jupiter' exoplanet orbiting a rapidly rotating star
Dual‐site collaboration boosts electrochemical nitrogen reduction on Ru‐S‐C single‐atom catalyst
Action of two protostars appears to be making conditions right for planet formation
Study examines how many scientists a region needs to achieve dominance in a field
First results from LHAASO place tighter constraints on dark matter's lifetime
The vertebral column develops in the same way in modern animals as it did 300 million years ago
High-quality microresonators in the longwave infrared based on native germanium
Transcriptional adaptation found to play a role in inherited epigenetic changes
Volcanic smog, air pollution predicted to hurt Hawaiʻi student test scores, especially on Hawaiʻi Island
Belt and suspenders: Alpine lake bacteria deploy two light-harvesting systems
Cloistered Arctic whales face a bigger climate threat than polar bears
Consortium to map senescent cells and their effect on aging and human health
South Asian black carbon causes glacier loss on Tibetan Plateau
Review on intrinsic electrocatalytic activity of transition metal nitrides on HER
Watch the latest water satellite unfold itself in space
They survived the hunters: now king penguins face climate change
What is the link between winter storms and global warming?
Holy icy chill, Batman! Freezing bats saved in Texas
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