The Brutalist Report - tech
- The New Tech Worldview [808d]
- ChatBCG: Generative AI For Slides [808d]
- Show HN: Built your front end in React, then let ChatGPT be your Redux reducer [808d]
- What can we learn from Barnes and Noble's surprising turnaround? [808d]
- Human-Oriented Automatic Theorem Proving [809d]
- Why Solana was decimated by Bankman-Fried’s downfall [809d]
- Golden Cove’s Lopsided Vector Register File [809d]
- Ask HN: What to do with old computer books? [809d]
- The 68k Wars: The Age of Multimedia (2017) [809d]
- How Southwest Airlines melted down [809d]
- “Why We Sleep” is riddled with scientific and factual errors (2019) [809d]
- A goblet which arbitrates during drinking parties (2019) [809d]
- Reverse-engineering the source prompts of Notion AI [809d]
- Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming (2012) [809d]
- Once upon a time long ago, I was sitting alone in the UCLA ARPANET site #1 [809d]
- Fourteen Discoveries Made About Human Evolution in 2022 [809d]
- Sherlock Holmes will finally escape copyright this weekend [809d]
- Waze tests new alerts warning drivers about roads with a ‘history of crashes’ [809d]
- Alameda wallets become active days after SBF bail, community mulls foul play [809d]
- A seamstress who solved the ancient mystery of the Argonaut [809d]
- More developers use Linux than Mac, according to 2022 StackOverflow survey [809d]
- You might as well timestamp it (2021) [809d]
- The top 1% was the only group to see real wage gains from 2020 to 2021 [809d]
- Ask HN: Whats a Build vs. Buy decision that you got wrong? [809d]
- Jean-Michel Jarre’s Classic ‘Oxygene 4’ Recreated with 19KB of JavaScript [809d]
- A new treatment for arthritis: Vagus-nerve stimulation [809d]
- Log4Shell Still Has Sting in the Tail [809d]
- Directory Opus – King of the Dual Panes [809d]
- Actually using Ed [809d]
- Ask HN: Risk of unsafe software in automobiles? [809d]
- SQLite's Automatic Indexes [809d]
- Pictureworld: A Concept for Future Office Systems (1980) [pdf] [809d]
- Acorn, our open source precision farming rover [809d]
- 8 Hard truths I learned when I got laid off from my SWE job [809d]
- Laid off tech workers quickly find new jobs [809d]
- 26 Programming Languages in 25 Days [809d]
- macOS virtualisation refactored and sandboxed in Viable updates [809d]
- How Novell Netware lost the battle against Windows NT (2013) [809d]
- Police, prosecutors used junk science to decide 911 callers were liars [809d]
- 1491: New revelations of the Americas before Columbus (2005) [809d]
- How the Steam Deck breathes life into underrated old games [809d]
- Facebook addiction increases depression severity among already depressed people [809d]
- Show HN: Listen To The Ocean – JavaScript game w. AI-generated sprites [809d]
- Bra Size Calculator [809d]
- US companies are producing heat pumps that work below -20F [809d]
- Ask HN: Books you read in 2022 and recommend for 2023 [809d]
- Little Free Library [809d]
- Something is happening to Norway (2019) [809d]
- Project Ritos [809d]
- Active Ball Joint Mechanism With 3-DoF Based on Spherical Gear Meshings (2021) [809d]
- Ask HN: Help recall AI-powered personal assitant showcased recently on HN [809d]
- Spin up your development background processes with ease [809d]
- A Guided Introduction to the Free Pascal Language [809d]
- Full 6 DOFs Space Mouse [809d]
- SQL and M4 = Composable SQL [809d]
- Pa – a simple password manager based on age [809d]
- GNU nano is my editor of choice (2021) [809d]
- Why hundreds of thousands of kids in the US dread their 21st birthdays [809d]
- Show HN: Pbproxy – Send your clipboard anywhere you can ssh [809d]
- Amber Ale: Brewing Beer from 45M-Year-Old Yeast (2009) [809d]
- Schooling improves intelligence, socioeconomic/genetic differences not affected [809d]
- Antitrust 101: Tacit Collusion [809d]
- Taking Sex Differences in Personality Seriously (2019) [809d]
- Open Source SMT Pick and Place Hardware and Software [809d]
- Apple Lightning [809d]
- Tesla to run reduced output in Shanghai in January [809d]
- Rogue geoengineering startup attempts to affect atmosphere despite warnings [809d]
- What Is a Wildcard Person? [809d]
- Tesla’s 2022 Collapse Hits 69% After Deepest Selloff Since April [809d]
- Supernormal Stimuli: How the Internet, Junk Food, and Porn Hijacked Our Brains [809d]
- Stable Diffusion macOS native app [809d]
- Emergency dispatch centers fielding dozens of automated 911 calls from iPhones [809d]
- Ask HN: Tricks to enjoy your job more? [809d]
- Stranger Things and the Amiga 1000 [809d]
- The benefits of ‘Dry January’ last longer than a month, studies show [809d]
- I've just started mixing shaders with Pygame and got some great results [809d]
- Apple Japan hit with $98M in back taxes for missing duty-free abuses [809d]
- A checkerboard pattern of inner ear cells enables us to hear [809d]
- Run Stable Diffusion natively on your Mac [809d]
- Ventura Issues [809d]
- Your Cellphone Will Be a Satphone [809d]
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